- 10/19/2018 (3:27:46 pm)
- Bob Mulrenin
What is EVOLVE? We’ll find out next week. #WhatIsEVOLVE
We have a quick update as we head into a quiet weekend, but things won’t be quiet for long. Let’s get to it….
October 19th: Ticket packages for the WWNLive Experience during Wrestlemania week in New York City go on sale to the general public this Monday at noon EDT. Single event tickets go on sale on Oct. 26th. This is a much smaller, more intimate venue than normally houses the WWNLive Experience. We expect almost every event to sellout. We urge you to get tickets quickly. Go to www.MoreThanMania.com for all the info.
October 19th: We strongly urge anyone within driving distance to come to EVOLVE 114 a week from Sunday in Ybor City, FL. We realize we haven’t announced much for it. There is a reason for that. This will be night that will be talked about for years. Be there and you’ll be able to brag that you were there. Tickets are now on sale at TicketFly.com.
October 19th: WWE.com will announce Mustafa Ali’s opponents for EVOLVE 115 on Nov. 9th in the Detroit area and EVOLVE 116 on Nov. 10th in the Chicago area early next week. Tickets for both events are now on sale at TicketFly.com.
October 19th: We have important info for the Nov. 10th event in the Chicago area. The original venue quadruple booked itself due to a computer error. Therefore, the event will now take place at:
November 10th
Oak Lawn Pavilion
9401 Oak Park Ave.
Oak Lawn, IL. 60453
9401 Oak Park Ave.
Oak Lawn, IL. 60453
October 19th: Tickets for the EVOLVE return to Long Island at the NYWC Sportatorium on December 16th will go on sale by Monday at TicketFly.com. Tickets are already on sale for the return to La Boom on December 15th.
October 19th: Jon Davis has suffered an injury and has to pull off all upcoming events. We wish Davis a speedy recovery and will welcome him back when he’s ready.
October 19th: NXT Coach Robby Brookside will now be the special guest at the WWN Seminar/Tryout on October 28th in Ybor City, FL. This will be a chance to learn what Brookside teaches at the WWE PC! It is also a real opportunity to be booked. One participant will be selected to go to NXT TV as an extra! Several have gotten matches on past NXT TV after being selected from a WWN Seminar/Tryout. There will also be talent selected to participate on EVOLVE 114 that evening. In the past, talent discovered in a WWN Seminar/Tryout has been booked in SHINE, FIP, Style Battle and other WWN Family events. This is the age of opportunity! Learn and take advantage. Go to the WWNLive.com Seminar/Tryout page for info.
October 19th: We hope you have a great weekend! Relax, catch up on EVOLVE with Club WWN and then get ready for next week.

Tags: Evolve, WWN, WWN Live Experience,