WWE NEWS: NEW DRUG POLICY- 11/21/2005 (11:39:43 am)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
Here is a statement posted on WWE.com site. I'm assuming with all the main stream publicity on Eddie Guerrero's death and the incident overseas with Eugene being rushed to the hospital, this was bound to happen. I know it has been talked about for a while.
Why did it have to take so long to happen?
And will it apply to everyone?? That's the $64,000 question.
I heard from one source that Eugene (Nick Dinsmore) has been fired, but I see his profile is still on the WWE site.
It's a step in the right direction, if it will truly be enforced. Time will tell. One true sign of a wrestler on steroids is the acne on his back.
BTW: Eugene's autograph signing on 11/26 has been cancelled today.
November 21, 2005
In a joint meeting today with the RAW and SmackDown rosters in the United Kingdom, in Sheffield, Vince McMahon announced that within the next several weeks, a new drug testing policy will be implemented in which performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, etc., recreational drugs, as well as abuse of prescription drugs will be banned. In addition to the new drug testing procedure, there will also be an emphasis on cardiovascular examinations.
The specifics of the drug policy will be announced over the next several weeks. More details to follow. Check with www.WWE.com for the latest information.