• 03/26/2017 (9:53:02 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin

Details on the Bus Trip

Thank you for using WrestleCon as your bus service back/forth to Mania.   This should answer all of your questions concerning this trip. If it does not, please write to wrestlecon@gmail.com for additional information.

It is our understanding that Camping World Stadium will not allow general entry until 4:30pm.  There is always activity around the venues prior to Mania, but plan to be outside for several hours if you are taking the 2pm early bus and it will be very warm according to weather forecasts. With traffic, we anticipate the ride to the Stadium will take approximately 30 minutes.

 We will have staff at each of the three hotels with signage so you know exactly where we’re departing (note the Hyatt is a huge hotel and buses line up outside the lower level Convention Center Entrance) .  You will be issued a wrist band that will be your “ticket” onto the bus. These wristbands will also be required on the return trip. When you ordered your ticket, you selected one of three pickup points. If you need to originate from a different pick up point, you do not need to write to us, you can simply go to any of the three.

We have a total of 7 buses headed to Camping World Stadium.   Its important to realize that the bus you take going to Mania will likely not be the same bus you ride on the way back, so you must take all your belongings with you.  If any belongings are left behind, we’ll be taking them to the Hyatt Regency Hotel and placing them in the lost and found.


Headed To Mania

Bus 1: Leaves 2pm from Hyatt

Bus 2: Leaves 2pm from Wyndham

Bus 3: Leaves 2pm from Avanti

Bus 4: Will pickup at all three hotels starting at 2:30pm (Hyatt, Wyndham, then Avanti)

Bus 5: Will pickup at all three hotels starting at 2:45pm (Hyatt, Wyndham, then Avanti)

Bus 6: Will pickup at all three hotels starting at 3pm (Hyatt, Wyndham, then Avanti)

Bus 7: Will pickup at all three hotels starting at 3:15pm (Hyatt, Wyndham, then Avanti)



Bus Parking is in Lot 8.  Unless we are told differently on the day of the event, the buses will park in Lot 8 and you will walk to the stadium from that point. Our buses will remain parked in Lot 8 for the entire duration of Mania and that will be the point you will need to return to get back on the bus. You are welcome to remain on the bus for as long as you’d like, we’ll keep the airconditioning running!


Post Mania:

Return to Bus Parking in Lot 8.  We will depart from the stadium as we fill the buses. Our team will have signage helping you find the correct buses, as they will likely be moved from their original points so we can line up all of our buses in a row. The first 3 buses will only go to a specific hotel and we’ll mark them accordingly.  Buses 4-7 will stop at all three hotels and will depart as the buses fill. Bus #7 will leave exactly 1 hour after Mania is over OR after the last person arrives, whichever happens first. WE have not left anybody behind in prior bus trips, but please don’t arrive 1 hour and 1minute after Mania and be the first! We will offer no refunds to people that are left behind because they failed to return to the buses prior to the one hour.


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