• 04/03/2006 (5:32:54 am)
  • Carl Walsh

Some surprises…

Report by: Carl Walsh of PowerWrestling.com

WWE WrestleMania 22 Results - 04/02/06
Chicago, Illinois

WWE WrestleMania 22 Opener:

We are taken live to the arena with Howard Finkel asking the crowd to rise as Chicago’s own Michelle Williams from Destiny’s Child sings the National Anthem. We then go into a video package looking back at previous WrestleMania’s, which was a really well done package. We are then taken to shots of Chicago as we enter another package looking at this years big matches. The fireworks then went off in the arena as its WrestleMania time! Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the sold out All-State Arena!

World Tag Team Championship Match
Referee: Chad Patton

Carlito and Chris Masters vs. Kane and The Big Show (c)

The music of Carlito hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduce us to Michael Cole and Tazz who will be calling the Smackdown side of things tonight. Chris Master’s then made his entrance, and he and Carlito will be getting their shot at the World Tag Team Titles here tonight against the biggest team of all time, the Big Show and Kane!

The start:

Kane and Chris Masters kicked things off with a tie up and Masters grabbed a side headlock. Kane sent him to the ropes but Masters came back with a shoulder block but then Kane nailed a dropkick! Show gave Masters a headbutt from the apron and then tagged in. Show chopped away at Masters, and then silenced the crowd to deliver some more breathtaking chops to the Masterpiece.

Mid-match notes:

Show nailed a slam but then Masters came back with an eye rake and tagged in Carlito. Carlito tried to work the arm but then Show picked him up by the arm and crotched him over the top rope and bounced him up and down. Masters then came in but was knocked down by Show and then he press slammed the Masterpiece. Show then press slammed Carlito right over the top rope onto Masters on the outside. Kane then headed up top and came flying off with a clothesline onto Masters and Carlito on the outside! Show pulled Carlito onto the apron by his hair and then bealed him back into the ring. Show was hit with a dropkick to the knee by Carlito and then Masters and Carlito nailed a flapjack for a near fall. The turnbuckle was exposed for some reason, and Show’s head went right into it right before the flapjack.

Masters tagged in and he and Carlito went for a double suplex, but Show reversed and suplexed both men. Kane tagged in and nailed both men with right hands and then a huge back body drop on Carlito. Masters was given a slam and then Kane nailed some mounted punches on Carlito in the corner. Kane charged at Masters with a clothesline in the corner, and went to give Carlito some of the same but he got his boot up. Kane came back with a side walk slam on Carlito and then headed up top and came off with a clothesline to Masters, but Masters side stepped and locked in the Master Lock! Show came in and gave Masters a boot to the face to break the hold. Show sent Master’s head first into the exposed turnbuckle while Carlito gave Kane a back cracker.

The Finish:

Show picked up Carlito by the throat but Masters hit a chop block from behind. Kane grabbed both men by the throat but they fought him off. Kane nailed a big boot to Masters and then an uppercut to Carlito and went for the chokeslam but Masters came in off the top but nailed Carlito by mistake. Kane sent Masters to the outside and then gave Carlito the chokeslam for the win!

Winners and still World Tag Team Champions, Kane and the Big Show

The Aftermath:

Carlito and Masters argued after the match and the fans chanted “Carlito” but nothing came of it.


Coach is backstage and introduced Shawn Michaels. Coach said back on December 26, he walked into the ring and told Mr. McMahon to grow up and move on but that led to the road of living hell. Michaels said it was the truth and he never regrets telling the truth. He said life is pretty funny, last year he and Angle stole the show. The year before that, he, Triple H and Chris Benoit did the same. He said tonight will be violent and tonight is going to get ugly. Tonight you won’t get the Heart Break Kid of 1995 or 2006; he’s going somewhere he hasn’t been before, so he better pray to god to save him because McMahon will endue his own personal hell!

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs.
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair vs. Rob Van Dam

The music of Matt Hardy hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring and it’s time for Money In The Bank! Shelton Benjamin then made his way to the ring as the Intercontinental Champion, followed by Finlay. We have all the announcers on hand for this Interpromotional Match as the next participant made his entrance, and it’s Rob Van Dam. Bobby Lashley was out next, followed by the Nature Boy, and we are set to go!

The start:

We are underway with a big brawl in the middle of the ring as the fans chanted for RVD. Lashley hit a huge clothesline on Finlay in the corner and then gave Flair a press slam. Benjamin came in with a kick to Lashley as Matt Hardy retrieved a ladder but Van Dam hit a baseball slide and then a corkscrew plancha onto the ladder and Hardy!

Mid-match notes:

Benjamin nailed Finlay with the ladder and then set it up against the ropes and climbed right up the ladder with a running senton onto Lashley, Hardy and Van Dam on the outside! In the ring, and Finlay is setting up the ladder but Flair comes in and slams Finlay head first into the ladder. Flair started to climb but then Hardy came in and he and Flair traded some shots on the ladder and Hardy nailed a suplex on Flair off the top of the ladder! Flair was in pain as both referees checked on him and gave the X sign and he’s hurt, and he could be hurt bad. Some trainers came out and they helped him to the back and he seems to have hurt his knee. Back in the ring and RVD gave Shelton a drop toe hold onto the ladder and then went for the rolling thunder but Shelton moved and RVD went back first into it. Lashley is setting up the ladder and started to climb.

Lashley reached but Shelton came up the other side and traded shots and then Shelton flipped over and went for a powerbomb, and got some help from Finlay and Hardy to powerbomb Lashley off the ladder! Shelton nailed some right hands to Finlay as more RVD chants started up. Hardy came in with right hands on Finlay and then grabbed a ladder and put it in front of Finlay in the corner and charged at him, but Finlay threw the ladder at him. Finlay then nailed Lashley with the ladder, and then Rob Van Dam. Finlay’s in full control as Flair made his way back down to the ring, hobbling. Flair nailed chops on Finlay and then tossed him into the barricade. Flair got in the ring and set up the ladder and started to climb but Hardy came in and was given a chop. Benjamin then came in and Flair nailed him with chops and Hardy too. Flair fought off both men and started to climb again and we reached up and grabbed the case but then Finlay climbed up and nailed Flair with his shillelagh!

Finlay went to grab the case but then Benjamin climbed up and they traded shots and then Lashley came in and hit the ladder with a ladder of his own sending both men toppling. Lashley nailed the Dominator on Benjamin and then started his ascent up the ladder. Van Dam came out of nowhere with a Van Daminator on Lashley’s back! Hardy is in and grabbed a ladder and set it up in the corner and started to climb and came off with the leg drop on Lashley! Hardy set up the ladder in the middle of the ring and started to climb and he has his hands on the case but then Finlay grabbed him and climbed up and then Hardy nailed the side effect off the ladder! RVD climbed the ladder in the corner and went right to the top and came off with a splash on Finlay!

The Finish:

ECW chants filled the arena as Van Dam started to climb and he has a hand on the case but then Benjamin came from nowhere and landed right on the ladder! Benjamin nailed right hands and then Hardy set up a ladder next to it and started to climb but Benjamin nailed him and went over to that ladder and they traded shots but RVD tipped it and both toppled to the outside! RVD is on top of the ladder and grabbed the case!

Winner - Rob Van Dam


Josh Mathews is backstage and congratulates Rob Van Dam, and then he brings in the man to become the first announcer inducted into the Hall of Fame, Mean Gene Okerlund. Gene said he had a lot of fun last night, and then Randy Orton came in and shoved Okerlund out of the way. Orton said he was inducted into the Hall of Fame for holding a microphone. Orton said he will be inducted for nights like this when he beats Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Batista then comes up behind Orton! Batista says it’s a big night, and he hates to ruin it but it doesn’t matter who wins, because whoever wins is just holding the title till he comes back, and he’ll be back pretty soon. Batista said by WrestleMania 23, he’ll be World Heavyweight Champion again!

In the arena:

Howard Finkel is in the arena and says that Bret Hart was uncomfortable participating in tonight’s event, but then introduced the rest of the 2006 Inductees. First out was Mean Gene Okerlund, Sensational Sherri accompanied by Ted DiBiase. Tony Atlas was out next, followed by Verne Gagne with Kristal on his arm. Next out was William Perry with Melina on his arm, and then the Blackjacks with Maria and then Eddie Guerrero represented by Vickie Guerrero, with Chavo on her arm. The fans erupted into a huge “Eddie” chant and then chanted “Thank You Eddie!”

United States Championship Match
Referee: Nick Patrick

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Chris Benoit (c)

The music of John Bradshaw Layfield hit in the arena, and the damn stage lifted right up as the limo made it’s way out, like a garage. Pretty cool entrance. Bradshaw then emerged from the limo with Jillian Hall, and he will be getting his shot at the United States Championship here tonight against Chris Benoit.

The start:

Bradshaw and Benoit tied up and Bradshaw backed him to the corner but Benoit came back with right hands. Bradshaw grabbed a side headlock but Benoit sent him to the ropes and Bradshaw came back with a shoulder. Benoit nailed a drop toe hold and went for the Crossface right off the bat but JBL fought it and Benoit nailed headbutts to the back of the neck and then Bradshaw made the ropes.

Mid-match notes:

Bradshaw came back with a side headlock and then Benoit reversed into a leg lock and nailed forearms to the back of the neck. Benoit lit Bradshaw up with some chops in the corner and then followed up with a whip to the other corner and charged in but Bradshaw got his boot up. Benoit nailed an arm drag and then a double leg and went for the Sharpshooter but Bradshaw kicked him off. Bradshaw went to the outside and put Jillian in front of him and then thumbed the eyes of Benoit and sent him back into the ring. Bradshaw clubbed the back of Benoit and then nailed a boot to the face. Bradshaw nailed some right hands in the corner and then kicked Benoit right in the head. Bradshaw whipped Benoit to the corner and charged in but Benoit moved and then nailed the rolling German’s to the power of three.

Benoit headed up top for the head butts but Bradshaw knocked the referee into the rope and it crotched Benoit. Bradshaw mocked Eddie Guerrero and then went up for a superplex but Benoit fought him off and then Bradshaw nailed more shots and hit the superplex. A “Let’s go Benoit” chant started up and Bradshaw covered him for two. Bradshaw mocked Eddie again and then nailed a suplex and held on, and he’s doing the three amigos but Benoit blocked the third with some knees to the gut and then right hands. Benoit then ran right into a big boot from Bradshaw for two and then followed up with a forearm shot to the spine before locking in a rear naked choke. Benoit fought up and nailed a back suplex on Bradshaw. Benoit nailed right hands and then hit a suplex, and this time he hit the three amigos. Benoit headed up top for the headbutt and flew through the air and connected!

The Finish:

Benoit covered but Bradshaw kicked up at two. Benoit missed a splash in the corner and went for a German but Bradshaw grabbed the referee to block it. Benoit then walked into a back elbow and Bradshaw went for the Clothesline from Hell but Benoit side stepped and went for the Crossface and he got it locked in and Bradshaw rolled it over and grabbed the ropes and the referee counted the pin!

Winner and new United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Official Theme Song:

They plugged “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel as the official theme song for the show, and it’s available right now.

Hardcore Match
Referee: Mickey Henson

Mick Foley vs. Edge

Jim Ross welcomed Joey Styles to the booth and he’ll be calling this one with the King as he knows a lot about Hardcore. The music of Edge then hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Lita and a baseball bat in hand. Mick Foley then made his way to the ring and this one should be brutal.

The start:

We are underway and Foley nailed Edge with right hands in the corner and then hit the double arm bulldog sending Edge into the canvas. Foley tied Edge in the tree of woe and then dived at him with a elbow to the face. Edge came back with a clothesline on Foley and Lita tossed in a cookie sheet and Edge nailed Foley hard in the head with it, twice. Edge then nailed Foley with a larger cookie sheet and Foley dropped like a fly.

Mid-match notes:

Edge slammed a sign into the face of Foley, and then charged at Foley with the spear! Edge connected but Edge seems to be hurt worse then Foley, and then Foley pulled off his shirt and he’s covered in barbwire! Edge’s shoulder is bleeding as Foley cut the wire off with wire cutters and nailed Edge with it. Foley drove the wire into the bare body of Edge. Edge got tied up in the ropes and Foley went to the outside and looked under the ring steps and pulled out the baseball bat covered in barbwire! Foley got back in the ring and Lita jumped on his back but Foley ran right into Edge with the Cactus Clothesline and all three of them toppled to the outside and Foley covered for two.

Foley hit a running neckbreaker on Edge on the outside for another two and then nailed Edge with a series of right hands up against the ring steps, and then he charged at Edge but Edge gave him a hip toss right into the steel steps! Edge nailed right hands and then whipped Foley knee first into the steps and Foley went flying. Edge tossed Foley back into the ring and grabbed a steel chair. Edge gave Foley a baseball slide to send him outside and then looked under the ring and it’s table time. Edge set up the table and laid Foley on it. Edge headed up top and Foley rolled off the table so Edge went back down to work on him some more, and slammed him back of the head first into the steel ramp which made a sick noise.

Back in the ring and Edge has lighter fluid! Edge covered Foley in the fluid and Foley tried to fight back with right hands and then levelled him with the stump puller piledriver for a two count. Foley grabbed the cookie sheet and put it under the head of Edge and then grabbed the steel chair and went for a conchairto but he was distracted by Lita and Edge nailed him with a DDT onto the chair. Edge grabbed the barbwire bat and nailed Foley in the mid section with it, and then the back. Edge then nailed Foley right between the eyes and Foley is busted. Edge ripped into the head of Foley with the barbwire and then gave him a bulldog right into the damn thing for two!

Edge went to the outside and looked under the ring steps where the barbwire bat was hidden, and then pulled out a bag of thumbtacks and scattered them all over the ring. Edge gave Foley some right hands in the corner and went to slam Foley into the tacks but Foley reversed with a back suplex and Edge’s back is covered in tacks! Foley then pulled out Mr. Socko and wrapped him in barbwire and shoved him down the gullet of Edge! Lita came in and she was given some of the same and she’s bleeding the chin. Foley grabbed the barbwire bat and nailed Edge in the gut with it and then in the back! Foley hit Edge right between the eyes with the bat and Edge is busted. Foley drove the barbwire bat right into the head of Edge and then started laughing.

The Finish:

Foley wrenched the barbwire across the forehead of Edge, and then he grabbed the lighter fluid and went over to the table that was set up earlier. Foley covered it in fluid and then Lita came from nowhere and hit Foley in the knee with the barbwire bat! Lita covered the table in fluid and then set it alight and then Edge spears Foley off the apron through the flaming table! Holy shit! Edge crawled over and covered for the win!

Winner - Edge

The Aftermath:

The bloody Edge was helped to the back by Lita as Foley pulled himself to his feet and he’s looks quite shaken. Foley gets a standing ovation as he makes his way to the back, and Foley looks quite pleased and maybe he has his defining WrestleMania moment.


Booker T and Sharmell are shown in the back and Sharmell said she’s scared. Booker said he ain’t no freak magnet as Paul Burchill is shown and he’s playing with his sword. Eugene is then shown playing basketball and DiBiase said he doesn’t get the money. Booker looks weirded out and Snitsky is shown licking Mae Young’s foot! Booker then arrived at Goldust and I don’t know what he’s meant to be. Goldust said Booker needs some help, and Goldust said they are all here because they are all freaks, and Booker needs to let out his inner freak because it’s the only way he’ll beat the Boogeyman. Goldust said the Boogeyman puts those nasty worms in his mouth, but he thinks maybe Booker should put them in his…Goldust whispered to Booker and Booker got pissed and said let’s get the hell out of here! Great segment.

In the arena:

Todd Grisham is out in the crowd and he has Cynthia and Michelle with him, and they are the winners of the Snickers Sweepstakes. NFL Hall of Famer, Joe Theissman is shown in the crowd, and then Michelle Williams from Destiny’s Child.

Handicap Match
Referee: Charles Robinson

Booker T and Sharmell vs. The Boogeyman

The music of Booker T hit in the arena as he and his wife Sharmell made their way to the ring and Sharmell and Booker got scared to death when his own pyro went off! Booker looked under the ring before the match. Boogeyman’s music then hit as he crawled up the aisle and then jigged his way to the ring.

The start:

Booker got out of the ring and he’s having Sharmell start the match! Booker then jumped Boogey from behind and Sharmell tagged out. Booker nailed right hands and clubs to the back in the corner and then stomped away. Boogey then choked Booker but Booker came back with a side kick for two. The arena is filled with smoke by the way.

Mid-match notes:

Booker choked Boogey over the bottom rope and then worked him over in the corner. Boogey came back and went for a clothesline but Booker caught him with the Book End and covered but Boogey kicked out. Boogey fought back with right hands and then a double arm thrust. Booker went for the Scissors Kick but Boogey moved and nailed a forearm.

The Finish:

Boogey sent Booker shoulder first into the ring posts and then pulled a handful of worms from his pocket and ate them. Sharmell grabbed Boogey’s stick and went to hit her, but he kissed her with the worms! Sharmell freaked out and ran to the back and then Booker missed a splash in the corner and got hit with a double choke slam and covered for the win.

Winner - The Boogeyman

The Aftermath:

The Boogeyman filled up on more worms and made his way to the back.

Women’s Championship Match
Referee: Jack Doan

Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus (c)

The music of Mickie James hit in the arena as she made her way down to the ring and she’ll be facing her former idol, Trish Stratus, for the Women’s Championship.

The start:

The two tied up and Mickie with a go behind and slammed Trish in the back of the head but Trish nailed a back elbow and then some forearm shots followed by the Thesz press and then some right hands. Trish stomped away at Mickie in the corner and then nailed her with a chop. Trish nailed more chops in the corner and then Mickie went for a side kick but Trish grabbed the leg and pulled Mickie and forced her to do the splits.

Mid-match notes:

Mickie rolled to the outside and Trish gave her a dropkick through the ropes and then went for a kick on the outside but Mickie moved and Trish nailed the ring post. Mickie sent Trish back inside and wrapped her leg around the ring post. Trish and Mickie traded right hands in the ring and then Mickie nailed a low dropkick to the knee. Mickie hit a snap on the knee and covered for two as the fans chanted “Let’s Go Mickie”. Mickie worked over the leg in the corner around the ropes and then Trish kicked her off but Mickie came back with a stomp and then drove the knee right into the mat.

Mickie locked in a half Boston crab and then pulled the hair and the referee forced the break and then Mickie covered for two. Mickie continued to work the leg and tied Trish up in the ropes again and stomped right down on the back of the knee. Mickie is mega over here tonight. Mickie went back to the leg and with a knee hold but then Trish countered with a whirly bird headscissors. Trish came back with forearm shots and Trish is getting booed! Trish nailed a clothesline and then a spinebuster for a near fall. Trish went for a splash in the corner but Mickie got both feet up and then headed up top but then Trish flipped up for the Stratusphere but Mickie countered and covered for two.

The Finish:

Mickie went for a single leg but Trish countered into a small cradle for two. Mickie went for a headscissors in the corner but Trish came back with a running powerbomb for two! Trish nailed right hands and then did the MaTrish to miss a clothesline and then went for the Stratusfaction but Mickie then licked Trish in the lower areas and freaked Trish out. Mickie then went for Stratusfaction but botched it and nailed Trish with a Mick Kick and covered for the win!

Winner and new Women’s Champion, Mickie James


Mr. McMahon is shown with Linda, Stephanie and Shane in the back. McMahon is flexing his muscles and he said he’s going to take Michaels’ advice and they are going to have a McMahon Family prayer. They got on their knees and McMahon said God, let’s face it, he doesn’t like him, and he doesn’t like Vince. He defied every law he ever had and has been very successful, and he knows he and Michaels are very close. He said he is going to send Shawn Michaels into the depths of hell.

Casket Match
Mark Henry vs. The Undertaker

The music of the druids hit as they wheeled the casket down to ringside and it’s time for the Casket Match. The music of Mark Henry hit as he made his way down, looking to end the WrestleMania undefeated streak of his opponent tonight, the Undertaker. Daivari is not here tonight after being taken out by the Undertaker at Saturday Nights Main Event. The Undertaker then made his entrance and we are set to go.

The start:

Henry attacked Taker from behind and hammered him with right hands in the corner. Henry nailed a head butt and then a club to the back and more right hands. Henry sent Taker to the corner and charged in but ate a boot and then nailed a clothesline, and another, but Henry didn’t fall. Henry then nailed Taker with a clothesline of his own, and choked away at the Deadman.

Mid-match notes:

Henry hit his splash to Taker going through the middle rope and went to send him into the ring steps but Taker blocked and sent Henry head first into the steps. Henry came back sending Taker into the ring steps head first and then sent him back into the ring. The fans chanted for Undertaker and Henry choked Taker some more. Taker came back with right hands and then worked the arm and went for Old School but Henry hit a right hand to the mid section and drove an elbow into the back of the neck. Henry hit some knees to the gut and then asked for the casket to be opened. Henry choked Taker and tried to push him into the casket but Taker blocked with a low blow. Henry nailed right hands in the corner and then sent Taker to the other corner and charged in but ate boot again. Taker worked the arm and then nailed Old School.

Taker went for an STO but Henry blocked and pushed Taker down hard. Henry asked for the casket to be opened again as he choked Taker over the middle rope and he charged at Taker but Taker moved and Henry landed feet first in the casket! Taker is now in there too and Henry started to beat down the Undertaker but then Taker grabbed him by the throat and then hit a back elbow to the face. Henry rolled out of the casket and Taker followed into the ring. Taker hit some right hands and then dived at Henry, but he was caught in mid air and driven into the mat! Henry went for a cover on instinct and then asked for the casket to be opened again. Henry rolled Taker into the casket and he did so, but then Taker hung Henry up on the second rope and climbed back out of the box.

The Finish:

Taker nailed right hands and then a headbutt but Henry came back with a clothesline. Henry worked over Taker in the corner and then went for some mounted punches but then Taker dropped him with a powerbomb! Taker threw Henry on top of the casket and then dived over the top rope and over the casket onto Henry on the outside! Taker sent Henry back into the ring and picked him up for the Tombstone and he nailed it! They opened the casket and Henry was rolled into the casket and the lid was shut.

Winner - The Undertaker

The Aftermath:

The Undertaker celebrated his victory and he’s now 14-0 at WrestleMania! Pyro went off on the ring posts as the Druids came back and wheeled the casket to the back.

No Holds Barred
Referee: Jack Doan

Mr. McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

It’s No Holds Barred time as Shawn Michaels music hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring and the highway to hell has arrived in Chicago as he faces Mr. McMahon! McMahon has a board at ringside and uncovered it and it was his Muscle and Fitness cover.

The start:

Michaels jumped McMahon on the outside and nailed him with some chops and then sent him head first into the announce table. Michaels tossed McMahon right over the table and he knocked JR over and then hammered away with right hands on the table and choked him with a television wire. Michaels hit McMahon in the head with a microphone and then went over the Muscle and Fitness over and brought it into the ring with him and nailed McMahon in the head with it.

Mid-match notes:

The Spirit Squad hit the ring and they all jumped Michaels and beat him down. They all picked him up and slammed him back down to the canvas and pranced around. Kenny went for the top rope leg drop but Michaels moved. Mitch missed a shot with the loudspeaker and Michaels then nailed all of them in the head with it. Michaels tossed Kenny flying over the top into the rest of the Squad and then spat on them but McMahon came from behind and levelled Michaels, and he’s bleeding above his eye. McMahon nailed some knees to the mid section in the corner, and then some shoulders before choking away on the Heartbreak Kid.

McMahon took off his belt and whipped Michaels in the back with it repeatedly. McMahon then choked Michaels with the belt. Michaels fought back with a chop, but then McMahon clotheslined Michaels with the belt. McMahon ran around the ring like an idiot, and then started to tune up the band but Michaels blocked the kick and then nailed right hands and chops and then a flying forearm. Michaels nipped up and grabbed the belt and whipped away at McMahon. Michaels nailed a body slam and then headed up top and came off with the elbow.

Michaels started to tune the band and went for Sweet Chin Music but Shane hit the ring and nailed Michaels in the back with a kendo stick. Shane danced around the ring and then pulled out some handcuffs. Michaels then took his pants off and gyrated around and Shane went to shove Michaels head into his ass, but Michaels fought him off and shoved Shane into his ass and Vince thought it was Shawn! Michaels low blowed Vince and then clotheslined Shane to the outside and grabbed the headcuffs and cuffed Shane to the ring rope! Michaels grabbed the key from Shane and then tossed it into the crowd and mocked Shane by dancing around and then went postal on him with the kendo stick!

Michaels looked under the ring and bought out a steel chair and levelled Vince right in the head with it and it’s all dented up! McMahon is busted open as Michaels tuned the band yet again and went for Chin Music but then stopped and rolled to the outside. Michaels went back under the ring and pulled out a ladder! Michaels got the ladder in the ring and ran McMahon down with it, right in his head. McMahon is busted bad as Michaels tuned the band again and again stopped on the Chin Music. Michaels shoved McMahon over and again went under the ring and out came a trash can, times two, and a table. Michaels nailed McMahon in the head with the trash can and then set up the table.

Michaels laid McMahon on the table and then set up the ladder in the corner and climbed up and then stopped and climbed back down. Michaels then tossed the ladder to the outside and nailed Shane in the head and went under the ring and pulled out an even bigger ladder! Michaels set up the ladder in the corner and Vince is still laid out on the table. This ladder is gigantic. Michaels got McMahon off the table and nailed him with right hands in the head and then put the trash can over his head and put him back on the table. Shawn started to climb the ladder and flew right off and did the DX chop before flying off with an elbow into the trash can and McMahon and through the table! Holy shit!

The Finish:

Trainers made their way to ringside and Michaels made his way to his feet. Michaels threw the ladder to the outside and we wouldn’t let the doctor in the ring. Michaels did the DX chop to Shane McMahon and then spat on him! Michaels pulled McMahon up and got right in his face and told him he’s going to knock his teeth down his throat, and did just that with Sweet Chin Music for the one, the two and the three!

Winner - Shawn Michaels

The Aftermath:

McMahon was loaded on a stretcher and pushed to the back, and gave Shawn the finger was he was being pushed up the aisle. Michaels kissed his wife in the crowd before making his way to the back.

WrestleMania 23:

WrestleMania will come to us next year from Ford Field in Detroit on April 1, 2007!

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Triple Threat Match
Referee: Charles Robinson

Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle (c)

POD are playing live in the arena as Rey Mysterio makes his way down to the ring and they are high up on the stage. Rey made his way to the back and had this funky head dress on when he re-emerged up with POD. The music of Randy Orton then hit as the Legend Killer made his way to the ring, followed by the World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle, who had major pyro as he entered the ring.

The start:

Orton grabbed the belt from the referee and nailed Angle in the head with it before the bell and he and Rey then went at it and Orton sent Rey to the corner but Rey went for a springboard but Orton nailed him with a mid air dropkick for two. Angle is back in and nailed a German, but Orton blocked the second. Rey then went for a bulldog on Orton but Angle nailed a German on both men at the same time and Rey went flying across the ring!

Mid-match notes:

Orton hit a neckbreaker on Angle for two and then Angle came back with a overhead belly to belly. Angle got Orton on the top rope and then Rey came in and sent Angle head first into Orton’s crotch. Rey knocked Angle down and then Angle propelled Rey into Orton on the top and Rey nailed a huricanrana and then Angle took Rey down for two! Angle suplexed Orton back into the ring and covered for another two count and then went for the Ankle Lock but Rey came back in and was given a clothesline by Angle for two. Angle went for a sunset flip but Rey rolled through and hit a kick to the head for two. Rey hit a tilt a whirl headscissors on Angle and Rey is getting booed. Rey went for the 619 but Angle caught him in the ankle lock. Rey is tapping but the referee is distracted with Orton who has a chair.

Angle knocked Orton off the apron and went back to the ankle lock but Orton came in and knocked Angle down. Angle and Orton traded right hands and then Angle nailed a German. Angle hit another German on Rey flipping him over, and then another to Orton. Angle nailed the Angle Slam on Mysterio over the top to the outside and then locked in the ankle lock on Orton! Orton tried to make the ropes but Angle pulled him back in and Orton tapped but Mysterio has the referee. Angle breaks the hold and knocked Rey down and locked in the ankle lock again but Rey came in with a drop of the dime onto Angle for a near fall. Rey worked over Angle in the corner and then Angle came back sending Rey shoulder first into the ring post and to the outside. Angle went for the Angle Slam on Orton but Orton reversed into the RKO but Angle kicked out! Orton went up top but Angle sprung up there and nailed a belly to belly on Orton from the top.

The Finish:

Rey then nailed a 619 around the ring post on Angle and then a seated senton and a roll up for two on Angle! Orton is back up and kicked Angle to the outside and then hit a gutwrench into a neckbreaker for two. Orton stalked Mysterio but then Angle came from behind with the Angle Slam for two! Angle stalked Rey and went for the Angle Slam but Rey reversed into an arm drag sending Angle outside and then hit the 619 on Orton! Rey hit the West Coast Pop on Orton and Rey has won!

Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio

The Aftermath:

Rey Mysterio can’t believe it as he hugs the title and his dreams have come true at WrestleMania! His family were shown as ringside applauding. Chavo and Vickie Guerrero came out and celebrated with Rey! What a moment.


Both Triple H and John Cena are shown preparing for the main event tonight with the WWE Championship on the line. Cena is getting mega boos here in Chicago. Triple H is then shown getting ready to a mixed reaction and JR played up the high life of Triple H against the working class Cena.

Playboy Pillow Fight
Referee: Mickie Henson

Candice Michelle vs. Torrie Wilson

The music of Candice Michelle hit in the arena as she made her way down to the ring for this first ever Playboy Pillow Fight against Torrie Wilson.

The start:

We’re underway as the two catfight on the bed and roll around the ring. Torrie nailed Candice with a suplex and then back dropped her right onto the bed. Torrie flipped the bed over on Candice and then jumped up and down on it with Candice underneath. Torrie shoved Chloe’s ass into Candice’s face. Torrie ripped off Candice’s gown and then sent her to the corner and ran in but ate Candice’s feet.

The Finish:

Candice choked Torrie with her legs upside down over the ropes and then did the Go Daddy dance. Candice snapmared Torrie onto the bed as the fans chanted boring. Candice came off the ropes onto Torrie on the bed and then pulled some scissors out of a purse and cut off Torrie’s dress. Candice went under the bed and pulled out her Playboy and then sent Torrie to the corner but Torrie moved and rolled up Candice for the win.

Winner - Torrie Wilson

WrestleMania Press Conference:

Footage was shown of the WrestleMania Press Conference from Friday with comments from Triple H saying this will be the easiest match of his life, and John Cena saying that it’s not about how much champions are admired, but how they stand up against adversity.

WWE Championship Match
Referee: Michael Chioda

Triple H vs. John Cena (c)

Behold the King, the King of Kings…Triple H’s brand new music hit in the arena as he emerged from the stage in a chair and Triple H has gone all Conan the Barbarian. The music stopped and then his normal music hit as the Game made his way down to the ring. What in the world is he wearing? A video of the great depression then hit with Chicago’s gangsters, whether you loved or hated them, they sacrificed everything. Some music then hit as the stage lifted up and Cena made his way out in a gangster car and some guys with guns came out, and then Cena’s music hit as he made his entrance in gangster getup. Cena fired a gun into the air and it’s time for the main event!

The start:

Cena and Triple H locked it up and Triple H grabbed a side headlock and then a hammerlock. Cena reversed but Triple H with a go behind to escape. Triple H laughed and they locked up again and Triple H worked the arm with the wrist lock into a hammerlock and shoved Cena down, and Cena looks frustrated. Another lock up and the fans are nuts here for this one as Triple H backed Cena to the corner and gave Cena a knee to the gut.

Mid-match notes:

Triple H hit an elbow in the corner and then Cena went for an FU out of nowhere but Triple H dropped out the back and hit a huge right hand to knock Cena down. The fans chanted for Triple H as they locked up again and Cena was tossed to the outside. Cena came back in with right hands and worked Triple H over in the corner and then sent him to the corner and nailed a back drop for two. Cena nailed a fisherman’s suplex for another two count and then locked in a rear naked choke. Triple H fought out and backed Cena to the corner and went for a right hand but Cena blocked and hit right hands of his own. Cena then sent Triple H hard to the corner and Triple H flipped over the top to the outside!

Cena followed out and Triple H gave him a thumb to the eye and then went up the aisle with Cena, but Cena back dropped him onto the steel stage. Cena sent Triple H back into the ring and covered for one, and then hammered away with more right hands. Triple H came back with a high knee and then hammered away with right hands on the WWE Champion. Triple H choked at Cena and then headed to the outside and whipped Cena right into the ring steps. Triple H nailed a straight right hand to the jaw and then sent Cena back into the ring where he covered for a two count. Triple H nailed a suplex and then scored with a knee drop for another two count.

Cena fought back with a shot to the gut and then some right hands but then Triple H came back with the facebuster and then a vicious clothesline for two. Triple H nailed a neckbreaker and again got two. Cena fought back with some kicks to the gut and then some right hands but then Triple H came back with a swinging neckbreaker for another near fall. Triple H locked in a neck vice but Cena fought out but then found himself in a sleeper. Cena fought out again and backed Triple H to the corner and broke clean but then ran into a Triple H boot. Cena then came back with a flying clothesline and right hands and then Triple H kicked him in the gut but ran into another clothesline. Cena nailed a powerslam and then a spinning powerbomb. Cena went for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Triple H got up and hit a spinebuster for two! Cena

came back with a flying shoulder, and another, and then landed in a sleeper but Cena reversed into a modified side suplex. Cena hit the five knuckle shuffle and hit a drop toe hold and locked in the STFU! Triple H crawled towards the ropes and finally made it. Cena stalked Triple H and went for the FU but Triple H blocked and shoved Cena to the corner and the referee got squashed. Triple H then gave both of them a low blow in one fowl swoop! Triple H mocked Cena and then gave him the DX crotch chop. Triple H went under the ring and pulled out the sledgehammer. Triple H went to nail Cena but Cena fought him off with right hands, but then ran right into a sledgehammer shot from the Game. Triple H crawled into a cover and the referee is coming to and made the count but Cena kicked out! Triple H covered again but Cena kicked out yet again!

The Finish:

Triple H went for the Pedigree but Cena back dropped out of it. Cena went for the FU and he nailed it! One, Two, kickout! Cena can’t believe it! Cena went up top for a cross body but Triple H ducked and then went for the Pedigree but Cena stepped through and locked in the STFU again! Triple H screamed in pain and he’s close the to the ropes and he looks to have passed out! The referee checked his arm but he says alive on the third check but then he had no choice but to tap out!

Winner and still WWE Champion, John Cena

The Aftermath:

Cena celebrated his victory and the crowd was not happy that Cena has retained his WWE Championship here tonight. We then go into a video recap of the show before going off the air.

WWE WrestleMania - Quick Match Results

- Tag Titles: Kane and Big Show def. Chris Masters and Carlito to retain
- MITB: RVD def. Benjamin, Lashley, Flair, Finlay and Matt Hardy
- US Title: John Bradshaw Layfield def. Chris Benoit to win the title
- Hardcore Match: Edge def. Mick Foley
- Handicap: The Boogeyman def. Booker T and Sharmell
- Women’s Title: Mickie James def. Trish Stratus
- Casket Match: The Undertaker def. Mark Henry
- No Holds Barred: Shawn Michaels def. Mr. McMahon
- World Title: Rey Mysterio def. Randy Orton and Kurt Angle to win the title
- Playboy Pillow Fight: Torrie Wilson def. Candice Michelle
- WWE Title: John Cena def. Triple H to retain

Report by: Carl Walsh of PowerWrestling.com


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