• 06/14/2007 (1:44:54 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

plus MORE comments, not to be missed….


A five minute salute to the best of the best !!!


Not a 10 Bell Salute to "Mr. McMahon" on ECW, who we know is very much ALIVE. 

That was going way too far with this angle..... 

The ten bell salute was a slap in the face to all of those who have been honored in the past, IMO.

Georgie  [email protected]


A new picture has turned up on internet, with person or persons who might have KILLED "Mr. McMahon". http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f100/vampstrysse/VINCE-DEAD.jpg

One note I just received, please send me your thoughts:

From  Rich Kraemer....Brick NJ

Georgie: I was in Philly last night for the WWE show. Wait till you see the beginning of Smackdown tom'w night. Not only the 10 count for Vince,the superstars all had to line-up on the stage and the memorial graphics with his picture and dates on either side of the Titantron. This is the same guy who teared up at the East coast CAC banquet when talking about his Dad, the same guy who coins the phrase "time-honored tradition" ......If the 10 count isn't a "tradition "then what is.........As Jim Ross says" just another day at the office.",Vince never fails to disappoint.....maybe he hasn't sat thru as many of these as we have.....then again we don't have paid assistants to attend wakes and send flowers and Mass cards with our names on the them either.  

From:  dstrycharz2004
Georgie,     I attended both the Raw show Monday night and Smackdown/ECW taping in Philly last night.  I agree with you 100% it is distasteful and disrepectful to all those in the past that have died and had been honored  Upon driving back, we drove by the WWE building and the flags are flying at half staff there.  How stupid is WWE to do this shit.
From  gilmourwater03
10 Count Who TRUELY deserve it
VERY well said!.......McMahon disgusts me so much I'm ready to dispose of everything WWF/WWE I own.
Sent in by a fan from Whitehall, PA:
I read what you put on wrestlingfigs.com I agree with you that 10 bell salute was going to far. They are going way too far with this angle I think its dumb. everyone knows hes alive. it just ticks me off to keep seeing and hearing about it. The angle is the stupidest and very disrespectful thing they ever did in WWE History. I wish they would just forget about it. Take Care.
Hi Georgie,
First, keep up all the great work you do - I certainly appreciate it!  
Now, I don't know how long WWE had been planning this, but I know that there should be one person who should be more upset than any "fan" or "insider" of professional wrestling.  I'm talking about Vince's #1 competitor, a man who just a few weeks ago LOST HIS WIFE, and now watches the McMahon's carry on a great big story out of a supposed "death".  If I am Jeff Jarrett, I am more determined than ever to put Vince McMahon in his place once and for all.  
Thank you for your time, Georgie.
From:Matt Hoover of Pittsburgh, PA   www.myspace.com/matthoover
This was sent in by GeorgeSpelvin05
I watched the WWE.com footage of the limo and the aftermath.  Since I work have worked both in production and around EMS, it just left me with so glaring questions  Now the actual explosion looked pretty good so congrats to the editors and the pyro team.  But if we are to believe this was legit,
1. As curious as people are, how come there was no crowd gathering to see what had happened much less to take pictures with cameras phones, etc.
2. When the fire truck arrived, how come it had no station designation on it?
3. How many stations have full size engines and only two guys working on it?
4. How many firefighters you know look that clean at a fire?
5. How come only one fire truck arrived?  In most cities you get at least two for even a small trash fire.
6. How come only one fire truck arrived?  Where were the paramedics?  Where were the EMTs that should have already been at the building for the wrestlers?  Where was Homeland Security?  This was a "terrorist act"
7.  And how come no one has bothered to say anything about Vince's driver?  The car was running so he should have been there?  Maybe HE planted the bomb
8.  Has anyone questioned Jim Cornette?  Bill Watts?  JJ Dillon?  Criss Angel?
All I am saying for those of us who try to live in the land of kayfabe markdom for two and a half hours every Monday, lets try a little harder.
Hey Georgie,
Just wanted to pass along my thoughts on the "death" of Vinny Mac. Its utter rubbish. I know we are supposed to have kayfabe but this is f**king assine. What happens if God forbid, Vinny, Linda, Steph or Shane pass away, will we belive it or think "Oh its just a work"
~Anthony Burris~
   I honestly don't know what all the hoopla is about regarding Vince's alleged "death." In recent years the man has exploited actual deceased wrestlers (Eddie Guerrero comes to mind) for ratings and storylines. We have seen women degraded and superstars with talent released from competition to make room for Boogymen and Bimbos. Of course the limo being blown up was in bad taste, but so is almost everything else that is aired on Monday and Friday nights. For the casual fan, it's even hard to tell who is who as all the wrestlers look like cookie cutter images of one another, act, look, and wrestle alike. The current WWE product is horrendous, boring, and dull. It's going to take alot more than a staged death to make the product watchable again. The 10 bell salute makes a mockery of all the real tributes that we unfortunately had to watch. It is obvious that the McMahon family simply does not care what the fans really want anymore, that is WRESTLING, not some Die Hard stunt show. Mike
OK, first, I will agree with you to an extent..maybe the ten bell salute was a little much.  BUT...you people need to get over it.  You can't deny the lasting impact this angle will have on the wrestling world.  This is possibly, and not just in my opinion, one of the best angles since the attitude era.   It has certainly generated a lot of attention, both in wrestling, and in the mainstream media for WWE, and obviously, they are getting results with it, since, good or bad, that seems to be the big wrestling topic right now. 
As far as being offensive to Jeff Jarrett...yes, it is very tragic that his wife dies...mind you it was because of cancer...no one blew up her car.  That's like saying that I should be thoroughly offended by this if I had of loved one die, in say a plane crash..two totally different animals. It's not like they had Vince drop dead in the parking lot, and then reveal on ECW that he had cancer for a long time but refused to tell anyone.  Getting pissed off over this is utterly moronic.  It is an ANGLE.  By your logic, every time someone dies in a TVshow, we should be offended at the way it is handled, with memorial services and shit like that.  Everyone knows that WWE programming is basically a male-oriented soap opera, and one of the most evil, ruthless characters on it has been axed...much like they do on Guiding Light, General Hospital, etc.  Therefore, you people need to get over yourselves, accept the fact that this is honestly a very intriguing, entertaining plot twist, and please, get over it, I'm begging you  From The420Etrain
Hi Georgie,    I was watching the latest MSG card that was just added on WWE 24/7 from back in 81 and I spotted you three times. First time was after the Backlund Hansen cage match at the end of the match you were in the second row with a camera in hand. Next was shaking Moolah's hand before she entered the ring for her match. Third was at the end of the Martel Garea match a long shot of you. Maybee Vince will send you a residual check what cha think?????    Best,   Ray Dutczak     LOL....

Three readers find it disgusting that the WWE even bombed the limo on Monday, with all the car bombings killing our Troops.


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