- 04/02/2007 (8:55:01 pm)
- Georgiann Makropoulos
Would love your opinion.
Hey Georgie,
I thought another Khali vs. Kane was stupid and they Jobbed Kane out so badly!!!
I also thought Taker would win by DQ over my Boy Dave Bautista!!! Then he'd be 15-0 @ Wrestlemania, but how long can he carry that belt? I know, he's damaged goods as bad as HBK or worse.
The Melina vs. Ashley match was too short and should've had more drama, but?
I never thought Kennedy would win the MIB. I was rooting for CMPUNK!!!
A bald Vinnie Mac looks sooo Funny!!!
Overall a very good WM 23, but there's definitely room for improvement.
Take Care and Thank you, Gate Master Tiny Tim Savage a.k.a. Timothy T. Knerr
On a side note.....the Get Smart fans I talk to online (big Get Smart fan here) are not too happy about the Not So Great Khali being cast in the new movie. The wrestling fans don't want him, the movie fans don't want him...poor guy..... Mike
Georgie Girl.. I have to agree with you, KUDOS to McMahon, Wrestlemania 23 was much better than I expected. I ordered it at the last minute, not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised. Would have liked some better results, but the guys really worked hard to make us happy. Is Edge ok? Was worried about him and Jeff too. Batista should have retained the belt. And I like Kennedy but CM Punk should have gotten that push. The best was watching McMahon go bald. Couldn't stop laughing, great actor !! Mary from Florida
OK...I gotta sallow my pride and say flat out "MAN WAS I WRONG!" I figured this WM to be just another lame PPV..none of the matches seems too exciting...I had the whole thing figured out...."MAN WAS I WRONG!"
In my view this was the best WM in a long time! The money in the bank match was incredible (still no update on Edges condition after that BRUTAL hit he took)... I had Orton winning that..WRONG! Where did he go anyway..he just disappeared in the match. I had the Undertaker winning by dq. That way Batista keeps his belt and the dead man keeps his undefeated string going..WRONG!!!!... I had HBK winning the title from Cena (that way down the road HHH comes back wanting the title and destroying the DX team)...WRONG!!!!.... I had the billionaire match right (but EVERYBODY Im sure called it right too... Dd you really think Trump would allow himself to get shaved bald for real for some wrestling PPV??) The only bad match was the Lumberjill match and I called it right, that all the Divas would somehow end up in the ring.... All in all, I give WM23 a B!
From: gilmourwaters03
My thoughts on Wrestlemania was middle of the road for a Mania.
The ladder match should have been further in the card. I like Punk too but he is not quite ready yet. Mr. Kennedy did a great job.
Khali and Kane made me visit the local vomitorium.
The ladies was horrible and did not show off any talent. They didn't have much time because of the hype.
Taker winning the title was a good last call for a great career.
McMahon's head shinier than a baby's bottom warmed the cockles of my heart. Umaga was proven to be human and there goes his character.
It was great to see I.R.S. and a few other veterans, but they didn't go anywhere with the bit.
Michaels and Cena will be the classic match that made Wrestlemania 23 other than the "billionaire hype". They put it on the line and both men were show stoppers. The plot will thicken during Raw to see what will happen to the tag belts.
From: Mark Meister of DeBary,FL.
All in all I thought mania was good. was very disappointed that HBK didn't win the belt, but it was an awesome match. to the guy who said HBK is washed up, who are you. HBK carried that match. only reason Shawn didn't win the belt is because hes had his time in the sun, and they use him as a catapult to make other stars big, such as JohnCena. Shawn was on top of every move in that ring last night. he doesn't need to win the title anymore, hes done everything in this business and is still one of the best performers in the wwe. and despite him losing, everyone was cheering for him and booing Cena at ford field last night, so he still can draw an audience. and im sure at some point he will have the title, if not at backlash then probably soon. hes one of the top draws with triple h out, so im sure they will give him the strap. on the other side, billionaires match was good, Batista, taker match was good and glad to see taker with the belt but could have been a longer match, money in the bank was good until the ending, not a lot of drama when Kennedy grabbed the briefcase, good wrestlemania, but in my mind, the best wrestlemania was still wrestlemania 17, and my main man shawn wasn't even in it. that was a great mania. and i think wrestlemania 19 was a close second. anyway those are my thoughts on the PPV, and to my boy HBK, the showstoppa will continue to kick ass for the lord.......................From: Hbkwrestlemania
I was in the 5th row ringside last night and that was one of the best live shows ever. The heat on Cena was great. People in my section kept starting the Cena sucks/lets go Cena chants. The ladder match was my holy shit moment of the night. A close second was Vince actually shaving his head for no reason other than to advance a storyline. The man is rich as hell, he doesn't need to get his head shaved or his face stuck in the big show's ass but he does it because he wants to give the people a hell of a show.
The women's title match was nothing short of stupid. Ashley is not a performer. She is a Diva winner. And that concept should have been killed 4 years ago. Kane match same thing. Nothing more than filler.
Would have rather seen a longer Benoit match than to make time for those two. Undertaker 15-0 best match of the night. Many near falls and fake ending. Kept everyone guessing and on the edge of their seats.
Kindda side note here........... Will WWE be dumb enough to not hold another big PPV here for 20 years? Hell, I mean 93,000+ in 1987 then 20 years later 80,000+. How many records does Detroit need to break before we get more damn PPV's?
All in all very good show. Matt G
I thought WM23 was AWESOME!!! Even though I REALLY wanted Randy Orton to win the MITB, it was great. That was a match to remember. The Cena/Michaels match was the HIGHLIGHT. All of the reversing and great hits made the match amazing. I'm a HUGE Cena fan so I am definitely proud that he won. The Battle of the Billionaires was also good. How funny was it to see Trump clothesline Mr.McMahon? It was also cool to see Taker win the world title. Overall it was a great PPV. Definitely worth the $50.
From: Natalia's response to WM23
Two words can describe WrestleMania 23 and they are "boring" and "predictable".
The high points were the Undertaker beating Batista, Vince getting shave and
Austin stealing the show and Cena beating Michaels.
However, any longtime fan knew the outcome on these three matches. There
were no surprises. And Kane jobbing to Khali, Kennedy winning the Ladder
Match and Melina topping Ashley were all horrible matches that had the
potential to be so much more after all the build up. I was most impressed
with MVP's performance against Benoit and Cena's performance against
Michaels. Cena is a great performer that doesn't get the recognition from
the fans that he deserves. It was also great to see Michaels tap out. After
his part in the Bret Hart fiasco and how he treated Sensational Sherri, it
made me grin from ear to ear.
However, any longtime fan knew the outcome on these three matches. There
were no surprises. And Kane jobbing to Khali, Kennedy winning the Ladder
Match and Melina topping Ashley were all horrible matches that had the
potential to be so much more after all the build up. I was most impressed
with MVP's performance against Benoit and Cena's performance against
Michaels. Cena is a great performer that doesn't get the recognition from
the fans that he deserves. It was also great to see Michaels tap out. After
his part in the Bret Hart fiasco and how he treated Sensational Sherri, it
made me grin from ear to ear.
From: anthony.garritano
Dear Georgie. I am very disappointed that Shawn did not win the title from Cena.
I am tired of Cena being the champ. He has had it to long now and I think that he
should put someone else over and let someone else have the title.
Shawn carried that match and made Cena look great.
I loved seeing Vince getting his head shaved and I believe that Vince was a good sport
to do it. That is more than I can say about Cena. I am tired of hearing the champ is
here. I wish that the champ would go away. thank you
From: Kathleen Madonia
Kathleen, you know I am a huge HBK fan and always have been. But I must say that
Cena is so underrated. He has a brute strength that is underrated. You say he has been
champ too long. Bruno Sammartino held the title for YEARS, twice, and the fans continued
to love him. I just wish the fans of today would appreciate Cena more than they do.
Shawn doesn't need the title to be over, he is WAY OVER without the belt. Georgie
From: xfrndscallmenovax
Hey Just thought i'd throw in my two cents ......... I have been a life long fan and attended my first wrestlemania last year and made the trek again this year. All the people basshing this show need to pull your smarky heads out of your collective.... well you know .... This show was amazing.... Right out of the gate Mr. Kennedy with the money in the bank was perfect as no one in the match deserved/needed it more...... Im a punk mark but he did not need that as they still have time to build him....... Mark my words a couple years from now Kennedy will be mentioned up there with Rock and Austin........... Kane/Khali was exactly what it needed to be building a new monster as Kane is most likely on his way out......... Benoit/MVP was a good rub to a vastly improving MVP.. Still questioning though why MVP is on WM23 but no Flair........... then THE DR. OF STIZYLE, IRS, AND RICKY THE DRAGON........... after that we throw to the "Lets put this match here in case Bad Batista show up" These two Put on the match that really showed when Undertaker is on he is truely impressive and give credit to batista as he truely stepped up ............ New Breed/Originals was kind of a nice thanks to the originals for pulling the old schoool fans in but really felt like it should have been on a different PPV as it did not have the WM feel to it....... Lashley/UMAGA was a decent match but really was about Austin McMahon and Trump ..... when Trump tackled Vinnie mac the place went nuts .......... then Austin stunning Trump was priceless .... By the way Trump has officially surpassed Linda Mcmahon as worst taken stunner ever......... Melena/Ashley one has to think it was to say thats to ashley for showing her breast to become the next "why am i here" women's champ challenger and with Melena in the dog house they got just enough time to display mcmahon's plastic surgery bill all grown up.......... NOW for MICHEALS /CENA............. Now before I write this. I want to put this out there when I was growing up it was all about Shawn Micheals and Mr perfect and to see Hbk one year steal the show with Vince and then to see him in the main event was a great thing also note I HATE the hype machine known as John Cena............ Now with that being said....... THIS MATCH WAS AMAZING don't know how it came off on TV but they honestly had the crowd believing everything that was happening even had the crowd believe that Micheals was going to beat Cena with A SUNSET FLIP........ match went down exactly as I thought and giving credit were its due is the theme of the night so now I must man up and ADMIT ..... I NO LONGER HATE JOHN CENA........ I DON'T LIKE HIM, BUT I DON'T HATE HIM .............Two years in a row I have seen him live in a main event where he could be carried if needed but has stepped up and pulled his weight so while I still don't understand why he has never been a heel champ or chased the title for more than a month in a non reign ......... I understand the a building him for the long run and truly at this point the is no one left but Kennedy but he if that happens John Cena should petition to end the money in the bank match as he is the one whom has fallen when the "check" is cashed so to speak ......... I give Wreslemania 23 an A- as the women's match could have been better and New breed/originals could have been replaced with a DAMN FLAIR MATCH !!
What were your thoughts, let us know??........
Georgie [email protected]