• 01/16/2006 (10:20:31 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos



And more!!!!!

                   1/14 PWE Report
                   By: Larry Goodman
Pro  Wrestling Evolution ran their monthly show at the Canton National  Guard  Armory last night. From a boxoffice standpoint, if not artistically,  it was  PWE’s most successful venture since June with an SRO  crowd of 200 on hand.
PWE gave the fans their money’s worth  with a three and a half hour show that  was chocked full of storyline.  The inring was decent enough, but the overall  product would have  benefited from some judicious editing.
The lineup was heavy  on talent associated with NWA Anarchy. Whatever heat  existed between  the two promotions has evaporated. There was a clear effort to  maintain  consistency with Anarchy’s storylines and characters.
The  show opened with an in-ring segment featuring Commissioner Nigel  Sherrod  and his assistant Carl Wilson. Wilson ripped Sherrod for  wearing a J. C. Penney  suit. Sherrod denigrated the fans. Sherrod  is very good in the role to where he  by far the most heat of any  heel on the show. Sherrod welcomed the first ever  Evolution Wrestling  Tag Team Champions, Biohazard and Jacob Ladder, into the  ring  and sent “Urkel” to the back. Biohazard said even though he  reeked of total  awesomeness, fans were saying stuff that hurt  his last feeling. Sherrod brought  “somebody that was detailing  my car” out to face Biohazard in a tune up match.
(1)  Biohazard beat “Barely Famous” Hayden Young via submission in  4:42. Young spiked Biohazard with a spinning headscissors  to spark a burst  of offense. He followed up with a wild and wacky  dive. The dude can fly.  Biohazard used a great looking hotshot  on the turnbuckle to turn the match  around. Ladder tripped up  Young to cut off a comeback. Biohazard hit a spiral  facebuster  and got the tap out with Pray 4 Death. Excellent opener. Maybe even  too good.
(2) Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews with Ken  Wallace) beat Kid Ego Jr. & Black Pegasus  in 16:04. A fun and fast-paced  match cruiserweight match.  Really good heat. Matthews was a dropkicking machine.  Pegasus  has athletic ability in abundance. They did a dive series that was  just  OK. Young was a tough act to follow. Ego missed a cannonball  splash and  Alexander rammed his back into the post, a sweet heat  spot. Alexander popped the  crowd with a wicked lungblower. Matthews  did a slice ‘n dice slingshot senton  for a near fall. Alexander  draped Ego’s arm over the top of him and gave him a  gift near  fall. Matthews hit a top rope double stomp. Alexander applied the  sharpshooter, but Pegasus was in to break it up. Ego hit a spinning  heel tag and  hot-tagged Pegasus. A round robin of big moves ended  with Wallace dumping  Pegasus off the top rope. Blondes hit a top  rope bulldog combo to pin Pegasus.  The body of the match had better  execution than the finishing sequence. It  should always be the  other way around.
 minute 10 a to subsequent  period overtime the of 1:41 at  Nightmare The beat Ross Ranger>Ross  used “Caisson Song” for his patriotic  entrance music. I was  hoping for “Folsom Prison Blues.” Nightmare admitted that  he  got out of hand the last time. He claimed the animosity was gone.  He just  wanted to prove that he was the better wrestler. It was  good display of veterans  demonstrating the proper way to apply  (and sell) basic wrestling moves, but most  fans treated it like  a popcorn match. Nightmare wrestled clean. Ross bled from  the  nose. The time limit expired without either man They did nothing  to build  towards the expiration of the time limit. Nightmare said  they hadn’t proved  anything and challenged Ross to keep going.  Ross said he could whip Nightmare’s  butt even with a broken  nose. Sherrod ordered five more minutes. Ross got a near  fall  with a Gibson roll. Nightmare got one with a gutwrench suplex. Ross  pinned  Nightmare with a backslide. They shook hands. It Nightmare  pulled a foreign  object out of his tights and clocked Ross. Ross  made the comeback. They brawled  to the back.
(4) Seth  Delay (with Chad Parham & Rachael ?) pinned Darrin Childs  (with  Rachael Putski) at 14:13 There was a lot of Putski on display.  She was  wearing a skimpy hot pink mesh top over her bra. Where  are the fashion police  when you need them? On the other hand,  the chick sitting next to me was wearing  a rhinestone-studded  Playboy belt buckle. You don’t see swank accessorizing like  that  inside the perimeter of Atlanta. In the sole character inconsistency  with  Anarchy, Parham cut an arrogant promo. Parham said he wasn’t  going to wrestle  because he didn’t get the superstar treatment  he deserved. Parham said he had  brought the best substitute teacher  to show “Ultimate Warrior” how to wrestle.  Delay tried to  proposition ring announcer Jen for a rendezvous at the Super 8  after  the show. Delay did a lot of cartoonish heeling. Fans seemed to  be  entertained by it. Childs got heated about Delay’s stalling  tactics. Delay  bumped for Childs’ offensive flurry, but got  his knees up to thwart a splash  attempt. Parham and his Girl Friday  put the boots to Childs on the outside.  Delay continually cut  off Childs’ comebacks. Childs launched a full-fledged  comeback  with a reverse atomic drop and kick to the ear. He brought Parham  in  the hard way. The heels collided to set up the mock anal penetration  spot. The  valets got into it. Putski speared the other Rachael.  With referee Joe Dollar  mesmerized by the catfight, Ladder ran  out and suplexed Childs off the top.  Delay pinned Childs. Ladder  sm#ked Putski with a tombstone piledriver on the  floor. Putski  sold it like death. Good story but it was too long in the telling.
(5) The Regular Guys (Bobby Hill & Tyler Smith) beat  Ace Rockwell  (with Ken Wallace) thanks to outside interference  by Shaun Tempers (9:27). Tempers turned on Rockwell at last  week’s Anarchy show, so Rockwell came out  alone. He was wearing  Parhams’ gear. Rockwell wrestled babyface style. He was  Guys  on his own and objected to Wallace’s interference. The Guys cheated  to take  control. Guys worked over Ace’s back. Rockwell’s missile  dropkick barely made  contact with Smith, but they went ahead and  sold it as the double down spot.  Rockwell was a one man wrecking  crew. Tempers came from nowhere to make a blind  tag. He left Rockwell  laying with the Temperpedic. Guys looked puzzled. They  pinned  Rockwell with a Hart Attack and continued to beat on him. Young  made the  save. The fans applauded as Rockwell was helped to the  back. Another good  storyline match with not very good wrestling.
(6) Slaughter Boys (Johnny & Joe) beat Biohazard & Jacob Ladder to  become the new Evolution Wrestling Tag Team Champions  in 13:12. Ladder gave  Joe’s man boobs a titty twister. A  face shine segment ensued. Biohazard and  Johnny had one of the  best exchanges of the night. The champs tried to take a  timeout,  but Granny was relentlessly smacking them with her purse. Ladder  screamed, “Stop it!” It was a lot funnier than it reads. Biohazard  did the  flashy deal where he grabs the ropes and spins up to standing  position. He  tagged Johnny with stiff right to start the heat.  Ladder hit a tombstone  piledriver and Biohazard followed up with  a cradle piledriver. Joe broke up the  pin attempt. With his cervical  vertebrae ground to a fine dust, Johnny wasn’t  making many comebacks.  The champs continued to destroy Johnny’s neck. Childs  came to  ringside and attacked Ladder with a spike. He drove the spike into  Ladder’s forehead. Ladder bled. There was a method to this madness  as it set up  PWE’s first ever spike match on 2/18. Seeing his  partner incapacitated,  Biohazard chased Childs away. Slaughters  capitalized on the numerical advantage  with their Cradle Shock/top  rope elbow finisher. Ladder was not happy with  Biohazard. Good  match.
Kevin Robinson was introduced as PWE’s new play-by-play  commentator. Robinson  called the title challenger, Scott Steele  out to the ring. Robinson asked Steele  why he didn’t have Mercedes  with him. Steele said he was worried because  Mercedes was a no  show and wasn’t answering her cell. Mikal Adryan sauntered up  the aisle from the dressing room. Adryan said, “She’s in good  hands, VERY good  hands.” Steele bolted after Adryan. Adryan  was great here. It did more in 30  seconds to get across his cutthroat  evilness than the last 6 months of Anarchy  storyline.
(7)  Tank and Murder One went to a wonderfully brutal double count out  (7:30). The crowd popped for Tank. This was stiff. M-1 absorbed  punishment  and took a time out. They traded some awesome looking  punches. Tank blasted M-1  with a barrage of strikes. M-1 looked  woozy. Tank no sold M-1’s headbutts and  replied with 10 of his  own. M-1 fired rights and lefts. Tank’s comeback dropped  M-1  on his face. M-1 hit the Blazin’ Lariat for a near fall. Tank  hit the  Chokebreaker, but M-1 got a foot over the ropes. The action  spilled to the  outside. Tank pulled up a couple of chairs. They  punched and headbutted each  other silly until the ref called for  the bell. I was marking out for the finish.  A must see match for  the punches. It had two of the most killer exchanges I’ve  ever  seen live. Tank has taking his striking sickness to another level.
Sherrod named Wallace as the special referee for the next match.  Wallace came  out in all black. He took off the black jacket to  reveal a standard issue  referee shirt underneath. Wallace said  he was going to call it right down the  middle.
(8) Mikal  Adryan beat Nemesis in 5:12. Nemesis used a combination of  headbutts  and stiff strikes to keep the monster at bay. He got more offense  than  Parham did in his title challenge for the Anarchy Heavyweight  Title at Holiday  Havoc. Wallace ordered Nemesis to get down from  the ropes. Adryan used their  bickering to his advantage, as he  leveled Nemesis with a Mafia Kick. Wallace  stood by and watched  as Adryan mounted the ropes for a huge top rope lariat.  Adryan  worked over Nemesis’ neck. Nemesis caught Adryan with an Angle-ish  slam.  Wallace counted two and clutched at his shoulder. Nemesis  was about to do bodily  harm to Wallace when Adryan nailed him  with Assisted Suicide. Wallace made a  fast three count. I didn’t  like a heel of Adryan’s stature being booked to eek  out a cheap  win over a midcard guy, not to mention that they wasted the heel  referee gimmick in a meaningless match. Adryan got into a confrontation  with  Granny and Monkey Lady on his way out.
Sherrod called  Wilson out to the ring. He threatened to fire Wilson for his  smart  mouth ways. Sherrod ordered Wilson to get on his knees and beg for  his  job. Wilson did it. Sherrod made Wilson (a former ref) the  special guest referee  for the next match and warned him not to  get injured because that would result  in termination of his job.  A fan referred to Sherrod as an Eric Bischoff  wannabe.
(9)  Scott Steele beat Iceberg in 1:15 via DQ. Iceberg retained the  Evolution  Wrestling Championshp. It was the irresistible force meets the  immovable object. Steele finally hit a powerslam, and Tempers  hit the ring for  the DQ. Probably just as well, since a long match  could between these two could  have been ugly.
Tank entered  the ring. Tempers cowered in fear. Tank wheeled around and  started  beating on Steele. Tank did some mic work to make it crystal clear  that  the “Two Fat Guys” were turning rotten. Tank said he  was sick and tired of  signing autographs. Said he had to resist  the urge to drive his pen down a kid’s  throat earlier in the  evening. It was a three on one beatdown until Rockwell and  Young  made the save. The faces had gained the upper hand when Sherrod  called  things to a halt and ordered a six man tag.
(10)  Devil’s Rejects (Tank & Iceberg & Tempers) beat Rockwell & Young & Steele in 10:10. Rockwell waded into the  three against one  situation in the heel corner. He escaped with  his life and made the tag to  Young. Reject gave Young a ferocious  beating. Berg hit the Thigh Drop of Doom  and Rockwell saved. Young  connected with a series of overhead kicks to set up  the hot tag  to Steele. Steele had all three Rejects laid out when Adryan ran  out  and grabbed his leg. Steele chased Adryan to the back. Rockwell  and Young  launched an aerial attack on Rejects. Rockwell spinebustered  Tempers for a near  fall. But the odds were too much. Iceberg caught  Rockwell with a powerslam. Tank  destroyed Young with a sick suplex  into a row of chairs. Tempers hit the  Temperpedic on Rockwell  and applied a strangle submission. Rockwell passed out,  leaving  Wilson no choice but to call for the bell.
Tank continued his  verbal assault on the fans in the postmatch, while Iceberg  squashed  Rockwell with two Ground Zero splashes. Tank said that just like  with  NWA Anarchy, Rejects were bent on the destruction of PWE.
NOTES: Buff Bagwell is on the card when PWE returns to Canton  on 2/18 with  Winter Warfare ‘06. They are running head up with  Anarchy that night…Jen  Holbrook is doing the ring announcing  for MMA shows at Athens Arena. Holbrook  said they’ve drawn SRO  crowds (2000+). The next show is 1/20.
Super Kendo and Durango defeated Chilango  and Impacto in the main  event of January 8th's NJPW show at the  Inoki Dojo. Also on the show Rocky  Romero and Puma beat Chris  Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. For complete results  click below.
Inoki Dojo
Santa Monica, CA
Karl "Machine  Gun" Anderson won a ten man battle royal last eliminating  Tommy  "Kome" Williams. Others in the royal included Plague, Mark Jaguar  (NWA  Quebec), Big Bully Douglas (NWA Main Event), Silver Tiger,  Lil' Cholo, Koko & Razz Mansour (NWA Canadian Tag Team Champions) & Sombre Infernal 2
Jaguar de Oro & Charito def.  Fabuloso Hernandez & Maravia  Martinez
Antonio Mestre & Alex Koslov def. Hartley Jackson & Mikey  Nicholls
Zarko & Tornado Negro def. Super Kendo 2 & Sombre Infernal
Shamu  Jr. & Acero Dorado Jr. def. No Fear & Principe Unlimited
Rocky  Romero & Puma def. Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli
Super  Kendo & Durango def. Chilango & Impacto
The  Beast In The UK This February!
NWA Ireland and NWA-UK Hammerlockews.   11/01/2006
NWA Ireland and NWA-UK Hammerlock Wrestling  are pleased to  announce
that Dan `The Beast' Severn will feature  on our Live Event  and
Training Schedules this coming February.  Dan is a former NWA  World
Champion, a former UFC Champion and  Hall of Famer and a former  WWE
Star and will without doubt  be a great addition to our tour.  The
NWA-UK and NWA Ireland  Schedule for February featuring `The Beast'  is
as follows:
NWA-UK  and NWA Ireland February 2006 Events  -
Thursday 16th February  at 8pm.
NWA-UK Hammerlock Live  Event.
Civic Hall. Grays,  Essex. UK.
Friday 17th February at  7.30pm.
NWA-UK Hammerlock  Live Event.
Winter Gardens. Margate, Kent.  UK.
Saturday  18th February at 8pm.
NWA-UK Hammerlock Live  Event.
Mote  Park Leisure Centre. Maidstone, Kent. UK.
Saturday 18th  February  at 2pm-4pm
NWA-UK Hammerlock Seminar/Training.
Centrepiece,  Bank  St, Ashford, Kent (TBC)
Sunday 19th February at 7.30pm.
NWA  Ireland  Live Event.
Wolfe Tone Community Centre. Bray, Co.  Wicklow.  Ireland.
Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st February.
NWA  Ireland hosts a  Two Day Professional Wrestling/Mixed Martial Arts
Training  Camp featuring two  MMA seminars with Dan Severn.
Venue - NWA  Ireland Training Facility. Back of  10 Dublin Road -Bray.
Co.  Wicklow.
More details on all the above  events will be  available in upcoming
days on and
NWA  UK Hammerlock Wrestling
Established  Since 1993
[email protected]
Official  Website:

*****NWA PRO WRESTLING EXPRESS NEWSLETTER - January  12,  2006*****
    Since 1994 NWA Pro Wrestling Express has  offered a  brand of professional wrestling that captures your attention  with chaos,  surprises, drama, action, and has become the best  entertainment value in the  Pittsburgh area today!!! With a deep  and rich history and tradition, NWA Pro  Wrestling Express has  set the standard for wrestling in Western Pennsylvania for  over  eleven years.  That is why real wrestling action in Pittsburgh  is spelled  P-W-X!!!
    Visit the official website of  NWA Pro Wrestling Express at - the only place  for up to the minute news and updates  about the only wrestling  promotion in Western Pennsylvania that matters - NWA  Pro Wrestling  Express!!!
    NWA Pro Wrestling Express presents  the  inaugural "Iron City Classic" on Saturday January 21st at  the historic  Palisades, at McKees Point in downtown McKeesport.   Doors open for the event at  7:30 pm, and as always, tickets are  only $10 for ringside, $9 general admission,  and $6 for kids twelve  and under.  Adult beverages will be available to PWX  wrestling  fans over 21 years of age with proper ID. 
         The "Iron City  Classic" is the first blockbuster wrestling event  of 2006 in the Pittsburgh  area!  While tag team wrestling has  become a rare commodity on the wrestling  scene today, Pro Wrestling  Express is once again bucking the trend, by embracing  the rich  and deep history of tag-team wrestling.  On January 21st, eight top  tag  teams will be showcased in a Pro Wrestling Express ring.   And, the winners will  not only hold the distinct honor of defeating  seven of the top teams competing  in this region, but they will  also win the right to wrestle for the NWA-Pro  Wrestling Express  Tag Team Championship in a "Best-of-Three" series, starting  with  the February 4th event. 
     Six of the teams competing in the tournament  have already been  announced:
 * Current  NWA-PWX Tag Team Champions Quinn Magnum & Brandon K
    While Magnum has been missing in action  since  the birth of his son, something more seems to be going on  with Rage.  Will  Magnum show up to compete in this prestigious  tournament?  Will the Championship  Committee's Scott Venom allow  him to compete without a partner?  What effect  will this have  on the tag team championship both men hold? 
 * 987's Devin Devine a& Chris  Taylor
    Devin and Taylor have dominated Pittsburgh  wrestling over the last two years.  Devine held the PWX Heavyweight  Title for  two lengthy reigns starting in 2004, and Taylor dominated  the competition for  the Three Rivers Championship in that same  time frame, holding the title an  unprecedented three times.   Now 987's duo will finish what they started, by  bringing the  tag team championship to 987.  But, to get the title shot at the  champions, they have to win this tournament.  
 * Dick Trimmins & Sheiky Hassan - DA  MUNCHIES
    2005 was the year of Da Munchies, who held  the  tag team championship for an incredible eight months, and  turned away all  challengers to their throne.  They are on a mission  to get the tag team titles  back, and will not let 987 or Rage  stand in the way. 
 *  Bigg & Nikita Allanov
     This is the team standing in Da Munchies way.   Finally defeating  their enemies on January 7th to earn entry into the Iron City  Classic,  Bigg & Allanov will once again face off with Da Munchies in  a high  stakes match.  Will the fan favorites Bigg & Allanov  pull out another win,  or will Da Munchies continue their dominance  in PWX? 
 * Members  of Apocalypse
     Originally intended to showcase a revived  Armageddon, Apocalypse  leader Devil Bhudakahn is now having second thoughts, and  has  pulled Armageddon from the tournament, citing poor in-ring performance  leading up to the tournament.  Which memebers will be entered  as the Apocalypse  team?  Who will Bhudakahn and CJ Sensation  trust to get the job done in the ring  in the name of the Apocalypse  on January 21st? 
 *  The Tri Chi Fraternity
     Sam Slej and QB Blitzz have proven to be two of  the most popular  wrestlers in PWX today, and one of the most popular teams in  PWX  history.  But with Slej suffering a grade three concussion at the  hands of  Apocalypse while pursuing singles gold, will the Tri Chi's  be medically cleared  to compete at the Classic? 
 * Gambino Brothers
    Mickey and Marshall Gambino have been  claiming  to be the best tag team competing in Pittsburgh, but  they have never competed in  a PWX ring.  This is sure to be an  indication of how the Gambino's stack up to  the competition,  as they compete in  a promotion deep in tag team wrestling for  the first time in their careers!
    Plus, the final team for the field will be  announced  shortly! 
    The  tag-team scene in NWA-PWX has really been  heating up recently,  with Rage, 987, and Da Munchies at war with one another  over one  of the most prestigious tag team championships in the NWA, while  former  champions Tri Chi Fraternity continue to rack up impressive  wins in singles and  tag team competition.  The Gambino Brother's  have held numerous championship in  other promotions, and the Apocalypse  has a sheer numbers advantage as the  largest faction in PWX.   Bigg & Nikita Allanov are on a mission to "take out  the garbage"  in the world of professional wrestling. One of the deepest tag team  rosters anywhere has become a powder keg ready to explode, and  the inaugural  Iron City Classic Tag Team Tournament could be the  spark that sets off the  explosion!!!
Trios Tag  Team Action
NWA Pro Wrestling  Express Heavyweight Champion  CRUSHER HANSEN, SCOTT VENOM and PAUL  ATLAS
square off with
Three Rivers Champion  ERIC EXTASY, DARON SMYTHE,  and a returning JUSTIN IDOL
    The competition gets no tougher in the  sport of  professional wrestling than in NWA Pro Wrestling Express.   The NWA-PWX  Heavyweight Championship is, without a doubt, one  of the most prestigious  singles championships in all of the NWA  - and it is currently around the waist  of 987's Crusher Hansen.   Eric Extasy fell short twice when challenging Hansen  for that  title, but he gets one more shot at Hansen on Saturday January 21st  in  a trios tag team match.  At his side will be fellow Super  Duper Cool Dude Justin  Idol, who is returning to action after  being sidelined for four months with a  broken neck.  Is Idol  healed, and ready to compete?  Are he and Extasy seeing  eye to  eye after Idol's betrayal last fall?  
    Scott Venom was taking no chances in this  match, and rather than back up Hansen alone, he added Paul Atlas  to this match.   What is Atlas' motivation to team with 987 members  Venom and Hansen?  Simple -  Venom guaranteed Atlas a shot at  Extasy's Three Rivers Championship on February  4th.  The only  other condition that Atlas wanted was for Daron Smythe to be  added  to the match, so that Atlas could get his hands on the man who  forced him  to submit in the middle of the ring on January 7th.   Smythe eagerly accepted,  and wants nothing more than to prove  that win was not a fluke - by making Atlas  submit again. 
    The  historic  Palisades is located at 501 Water Street, in the heart  of downtown McKeesport's  business district, along the banks of  the  Youghiogheny River at McKees Point.   Located minutes from  the Lincoln-Penn Parkway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and  I-70  in the eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA! Just blocks from the intersection  of PA SR 48 and PA SR 148, Renzie Park, and Olympia Shopping Center,  the  Palisades will be the place to be for wrestling action in  the Pittsburgh area  this winter.
     The winners of the  2005 NWA Pro Wrestling Express Achievement Awards were  announced  at the January 7th event.  See a complete breakdown of how the  fan  voting went here.   Thanks to all the great Pittsburgh wrestling  fans who took  the time to voice their opinion on PWX in 2005!!!
Wrestler  of the Year - Chris Taylor
Tag  Team of the Year - Tri Chi  Fraternity
Match of the Year - NWA-PWX Champion Devin Devine  defeated Scottie Gash (June 11 - The Night the Lights Went Out!!!)
Tag Team Match of the Year - Super Duper Cool  Dudes & Eric Extasy defeated DUH (April 16 )
Newcomer of the Year - Mantis666
Comeback of the year - Paul Atlas
    The  voting for the first inductee into NWA-PWX's "Circle of  Respect"  concluded on Saturday January 7th, and surprisingly, the extremely  close race ended in a tie after the fan voting stage.  The two  highest vote  getters were Senior Official Shawn Patrick, and Quinn  Magnum - and both will be  inducted into the Circle!. 
      The first induction will take place at the  inaugural Iron City  Classic on January 21st, where Patrick will be the first man  to  receive the honor of inclusion in the circle!  He will inducted  into the  Circle by the promoter of NWA-PWX, Jim Miller. Patrick  has been in Pro Wrestling  Express since it inception - first  as a competitor, and then as a referee, and  currently serving  as the company's senior official.  Still a popular individual  among  fans, Patrick is the hardest working member of the PWX roster, and  the  company's moral compass. 
    Magnum will be inducted  into the circle on the  next PWX super card, the 'Burgh Brawl,  on March 4th, with his inductor to be  announced.  Magnum has  brought a blue collar work ethic that embodies the spirit  of Pittsburgh  to the ring with him for nearly a decade, and become one of the  most decorated wrestlers in the ring, and one of the most respected  outside of  it.
     With a tie in the voting leading to  two inductees, the next round of  voting for fans will begin on  March 18th, with a new set of three finalists  determined by voting  among the wrestlers, staff, and alumni of Pro Wrestling  Express.
Palisades - McKeesport, PA
  - Devin Devine & Chris Taylor defeated Sabotage & Teddy Fine by pinfall
 -  QB Blitzz  and Jake Garrett fought to a double disqualification
 -  Dan Miles defeated  Eisen Drache by pinfall
 - Bigg & Nikita  Allanov defeated Armageddon and  Da Munchies in a tag team gauntlet  match
 - Brass Knuckles Champion Devil  Bhudakahn defeated  Sam Slej
 - Daron Smythe defeated Paul Atlas in a "Best  2/3  Falls" match
 - Brandon K defeated Scott Venom by pinfall
 -  NWA-PWX  Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen defeated Three Rivers  Champion Eric Extasy  by pinfall
    The  Pittsburgh Wrestling  Academy is the place where a career in professional  wrestling  can begin!  Officially sanctioned and operated by NWA Pro Wrestling  Express, the Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy has trained athletes  who have appeared  on cards for the WWE, NWA-TNA, WCW, ECW, and  the independent circuit, including  Europe and Asia! In fact, most  of the competitors on the Pro Wrestling Express  roster got their  start in the Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy's dojo! The  Pittsburgh  Wrestling Academy is where your dream of being a professional  wrestler,  manager or referee can begin!
For more info on tryouts, or for  the  upcoming class forming for the Spring of '06 contact the academy  at
[email protected]
For more information, visit the official website  of  NWA Pro Wrestling Express at
Show Business, Inc.
PO Box 941787
Atlanta, GA 31141

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