• 12/20/2017 (10:11:47 pm)
  • Bob Mulrenin
We are very proud to announce Club WWN. The way you watch The WWN Family has just gotten affordable, easy and filled with perks. Let’s get to it….
December 20th: The WWNLive.com Club WWN is a monthly subscription service and loyalty program. Here’s the details:
-The monthly rate is only $9.99 per month to get 24/7 unlimited VOD access to eight WWN Family brands including EVOLVE, SHINE, Dragon Gate USA, FIP, Style Battle and more. There are already over 360 events available!
-You will get the first month FREE if you sign up by January 31st! You can try out the service at no risk and cancel anytime.
-You get 50% off live WWN Family brand iPPVs! This makes the live option only $5 and live & VOD option only $7.50!
-WWN Family brand events will be added to Club WWN VOD approximately two weeks after they happen!
-Earn points for every dollar you spend on anything in the WWNLive.com Shop including PWG and Kayfabe Commentaries! You also get points for WWN Family live event tickets! These points can be redeemed for any WWN Family brand item at WWNLive.com, including the latest iPPVs and Blu-rays! The more you spend, the more free stuff you can get! Your Club WWN subscription even counts towards points!
-There will be surprise perks, too!
-If you have any questions please email Help@WWNLive.com. Thank you!
Club WWN is here to make all The WWN Family brands more affordable and accessible to you! Start your free month now and give it a try!
December 20th: Sports Illustrated broke the news that Will Ospreay is heading back to EVOLVE and the WWN Supershow for the first time in two years! Ospreay will wrestle at EVOLVE on April 5th at 8pm and WWN Supershow on April 6th at 8pm in New Orleans. Check out the article for complete details and info on who he might wrestle. Go to www.MoreThanMania.com for tickets and info on these events.
December 20th: A reminder that tickets make a great last minute holiday gift, and you can print them out at home so no need to worry about shipping. Tickets are now on sale at TicketFly.com for the following EVOLVE events:
-January 13th in Queens, NY with Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Darby Allin for the EVOLVE Title!
-January 14th in Brooklyn, NY with Zack Sabre Jr. vs. WALTER!
-February 18th in Joppa, MD with WWN Champion Keith Lee, Matt Riddle & many others!
December 20th: We give you our deepest thanks for making Club WWN possible. It is only here because you asked for it, you wanted it and you supported it. Start your free month now as our holiday gift to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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