• 08/11/2006 (1:57:19 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Trailer on Court Justice, Smackdown pre-empted, MSG Classics, Brooke, Hulk and more..

Thanks to LTrott3 for this information:
Was surfing the internet and came across this website for a syndicated show coming to tv stations this fall.  It is the latest in the line of court shows with the cases featured originating from trailer parks across America.  The judge for this show is Brian Knobs.  The bailiff is Tamie Sheffield who you may remember as Summer of the Beach Patrol from WOW:Women of Wrestling.   Click here: TRAILER COURT JUSTICE
Find out when you can watch SmackDown in your area
Friday Night SmackDown will be preempted in the following areas. Below are the dates and times you can watch SmackDown:
Friday Night SmackDown for Aug. 11, 2006
New York:
Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
San Francisco: Sat. 8/12 at 2:00 p.m.
Detroit: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Washington D.C.: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Cleveland: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Hartford: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Syracuse: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Lansing: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Grand Rapids: Sat. 8/12 at 9:00 p.m.
Chico: Sat. 8/12 at 8:00 p.m.
Utica: Fri. 8/11 at 10:00 p.m.
Eureka: Sun. 8/13 at 8:00 p.m.

Friday Night SmackDown for Aug. 18, 2006
New York:
Sat. 8/18 at 8:00 p.m.
Los Angeles: Sat. 8/19 at 12:00 a.m.
Detroit: Sat. 8/19 at 8:00 p.m.
Washington D.C.: Sat. 8/19 at 8:00 p.m.
Sacramento: Fri. 8/18 at 10:00 p.m.
Hartford: Sat. 8/19 at 8:00 p.m.
Chico: Sat. 8/19 at 8:00 p.m.
Utica: Fri. 8/18 at 10:00 p.m.
Eureka: Sat. 8/19 at 8:00 p.m.
Thanks to Mike Informer for sending in these articles:
Charleston Daily Mail  He's ready for Smackdown (Shawn Michaels)
No MSG Wrestling Classics show on MSG on August 16th or August 30th.  It will air from 8-10 p.m. on August 23rd.
Wrestling has the distinction of being the first sport mentioned in the Bible and being mentioned more often than any other.
If you like Brooke's song, vote for  Brooke at the above link
Thanks to Jeff Sheridan
Brooke Hogan's "About Us" rating
After clicking this link:
Scroll down till you see:
"The chart's top debut belongs to wrestling hero HULK HOGAN's daughter BROOKE - her collaboration with rapper PAUL WALL enters the Hot 100 at number 53." 

Amsterdam, NY - “The Doctor Is In

The Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame and Museum (PWHF) is pleased to announce that John Pantozzi will be presenting a PWHF Fundraiser on October 7, 2006. The dinner event will feature Dr. D. David Shults. Shults is considered by many wrestling observers to be the most controversial figure in the history of professional wrestling. Since his retirement from the ring approximately fifteen years ago, Shults has only made one public appearance related to wrestling. This event will be an opportunity for the fans from the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania areas to meet with the man who may have been the greatest “heel” of our time. Mr. Pantozzi stated that information regarding ticket sales, exact location, wrestlers attending, and other pertinent information will be released soon Please watch the PWHF website at www.pwhf.org for further details as they become public.

NWL WEEKLY Newsletter, August 11, 2006 - Issue # 372
After clicking this link:
transcript of Hulk on the 8/8 "Showbiz Tonight" show
Scroll down till you see the following:
"Still ahead on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, a kind of window shopping that`s just like a Sci-fi movie. The technology is pretty cool. Stick around to check that out.

Plus, does Hulk Hogan ever regret putting his kids in the spotlight for his reality show? Hulk Hogan coming up in the interview you will see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT."
The chair comes flying in - here it comes - here comes the - yes. And what you didn`t hear is the guest sitting at the table who said, That`s assault. And "That`s Ridiculous!"

Hulk Hogan has had more than a few chairs thrown at him, in and out of the wrestling ring. And out of the ring, his VH-1 reality show "Hogan Knows Best," featuring his wife and kids, is not only a bona fide hit, it`s also helped launched his daughter Brooke`s music career and son Nick`s racecar driving dreams.

Even though Hogan retired from the ring, he just accepted a new wrestling challenge. And the Hulkster joins me now.

Good to see you, Hulk.

HULK HOGAN, PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER: Well, thank you for having me.

ANDERSON: Of course,

Now, you`ve got plans to jump back in the ring again. You`re in your 50s doing things...


ANDERSON: ...that 20 years can`t do.

HOGAN: That`s right.

ANDERSON: Hulkamania still running wild.

HOGAN: Running ragged.

ANDERSON: Running ragged.

HOGAN: There you go.

ANDERSON: What`s the secret?

HOGAN: I don`t know. I think it`s being consistent, you know?


HOGAN: Training and not missing and, you know, I`m pretty dedicated to not working a real job, so I go to that gym just to make sure I don`t have to go the other path. And I`ve been real consistent with the physical stuff. I think that - that made the difference.

ANDERSON: Well, you are a brand name. You were just in New York City hosting a Pokemon video game ....


ANDERSON: ...championship. You`ve got the TV show with your family, "Hogan Knows Best."

Wrestling, a consistently top-rated show on all of cable. What is about wrestling that makes fans so obsessive? Thousands were at that video- game championship.

HOGAN: Well, the wrestling`s pretty basic. It`s not hard to understand; it`s good versus evil. We all know that. And it`s real consistent. You know, you can buy a pay per view for a lot of money and see a very short or very bad boxing match or something. But with wrestling, you`re guaranteed, you know, three hours of entertainment, you know? And I just think that`s been the mainstay, the fact that it`s - you know, people can always make sure they get their - their bucks` worth.

ANDERSON: Listen to this, Hulk: a new study is out that says that teenagers who watch pro wrestling on ...


ANDERSON: ...television are more prone to violent behavior than those who don`t, saying girls are more influenced than boys.

What do you think about all of it? Do you buy it?

HOGAN: Well, I`m sure there`s some truth to that. You know, I don`t know if it`s the big picture, you know? I`m sure there`s a lot of music and - and movies and stuff that people may listen to. The words may be kind of negative, or the - the movies may be violent. I`m sure there`s spin-offs of everything.

But, you know, then there`s also the positive side of things. So it depends on if you`re looking if the glass is half full or half empty. But I really don`t know a whole heck of a lot about it, other than we tell all the kids that this is entertainment, and that the wrestlers are friends. And that the...

ANDERSON: And you seem like a gentle person outside of the ring.

HOGAN: And almost all the wrestlers are just like me. They`re family guys, and it`s - you know, it`s entertainment. It`s not a sport. But the - the endings of the matches are pre-determined.

So I think everybody gets it, you know? I sure hope so.

ANDERSON: Don`t take it too seriously.

HOGAN: That`s right.

ANDERSON: So with your TV show, now your entire family, your - your son, your daughter, your wife - they`re instant celebrities with this television show.

And I got to say, Hulk, it seems to come with the territory of celebrity these days, unfortunately - but I`ve seen on Web sites, taking potshots at your kids.

HOGAN: Oh yes.

ANDERSON: Do you ever regret putting them in the spotlight like this?

HOGAN: Well, I mean, a conscious choice.


HOGAN: And my kids chose their direction kind of early. My daughter chose the singing and music many years ago. And so - my son has always messed with cars and motors. And he wanted to start driving.

So, you know, they`ve done so well in school - home schooling, graduating early, taking college courses - that we let them follow their heart, their dream, what`s in their spirit. The potshots come with the territory.

ANDERSON: Does it bother you? Does it bother them?

HOGAN: Oh, of course it bothers me. And - and my daughter...

ANDERSON: It`s hard.

HOGAN: My daughter`s getting better at it, because the longer she`s in show business, the more she knows, there are the naysayers, the haters. But her music is doing so well, you know, that overshadows any negativity.

ANDERSON: Well, congratulation to her and - and your son...

HOGAN: Oh, thank you.

ANDERSON: ...for his success as well.

All right. You`ve got plans to jump back in the ring, Hulk, with Randy Orton, the Legend Killer?

HOGAN: Yes. That`s...

ANDERSON: One-time thing, or are you planning to do this more and more often?

HOGAN: I take it kind of like it was baseball, inning by inning.

The plan is to wrestle on the 20th of this month. But I got hurt at home in a very nasty accident when I was...

ANDERSON: Hurt your knee.

HOGAN: ...when I was standing up from my couch with a cup of coffee in my hand, my right knee popped and I tore a - a (INAUDIBLE)....


HOGAN: ...tendon. So it - I`m in the - the unknown zone right now. We`re going to wait a few more days, see where I`m at.

But, you know, it`s - the odds are stacked against me. You know, when you`re 50 years old with a knee replacement, hip replacement, now another torn ligament, you shouldn`t be wrestling.

ANDERSON: Well, you still look good, and we`re behind you...

HOGAN: Thank you. That`s all that counts.

ANDERSON: ...sporting you, and we hope you recover from this injury, and that we will see you in the ring again.

Hulk Hogan, thanks so much for joining us.

HOGAN: Want to wrestle?


HOGAN: Very good.

ANDERSON: No way. Thank you so much.

HOGAN: Thank you very much.

ANDERSON: See you later."
PAGE -2-  For transcript of Backyard Wrestling......



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