• 01/27/2008 (12:50:08 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


I met Striker at the Fan Axxess at the seaport on Friday. That was awesome and everyone was nice. However the Hardy signing was total chaos. They cut off the line guaranteeing we'd all get in then three o'clock he leaves stranding all the people who waited on line for over 3 hours. When if he would have stayed 10 more minutes he could have signed for everyone like we were promised. Then when I went across to the Miz/Morrison signing they put up a baracade right in front of my face saying no more people after the guy in front me would get an autograph. So it was all very disappointing and I won't ever go again unless it was organized like it was on Friday.

It was unfair to to the loyal fans and they should change it from Fan Axxess to fan exits. It sucked.

From: Hurricane Coming


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