• 09/20/2008 (7:20:08 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


800 Raws and counting

It’s run is over four times as long as Seinfeld’s. There have been more episodes of it than The Simpsons and ER combined. It’s the longest running weekly show in the U.S., and Monday Night Raw continues that streak on Sept. 22, 2008, with its landmark 800th episode.

Despite the fact that it first aired over 15 years ago, Raw today is as fresh and exciting as its first episode way back in 1993. A lot has happened in those 15 years – including the births of many members of the WWE Universe!

To help offer some perspective on how much ground Raw has covered, WWE.com offers up the following (semi)scientifically calculated facts and figures regarding what 800 episodes works out to.

172,839 shining lights
4,512 pyrotechnic displays
5 different logos
32 countries aired in
15,473 Triple H t-shirts worn
3,200 metal staircases
4 ring announcers
9,600 turnbuckles
13 commentators
259,261 posters and signs
163,406 hot dogs eaten

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