• 02/21/2008 (10:18:28 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Hello Georgie. I hope you don't mind if I share my opinion on the recent controversy with Mr. Faust.
First off, it's quite sad when a wrestling fan bids farewell because of bad experiences with promoters or meeting the wrestlers themselves. I myself have had many bad experiences with signings and even fans at events that have made me question my love for the buisness.
In my opinion it IS the fans that make this all worthwhile. The fans CAN make or break a convention (unless it's a shady promoter, whicgh I won't name, but I have spoken to many fans who still wish to wash that taste out of their mouths who attended that convention). The talent put a lot of time and energy to sign our autographs and take pictures with us. Every convention is a new experience for us. New wrestlers, new location, new fans to share the moments with. The moments are what pays off in the end. If the promoter charges us a certain amnount which we all might disagree with, we should remember that these promoters are doing the best they can. I don't personally know Terrance or any of the others, but they do have my respect. They have to run a very difficult buisness that, while others have failed, Terrance and others like Bud Carson, George from Signamania, Greg Price and others (and I apologize if I didn't name you, it's not out of disresepct) still maintain a great reputation and solid preformance every time. They are not out for fame or money. Their goals are to present a great show for the fans and say "you are the reason for this. THANK YOU". And, while I do not agree with paying to get a photo with the wrestlers, I won't let this once in a lifetime moment slip by. I understand that the money goes torwards the wrestler's hotel room, food, gas or plane ticket and other things. These wrestlers put their lifes on the line, so with my opinion on the photo ops aside, I do think we owe it to them. I have never heard anything bad EVER said about NWA Legends,  LOTR or Signamania(which I was honored to be a part of the first one. Unfortunantly I can't attend the second one :(   ), and I probably never will.
I also wish to touch on a subject that Vince "Cousin Vinnie" spoke about on the last message and a while back. I had met Vinnie at the Washington Auto Show, and he's absolutely right. The fans we encountered(I was one of the first 5 by 11 am that day), were absolutely great to be around. And, he's not off at all. It's very hard to meet fans like that. Fans who will be respectful to one another, enjoy sharing stories, showing off our belts and all that. When I think of meeting Ric Flair I'll remember the great time we ALL had. That's what it's all about, no argument. It's the memories we share and create.
Thank You.
Chad E. Young

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