• 02/20/2006 (10:37:47 am)
  • Press Release



2/18 NWA Anarchy Report
By: Larry Goodman
NWA Anarchy returned to the friendly confines  of the NWA Arena in Cornelia,  Georgia for their bimonthly television  taping.
The show was heavily weighted in the direction of storyline  development. The  focus was on the circumstances surrounding the  title matches that are a lock to  headline Hardcore Hell on 3/11.  As for the wrestling, there was a fair amount of  smoke and mirrors,  which was smart given the depleted lineup.
The product is now  being viewed by a live audience largely made up of fresh,  young  eyes. Unlike the jaded Wildside regulars, who had seen everything,  it’s a  whole new ballgame for this group, and the education  process is underway. Gone  are the days when it was like pulling  teeth to get a response from the NWA Arena  crowd.
Ring announcer  “Pee Wee” Ernie Rich with an update on the injuries suffered  by Seth Delay and Chad Parham during the main event two weeks  ago. Delay came  out of with a concussion. Rich said Parham’s  throat injury was severe enough to  put his title match at Hardcore  Hell in jeopardy.
Attorney/Agent Jeff G. Bailey and his pride  and joy, the NWA Anarchy  Champion, Mikal Adryan entered the ring  to the malevolent sound of Sid Vicious’  “My Way.” Bailey  was more than happy to take credit for the injuries to Delay  and  Parham. Bailey said Delay was left for dead and should have been  deposited  in the dumpster where garbage like him belongs. Bailey  claimed Parham’s career  was over. Bailey made light of Anarchy  owner Jerry Palmer’s career as a fireman.  Bailey wondered if  Palmer was too ignorant to become a cop, because cops need at  least  a GED.
The appearance of Palmer at ringside got a huge pop.  Palmer said Parham would  be at Hardcore Hell. Palmer admitted  that Bailey had pinned Patrick Bentley at  the last show. Bailey  said he could beat anybody in the building. Palmer wanted  to see  if Bailey could pin Bentley again. Bailey said he never claimed  to be a  wrestler but he was a bad mofo. Bailey said he would do  another match but only  with a no DQ stipulation, because he intended  to split Bentley’s head like an  overripe melon. Palmer had an  epiphany. He said OK on one condition. If Bailey  won the match,  he could pick the stipulation for Adryan vs. Parham at Hardcore  Hell, but if Bentley won, then Parham got to pick the stip. Strong  segment.  Palmer is great in the role in the same way Danny Davis  is in OVW. He comes  across like a real owner rather than a “Sports  Entertainment” owner.
The NWA Anarchy Television Champion,  Jeff Lewis made his way to the ring.  Lewis said he had given Hayden  Young three shots at the title and look at who  was still the champ.  “Three strikes and you’re out.” Lewis said he was going to  take the night off from defending the title, but offered to put  on an exhibition  with some “lucky boy” in the back.
(1)  Adrian Hawkins pinned Jeff Lewis in a non-title match at  2:32. Lewis was pulling Hawkins up from a pin within the first 30  seconds.  It looked like Hawkins had nothing for him. As “The Feature  Presentation”  was preparing to put Hawkins out of his misery, his intro music  played played, and Hayden Young appeared on the ramp wearing Lewis’  robe. Lewis  lost his composure. That gave Hawkins a chance to  schoolboy Lewis for the flash  pin. Hawkins joined Young on the  ramp for a mocking celebration. The finish got  over great with  the crowd.
(2) Jeremy V & Jason Blackman defeated  Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marval) to retain the NWA Anarchy  Tag Team Titles in 9:07. I’m a mark for Treats, so  I knew this would be fun. They have the  smooth functioning of  a true tag team. V and Blackman are just plain nasty.  Treats hit  some nice combo moves as they dominated the opening minutes. The  match did an abrupt turnaround when the champs converted Don Juan’s  spinning  headscissors into a wicked double team hotshot. Juan  took a bigtime beating  here. Blackman used the old Wildside foot  tag. Blackman took a doozy of a bump  on Juan’s backdrop, which  made for a great hope spot. Juan used an RKO to set up  the hot  tag. Treats hit the veg-o-matic elbow drop on V. Blackman saved.  Marval  took a major flying bump onto the rail. V then pinned Juan  with a top rope Hart  Attack. I don’t think Juan was the legal  man, not that it matters in the grand  scheme of things.
Dan  “The Dragon” Wilson lead what was left of Devil’s Rejects  into the ring  for their match against Ace Rockwell and Brandon  P. Wilson labeled the  restraining order against Iceberg and Tank  as “a miscarriage of justice.” Wilson  said two can play at  that game. Wilson produced a restraining order that he had  taken  out against Ace Rockwell on behalf of Shaun Tempers. Wilson said  it was  too bad that Rockwell didn’t read his mail because he  was now in violation of  the order. Two of Cornelia’s finest  came out to escort Rockwell from the  building. Palmer tried to  intervene. Wilson kept #####ing at the cops to put the  cuffs on  Rockwell, until one of the cops threatened to lock Wilson up. The  crowd  popped huge for it. They had the right guy for the job.  This dude looked like he  meant business.
(3) The  Devil’s Rejects (Azrael & Shaun Tempers with Wilson & Dominous) beat Brandon P in 8:03. So it was P against  insurmountable  odds. Like Paul Heyman has better chances of being  invited to Stefanie McMahon’s  baby shower. Great spot for P,  or any babyface for that matter. P opened with a  double lariat.  Then he got clubbed in the eye. Azrael hit spinning heel kick to  the back of the head. Azrael was at his sadistic best for the  second show a row.  P brought the fire and the crowd got behind  him. Wilson jabbed P with his  sceptre . P’s last gasp haymaker  connected on Tempers. Speedy Nelson’s attention  deficit disorder  came into play. Wilson distracted him forever. P was setting up  for the Orange Crush Bomb when Azrael punted his face and #####  him with a  cutthroat piledriver. Tempers locked in a grounded  cobra clutch and P was toast.
Rejects were almost out the  back door when Wilson decided to bring Dominous  back for more.  Dominouse elevated P. Rockwell hit the ring with kendo stick. The  first shot got the disfigured freak’s attention. A couple more  and Dominous was  at least stunned. Rockwell took Dominous over  the top with a kendo stick  clothesline. Wilson proposed a match  for the next TV: If Rockwell could beat one  of his guys, Wilson  would drop the restraining order and give Rockwell a match  against  Tempers at Hardcore Hell. “Good luck,” said Wilson.
(4)  Texas Wrestling Academy All-Stars (Brett Thunder & Big Dogg & Hector Navarro & Skitzo with Rudy Boy Gonzalez) beat  Henry Hoss & Quentin Allen & Randall Johnson & Spector  in 9:45. Hoss came to  the ring surrounded by his miniature  minions. It didn’t take long for Hoss and  Dogg to go at it.  Once they locked up, it was like superglue, and it was  impossible  for referee Brent Wiley to separate them. All eyes were on Dogg  and  Hoss as they brawled to the back. The match continued with  some fast-paced  action featuring Allen and Thunder. The TWA guys  got heat on Johnson. They hit  Total Destruction’s Ezy Rider  finisher (vertical suplex/top rope splash). They  did a contrived  dive sequence that got zero pop. The dives were OK but nobody  cares  about these guys. The finish was all about the dissension between  Thunder  and Gonzalez. Thunder escaped an axe kick by Allen. Gonzalez  jumped in and  superkicked Allen. While Thunder argued with Gonzalez,  Navarro scored the pin.  Gonzalez slapped Thunder. Fans wanted  to see them get it on, but Thunder’s  partners held him back.
(5) Ken Westbrooks beat Fast Eddie in 11:48. Technical  wrestling of the caliber Eddie produces is what Anarchy  lacks right now. It’s  not at the John Cena level, but Westbrooks  is over with the female fans and not  so much with the male fans.  Westbrooks is shedding his whitemeat babyface in a  hurry. Last  time, he refused to a postmatch show of respect from Tony Mamaluke.  This time, he told the shriekers known as Poodle Attack Squad  to turn down the  volume. They started on the mat. Westbrooks forced  Eddie to the ropes. Eddie hit  a neckbreaker across the knee to  take over. Eddie kicked the crap out of  Westbrooks’ spine. Eddie  worked over Westbrooks neck. Eddie hit a neckbreaker  from a cradle  piledriver position. A capture suplex by Westbrooks left both men  down. Westbrooks got a near fall with an overhead suplex. Eddie  hit a lungblower  from a torture rack position for the hands down  coolest move of the night.  Westbrooks managed to kick out. Westbrooks  blocked the Fasteddious and hit a  super exploder suplex. Westbrooks  didn’t hit it clean and Eddie kicked out.  Eddie came right back  with the Russian Legsweep from Hell for a near fall.  Westbrooks  applied a Fujiwara armbar. Eddie inched his way to the ropes. The  finish saw Westbrooks eat an elbow charging in to the corner.  Eddie went for the  pin, but ref Justin Bradley saw that Eddie’s  feet were all over the ropes.  Westbrooks pinned Eddie with a handful  of tights. Westbrooks is turning out to  be a complex character.  A push is one thing. A clean win over Eddie would have  been shoving  Westbrooks down the fans’ throats.
(6) “Precious”  Patrick Bentley beat Jeff G. Bailey (with Mikal  Adryan) in 6:26. Bailey’s paunch was readily apparent beneath his Dan  Morgan  Carolina Panthers jersey. Bailey frustrated Bentley by refusing  to lock  up. Bailey bailed. Bentley made a major miscalculation  by chasing Bailey around  the ring. Adryan mowed Bentley down and  launched him onto the guard rail.  Bentley was in agony. The slimy  attorney was oozing confidence now. Bailey  pounced on Bentley  with punches and chokes. Bailey actually dropped an elbow for  a  two count. Bailey did a hilarious vertical suplex that required  an assist from  Adryan. Bailey covered with one finger. Adryan  leveled Bentley with the Mafia  kick, and Bailey pulled Bentley  up at the count of two. It was curtains for  Bentley when an unidentified  masked man bolted into the ring. The masked man  superkicked Adryan.  The superkick looked familiar. Bailey backed away and fell  over  Bentley, who rolled him up for the pin. Bailey was stunned. Fans  chanted  “1-2-3” at Bailey.
(7) Urban Assault  Squad (Nemesis & Shadow Jackson) beat Alabama  Attitude (Adam  Roberts & T. C. Carnage) in a no DQ/no count out match to  earn  a title shot at Hardcore Hell (15 minutes). A balls-to-the-wall  brawl, some of it good, all of it hot and stiff. V and Blackman  were out as  guest commentators. You just knew that was going to  lead to problems. F*** the  introductions. The action spilled down  the ramp as UAS bashed the Alabamians  with trash can lids. Nemesis  gave Carnage an Angle slam on the floor. Carnage  tossed Nemesis  into the announcing booth. V laughed at the violence. Carnage  blasted  both members of UAS with chairshots. The Alabamians gave Jackson  the  Attitude Adjustment onto a steel chair. Jackson somehow got  a shoulder up. While  Roberts had Jackson in Boston crab, Carnage  smashed Jackson’s face into a chair  with a guillotine drop to  the neck. Jackson looked like he was killed dead.  Nemesis tried  to go one against two. Roberts cut Nemesis down with another  chairshot.  Jackson got up bleeding from the forehead. Carnage sent Jackson’s  noggin into the post. Attitude kept cutting off Jackson’s fiery  comebacks.  Jackson’s facials were nothing short of awesome.  Attitude gave the girls in the  first row a close up of Jackson’s  crimson mask. Nemesis kicked out of everything  the Alabamians  could throw at him. Carnage ripped the pad off a turnbuckle, but  Nemesis was able to send Carnage into the exposed metal with an  exploder suplex.  Nemesis hit a double neckbreaker on Attitude.  The crowd roared their approval.  Jackson pulled a noose from somewhere.  The crowd chanted “Hang the Honkies.” Sho  enuff, UAS pinned  Carnage with a double team noose jerk.
The crowd reveled in  the UAS victory, the finale of this bitter feud. But the  celebration  was short lived. V and Blackman attacked UAS and left them laying  to  close the show.
NOTES: The show drew another healthy crowd  (150), especially considering the  sucky weather…The 3/4 show  has Rockwell vs. Dominous, Young vs. Westbrooks and  an open challenge  by Mikal Adryan…Palmer has made further upgrades to the  facility,  including a swank fortress for the hard camera, complete with chain  link fence exterior that is right in line with the Anarchy motif…Slim  J is  recovering from an accumulation of back problems and hopes  to be back in the  ring soon.

To start the show, Biohazard  stated that if he did not win the Evolution  Wrestling Championship,  he would leave the company forever.
"The Rock Nightmare" Darin  Childs came to the ring and gave an emotional  interview on Dedicating  his match to his mentor, the Late Johnny Grunge.
1) Jonathan  Davis defeated Amen Raddick.
2) Ranger Ross defeated "Nightmare"  Ted Allen
3) Frankie Capone defeated a debuting Terry Lawler.
Ken "The Insider" Wallace came to the ring and stated, the  reason he wanted  to special guest referee Mikal Adryan vs. Nemesis,  was to prove that with "The  Insider" by your side, you will NEVER  lose. He then said to prove his point, he  dedicated the following  match to Mikal Adryan...
4) The Hollywood Brunettes and Black  Pegasus (w/ Ken Wallace) defeated Kid  Ego, Jr and The Regular  Guys (with their new manager "The Coach" D.L. Norris).  Bobby Hill  was first to be eliminated, but was quickly followed by the  elimination  of Black Pegasus. Tyler Smith was the next eliminated. Kid Ego had  many near falls, but eventually went down to the Brunettes. Post  match saw DL  Norris get Ken Wallace in the ring, to which Wallace  received 10 huge punches  while in a corner trying to hide.
Murder  One then made his way to the ring and stated how the fans in Canton  were unworthy of the 4-way Match. "Executive Consultant" Nigel  Sherrod sent out  Carl Wilson to "handle" the problem. Carl Wilson  received a "Blazin Lariat" for  his troubles.
5) The Slaughter  Brothers successfully defended the Evolution Wrestling Tag  Team  Cup, against Rod Steel and Sedrick Strong.
6) Biohazard became  the NEW EVOLUTION WRESTLING CHAMPION by defeating Bruce  Steel,  Iceberg and Murder- One. Post match, a near Riot Ensued when Bruce  Steel  began taunting some fans.
7) Marcus "Buff" Bagwell  defeated Scott Steel (w/ Mercedes). Post Match Buff  stated that  Scott's victory 2 months ago was a fluke, and he just proved it.
Nigel Sherrod came to the ring and said that he knew both Darin  Childs and  Jacob Ladder wanted to kill each other. He asked "What  good is a company with a  near murder to deal with?" Nigel went  on to say that the following Spike Match  would be unsanctioned.
 "The Rock  Nigmare" Darin Childs (w/ Rachel Putzki) defeated Jacob  Ladder when Ladder was  unable to answer the 10 count, AFTER Darin  Childs put him through a FLAMING  TABLE! This was definitely the  most brutal match in PWE History, which even saw  Rachel Putzki  getting spine-bustered into a bed of TACKS!
Notes: Kid Ego,  Jr was taken to a local medical facility to be examined after  he  began to bleed during his match. He will be okay as he left the  facility as  quickly as he arrived. The show was taped for a future  DVD Release. The new PWE  announce team was in attendance and provided  commentary during the show.
Keep checking the PWE Website,  for further news and updates!
Thank you,
PWE Office

NWA GCW results 2-18-06 and upcoming  matches for  2-25-06
First  the latest news. Vordell Walker comes back the sports arena next  week.  Damien Steele gets a TV title match, thanks to a new referee,  more on that  later. Also for anyone interested, GCW was giving  out information to anyone  interested in their wrestling school.  Due to problems with the big screen, the  Backstage Guy segment  wasn't shown tonight.
The first match of the night was the  very popular "Loverboy" Lee Thomas  taking on the returning Shaun  Banks. When Banks came out to the ring, the  teenage girls behind  nearly made me go deaf. I guess GCW has their own version  of the  Poodle Squad. For those who don't know, the Poodle Squad is a group  of  fans at NWA Anarchy. Well anyways Lee starts off the action  by clamping Shaun  into a headlock. Soon he changed the headlock  into a chinlock and later hits  Banks with a armdrag. After a slam,  Lee nailed Shaun with a dropkick, but his  momentum didn't last  long. Thomas went for a running crossbody, but Banks ducked  out  of the way and started to work on the Thomas' leg. He locks in an  ankle lock  and then started to drive his knees into Lee's hamstring  area. Later Banks  drives Thomas' knees into the mat and then locks  in a single leg crab. Later it  looks like Lee was starting to  fight back when he kicked out of another ankle  lock, but Shaun  ended up drop kicking the knee. He then drapes Thomas' leg over  the bottom rope, then jumps onto Thomas' leg with all his weight.  Later Shaun  locks in a reverse ankle lock and followed that up  with an inverted STF. He  almost pinned Thomas with a bow and arrow  pin, but Thomas kicked out. Shaun  sends Lee into the corner and  runs in, but is met with a boot to the face. Banks  charges again,  but this time is met by a back elbow by Thomas. As it looked like  Shaun was out, Lee went to the ring apron but he missed his catapult  kneedrop.  Banks then dropkicks Thomas in the knee, then climbs  to the top rope. With Lee  on his hands and knees, Shaun flies  from the top and hits an elbow drop on the  back of Lee's head  for the 1..2..3.
The second match pitted "The All Star" and  "One Bad Mofo" Cru Jones in battle  with "The Thriller" Heath Miller.  Cru got the early advantage by locking in a  headlock. Miller whips  Jones into the ropes, but Miller is knocked down by a  Jones shoulder  block. Heath starts to fight back as he hits Cru an armdrag and  locks in an armbar. Later Heath hits a jumping shoulder tackle.  Jones later hits  an armdrag and locks in an armbar on Miller,  but Miller quickly locks in a  headlock. Cru then whips Heath into  the ropes and hits a dropkick. Later Miller  returns the favor  as he whips Jones into the ropes and nails a dropkick. Later  he  sends Cru to the outside, and after holding the ropes open for Cru  to get  back in, started to work on the arm. He put Jones' arm  in the armwringer and  then starts to drive his knees into his  arm. But Cru is able to put on a front  chancre. Later both wrestlers  try to hiptoss each other, but they kept blocking  each other,  until Jones tossed Miller out of the ring. This time Cru holds the  ropes open for Heath, but when Heath enter, Cru started to beat  and stomp away  at Heath. After hitting Miller with a slam, Jones  hits a standing legdrop. Heath  eventually blocks a suplex and  hits one of his own. The Miller nearly takes off  Jones' head with  a clothesline and then hits a dropkick. Cru went for  clothesline,  but Heath ducked and kicked Cru in the chops with a super kick.  Miller had Jones reeling in the corner, until Jones hits Miller  with a reverse  snake eyes. Cru whips Heath into the corner and  went for a running clothesline,  but Heath bounded over Cru and  rolls him up in the school boy for the 3 count.
After the match,  Jones attacked Miller.
The third match of the evening was between  a man who came extremely close to  winning the GCW heavyweight  title, AJ Steele against "Mean" Mike Stratus. Steele  started the  match off with a couple of headlock takeovers and a running shoulder  blocks. AJ then hits Mike with a hiptoss and follows that up with  a dropkick.  Later Steele locks Stratus up in a headlock on the  mat, but Stratus is able to  turn the momentum in his favor by  hitting a belly to back suplex. Mike showing  that is willing to  take shortcuts by choking AJ right in front of referee Steve  Miller.  Stratus whips Steele into the corner and hits a huge clothesline  and  follows that up with a side slam. Later AJ tries to whip Mike,  but the whip is  reversed and Mike knocks AJ on his back with a  clothesline. Steele tried to get  a crucifix pin on Stratus, but  Stratus reversed it into a Samoan drop. Later  after a suplex,  Mike went to the second rope, but he ends up missing a legdrop.  Steele then whips Stratus into the ropes and hits a back elbow.  Eventually Mike  is able to get the momentum to turn in his favor,  thanks toa clothesline. It  looked like Stratus had this match  in the back and went to put Steele away witha  pumphandle powerslam.  But AJ wiggles free and then nails Mike with a twilt a  whirl one  arm slam and AJ got the referee's 3 count.
The next match pitted  the TV champion and Bad Company's Bad Boy Chris Stevens  taking  on former TV champion and former tag champion Damien Steele. Chris  said  that if Damien wins, he'll give Damien a title match next  week. That Stevens guy  is sure a giving person huh. Damien early  got into Chris' head, by his prematch  antics where he threw Chris'  own towel in his face and later Damien threw his  pants at him.  Then as Stevens turned around to trash talk the fans, Steele went  up and patted him on the butt. Then Damien locks in a headlock  and knocks  Stevens down with a shoulder. Steele later puts Stevens  into a hammerlock and  starts driving his knees into Stevens' arm.  Chris started to fight back with a  headlock and a shoulderblock  of his own but Damien turns the tables back in his  favor hits  a armdrag and locks in an armbar. The Steele puts Stevens in a  LaMaristral  cradle. After both wrestlers exchanged chops, Damien whips Chris  into the corner and hits a hiptoss. He then hits Stevens with  an armdrag and  locks in an armbar and stomps on Stevens' arm.  Damien is able to knock Chris  down with a bulldog, but Chris is  able to recover and nailed Damien with a  clothesline. Later Stevens  hits Steele with a slingshot suplex and hits a  jumping kneelift.  Later after a clothesline, Chris locks in the camel clutch.  Steele  later starts to fight back by blocking a Stevens' suplex and hitting  one  of his own, but Stevens locks in a sleeper. Damien starts  to fight back with  elbows to the gut and hits a running crossbody.  He follows that up with a  clothesline and a slam, but Stevens  cuts off Steele's momentum. Chris hits a  hangman's neckbreaker,  then for some reason, Greg Brown, Bad Company's manager,  slides  in a chair to Chris. Referee Steve Miller takes the chair away from  Stevens, but Miller is nailed in the face by the chair thanks  to an a Steele  dropkick mistakingly hitting it. Damien goes to  the top rope and hits a flying  crossbody. Now for the weird ending.  With Miller out, a person dressed in street  clothes suddenly hit  the ring and made the 3 count. Brown started to protest the  victory,  when Jerry Oates came out. Jerry said that the mystery man, who  went by  the name Joe Armstrong, is a license official and that  the decision stands.  Oates also said that if Miller can't be the  ref, Armstrong will.
Joe Armstrong as it turned out was the  official for the main event as the GCW  tag team champions, Erik  Watts and John Bogie took on the Bad Company duo of  "Big" Bull  Buchanan and the GCW Heavyweight champion, David Young. Am I the  only  one who thinks that Bogie should drop the John from his name?  Oh well onto the  match. Young and Bogie started the match off,  with Young taking Bogie down with  a headlock takeover. He hits  a shoulder on John, but John is able to turn some  momentum with  an armdrag and lock in an armbar. But Young takes a short cut with  an eye poke and he tags in Buchanan. As Bull comes in, John hits  him with a drop  toe an then tags in Erik. Buchanan and Watts exchanged  waistlocks, but it was  Watts who got the advantage. Erik locks  in a headlock, but Bull whips him into  the ropes. After repeated  running shoulder block attempts, where Watts failed to  knock Buchanan  down, Watts decides to hit a jumping clothesline. David comes in,  but Erik is able to drive both Bad Company members out of the  ring. Bogie is  tagged into the match and as Watts holds Buchanan's  arm, Bogie comes off the  second rope with a flying axe handle.  Bull is able to get away and tag in David  who hits a dropkick  on John and quickly tags Bull back in. Buchanan hits some  elbows  to the shoulder and then locks in the code red armbar. Bull makes  another  quick tag to David, and Bad Company whips John into the  ropes. Then they nailed  Bogie with a double back elbow. After  driving John's arm into the mat, David  locks in an code red armbar.  Later Young makes a tag into Buchanan and as Young  holds Bogie's  arm down, Buchanan hits it with a kneedrop. Bull whips John into  the ropes and hits a back body. Bogie was able to turn the table  a little bit  later. Bull whips John into the ropes and went for  a back body drop, but John is  able to reverse that backbody drop  into a dropkick. But this didn't keep  Buchanan down for long as  he nails Bogie with an axe kick. He then makes the tag  into David,  and Bad Company whips John into the ropes and hits him with a double  jumping shoulder tackle. Later Young hits a clothesline and tags  Buchanan back  into the match. Bull locks in a standing armbar  and then whips John into the  ropes. He nailed Bogie with a big  boot to the face and then he locks in a  fujiwana armbar. Bull  then tags in David again and after hitting a slam, David  went  to the top rope. But Bogie rolls out of the way and makes the tag  to Watts.  Erik slams David and hits a clothesline. Suddenly all  four men are in the ring,  but soon Buchanan is thrown out. The  champs whips David into the ropes and hits  a double back body  drop. As it looked like the Armstrong was getting order in  the  ring, Young pulls a chain out of his kneepad and blasted Watts in  the head  with a loaded fist. The referee makes the three count  and it looked like Bad  Company stoled one from the champs. But  John told the referee about the chain  and Joe went to check. He  found the chain in Young's kneepad and reversed the  decision,  giving the victory the champs by DQ.
Greg Brown claims that  he knew he Joe Armstrong really was, and that he was  Erik Watts'  brother. This was shocking news to the GCW crowd. Armstrong or Watts  or whatever name he goes by, said that it doesn't matter what  his dad's name is,  because he'll do his job and call the match  down the middle. Brown leaves  threatening Armstrong.
On Feburary  25th, GCW presents The Chase. "The Shooter" Vordell Walker takes  on "Mean" Mike Stratus. AJ Steele has a chance to get revenge  on the man that  cost him the GCW heavyweight championship, Bobby  Sanford. Two impressive young  bucks will face each other as it  is the power of Scott Steele facing off against  the speed and  agility of Shaun Banks. For the TV championship, Chris Stevens  defends  the belt against former TV champion Damien Steele. And the main  event  pits the tag team champions Erik Watts and John Bogie against  the Bad Company  duo of "The Source" Greg Brown and the GCW heavyweight  champion, "The Messiah of  the Spinebuster" David Young.

Here are the results  from last night's Vancouver, BC NWA/ECCW TV Tapings for our weekly  "Top Ranked  Wrestling" program - seen every Saturday at 1pm on  KVOS.  Crowd size of  200: 
Mike Desheezits  over  Aaron Idol
- Desheezits is the  new NWA/ECCW Pacific  Northwest Jr Heavyweight Champion 
Vance Nevada over  Volcano 
Tony Tisoy & Kyle O'Rielly  over Mike Dempsey & Ritchie Destiny 
RAGE over "Gorgeous"  Michelle Starr
- RAGE is the new  NWA Canadian Heavyweight  Champion
MR2 over Fast Freddy  Funk  by countout
Sweet Daddy  Devastation  over "The Bomber" Nelson Creed
- SDD remains  NWA/ECCW Champion
Abbadon over Seth  Knight 
Machette Brown over  Cole  Bishop 
Ice over Memphis  Raines
Scotty Mac and DK  Roc over  SCUM (Wrathchild & Killswitch)
- Scotty and DK  remain NWA/ECCW Tag Team Champions 
Kurt Sterling over  Disco Fury
Aaron Idol, "The  Bomber"  Nelson Creed and RAGE over "Ironman" Mike Roselli, Mike Desheezits  and  Sweet Daddy Devastation 
Friday, February  24th - Surrey, BC
8pm - tickets start  at just  $12
"Rocket" Randy  Tyler  vs Harry "Bulldog" Smith 
Sweet  Daddy  Devastation (c) vs Aaron Idol 
Rebecca Knox & Nikki Matthews vs  Venronica & Ashley Anne 
Scotty Mac & DK  Roc  (c) vs SCUM (Wrathchild & Killswitch) 
Visit for more  information.
*****NWA  PRO WRESTLING EXPRESS NEWSLETTER - February 17, 2006*****
      Since 1994 NWA Pro Wrestling Express has offered a brand of  professional
wrestling that captures your attention with chaos,  surprises,  drama, action,
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            NWA Pro  Wrestling Express  returns to the Palisades in McKeesport
on  the afternoon of Sunday February  26th.  Belltime is 4:00pm, and  tickets
are only $12 for ringside, $10 general  admission, and  kids 12 and under are
only $6!!!  Football season is over, and  baseball season has yet to begin...
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Matches already  signed include.
"#1" DARON SMYTHE defends the championship in  a "Fatal-Four-Way"
     Daron Smythe has finally reached the top of the  mountain in  Pro
Wrestling Express, with his upset win over Crusher Hansen  for  the most
prestigious singles championship in the NWA, the  PWX  Heavyweight
Championship.  The upset win has not sat well  with PWX  Commissioner and 987
mastermind Scott Venom, who signed  Smythe to the title  match with 987's
Hansen only as a means  of avoiding the challenge of Rage's  Scottie Gash.
Venom has  vowed to make up for his snafu by having Smythe  defend the title  a
gainst three different challengers, all of whom will be  picked  by Venom
    Who will Venom sign to face Smythe?   Hansen is almost a sure bet, as
Venom wants the title back  around the waist  of his stablemate as soon as
possible.  Or,  will Venom sit Hansen out, hoping  that whoever comes out as
the  winner of this match is softened up for Hansen  at 'Burgh Brawl?   Will
Venom finally give Gash his rematch, forcing him to go  thru  three other men
for his title shot?  Could this be where the  competitors  Venom has been
scouting in the Cleveland area finally  make their mark under  the 987 banner?
987's Dirk Ciglar left  PWX after losing the Three Rivers  title to Smythe,
will this  be his chance to avenge a loss that has been on  his conscious  for
two years?   Paul Atlas has proven he has no issues working  with 987 if it
fits his needs, and if Atlas is looking to avenge  his  submission loss
against Smythe in January, he could be  on the short list of  challengers in
this match.
Iron  City Classic Winners BIGG & NIKITA  ALLANOV
square off with  the Championship Committee's Number One  Contender's
    987's Devine & Taylor  took a 1-to-0 lead in this series after a big win
on February  12th.  Bigg & Allanov now have their backs against the wall,  and
must win  two straight matches to win the vacant NWA-PWX  Tag Team
Championship at  'Burgh Brawl.  Devine & Taylor  have other ideas however, and
are  insisting that this series  will end in a sweep, with the Tag  Team
Championship finally  coming to 987.   The physical price in the series  of
matches  has been high, and with 987 now confident  that Bigg is  competing
with  a hip injury he sustained at the Iron City Classic, the sharks  smell
blood.   Will Bigg & Allanov be able to pull a repeat upset, and win  this
"best-of-three series" and the NWA-PWX Tag Team Championship  that has  eluded
the duo for over a year?
"The Hammer" SAM SLEJ
Defends his title  in a rematch  against
"Anti Christ Luchador" DEVIL BHUDAKAHN
     The Tri Chi  Fraternity's "Hammer" Sammy Slej has declared that  he will
be a fighting  champion, and when Devil Bhudakahn demanded  a rematch for the
Brass Knuckles  Championship, the Tri Chi  was more than happy to oblige.  The
shoe looks to  be on the  other foot for Bhudakahn though, as the Tri Chi's
appear to be  on  the same page once again, and as champion, Slej has the
advantage  of picking  the stipulation for this match.  Apocalypse has been
less  than impressive in  backing Bhudakahn as of late; could this collection
of  misfits be the  difference in this title match?
Rage's "First  Klass" BRANDON  K
one-on-one with
987's "Screaming Climax"  DIRK CIGLAR
    This is Dirk  Ciglar's first singles match  in Pro Wrestling Express in
two years, and  against his former  tag team partner and best friend, Brandon
K. K and Ciglar  are  on opposite sides of the 987-Rage war, and there is
obviously  bad blood  between the two still simmering from the past.  K scored
a  win in tag team  action on February 12th by pinning Ciglar, a win  which
Ciglar has  characterized as "cheap".  Ciglar issued  a challenge for K to
face him  one-on-one, and Commissioner  Scott Venom signed the match.
Rage's QUINN MAGNUM and MAD MIKE will be  teaming  together in two-on-two tag
team action!!!
    Plus,  more of  your favorite Pro Wrestling Express competitors will be  in
action, including  :  987's CRUSHER HANSEN, JUSTIN IDOL,  Three Rivers
Champion the "Sexual Icon"  ERIC EXTASY, PAUL ATLAS,  APOCALYPSE members
MILES, Rage's "Spotlight"  SCOTTIE GASH, and more!!!
Palisades  -  McKeesport, PA
  - Devin Devine & Chris Taylor defeated  Bigg & Nikita  Allanov in match one
of a "Best of Three  Series" for the vacant Tag Team  Championship
- QB Blitzz defeated  Jake Garrett by DQ
- Justin Idol  defeated Eisen Drache by pinfall
-  Brandon K & Scottie Gash defeated  Scott Venom & Dirk Ciglar  by pinfall
- Sam Slej defeated Brass Knuckles  Champion Devil  Bhudakahn by pinfall to
win the title
- Paul Atlas defeated  Three Rivers Champion Eric Extasy by DQ
- Daron Smythe defeated  NWA-PWX  Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen by
pinfall to win  the  title
    One of  the most anticipated  wrestling shows in Pro Wrestling Express
each  year is the annual "'Burgh  Brawl", and this year's event takes  place
Friday March 10th at the Palisades  in McKeesport, PA  at 501 Water St at
McKees Point.  Belltime is 7:30pm.   Tickets  for this event will be available
at the February 26th NWA-PWX  card at  the Palisades, and are only $12 for
ringside, $10 general  admission, and kids  12 and under are only $6!!!
    'Burgh  Brawl will feature the annual "Burgh  Brawl Match, a 30-man
over-the-top-rope  rumble style battle royal, with the  winner of the match
earning  a shot at the NWA Pro Wrestling Express  Heavyweight Championship!
In  addition, there will be a defense of the NWA-PWX  Heavyweight
Championship,  currently held by Daron Smythe, on the card.  This  event is
sure  to be packed - reserve good seats now!
#1 Heavyweight Champion
    987's  Crusher Hansen made a huge mistake when underestimating the
challenge  of  Daron Smythe to his NWA-PWX Heavyweight Championship on
February  12th, and he  paid for it with a stunning loss.  Overlooking Smythe
can  only be classified  as a major blunder, when you look at the record  books
and see a list of  Smythe's accomplishments a mile long.
     "To be only the sixth 'Grand Slam'  Champion is truly an honor,"  said
Smythe, after winning the Heavyweight  Championship to  complete the grand
slam.  Along with that championship and  three  reigns as Tag Team Champion,
two reigns as Three Rivers Champion,  and a  Brass Knuckles Championship,
Smythe joins Quinn Magnum,  Mad Mike, Paul Atlas,  Dirk Ciglar and Scottie
Gash as the only  man to hold all four of PWX's active  championships. "I don'
t  know if I deserve to be in the company of those  names, but I am  proud of
this accomplishment."
    PWX fans might disagree  with Smythe however.  The crowd erupted when
Smythe got the  pinfall on Hansen  after hitting him with a Tommykaze, and the
fans  quickly filled the ring as  Smythe was presented with the championship
belt.   The last time fans rushed  the ring in celebration of a title win,  was
when Mad Mike won the  championship in 2004.
    "This  win has been a long time coming.  Growing up  as a kid watching  PWX
on television, I dreamed of someday winning the title.   Now, I have, and it
is hard to believe," said Smythe.
     Smythe has a  tough road ahead though, as his win was not supposed  to
happen in the eyes of  PWX Commissioner "Emperor" Scott Venom.     With his
power, Venom is sure to  do everything he can to  get the championship back
into the hands of Hansen,  or anyone  else in 987.
    "All I can do is wrestle who is put in front  of  me," stated Smythe.
"They underestimated me, I just can't  do the same and  underestimate 987".
Venom's Talent Scouting  causes Stir in  Lockerroom
    Scott Venom has made no secret  of his recent scouting trips to  the
Cleveland area, where he  is evaluating and negotiating with talent.   The
rumor mill  has heated up however, and 987's financial manager BC Steele  has
made  no secret that he will bankroll any talent Venom wants to sign.
     "Mr. Venom and I have a great understanding on the future of  PWX, and
the  future is 987," stated Steele.  "I know who Venom  has his eye set on
having  compete under the 987 banner in PWX,  and I will pay whatever it takes
for it  to happen".  One PWX  wrestler is still skeptical of what Venom is up
      "I have heard different things, just like everyone else," said  the
competitor,  who asked to remain anonymous.  "I have heard that it is  a
veteran  competitor from some people, and that it is a young rookie  from
others.   No one really knows the truth.  In all, I don't think it is  that
big  of a deal, since a lot of the competitors in PWX are from that area,  or
have wrestled for promoters in that area.  Unless this  is a guy that  Venom
thinks can main event in PWX right away,  I don't see him having a  huge
impact, especially with the talent  already in 987.  Who could Venom  possibly
find in that area  that is going to leap frog over Crusher Hansen or  Devin
(Devine)  for title shots?"
    "Personally, I think that Venom is  going  to bring back Da Munchies, and
try to pull the wool over on everyone,"  said Brass Knuckles Champion Sam
Slej, when asked about what  he has heard.   "I think that no matter who Venom
is bringing  into PWX, he is going to  immediately sign them to some kind of
title  match, or give them a prime spot  in the 'Burgh Brawl.  Whoever  it is
though, they can go
f@#k  themselves".
Tri Chi  Fraternity on the Same Page?
    With tension  between the  two members of the Tri Chi Fraternity, Sam Slej
finally pulling  out a win against Devil Bhudakahn for the Brass Knuckles
title  has seemed to  patch up things between Slej and partner QB Blitzz.
     "We both think that  we should be the tag team champions right  now,"
Blitzz said from the  lockerroom after Slej won the Brass  Knuckles
Championship on February 12th.   "But right now, Sammy  is doing what he has
to do, and I have to let him do  that.   I am proud of my brother for finally
getting the win over Devil,  but I  can't wait to get back to tag team action
with him."
Miles  Turns Back  on Idol
    "Platinum Status" Dan Miles surprised  many PWX fans and  competitors when
he attacked Justin Idol  on February 12th, especially after  receiving praise
from his  former trainer only seconds before.
    Miles,  the most recent  graduate of the Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy,
broke down the  reasons for his attack on Idol in between stomps in the
middle  of the ring.   Miles, who narrowly lost "2005 Newcomer of the  Year"
voting by PWX fans,  explicitly said that the reason for  his attack was
retribution for Idol's  return to action after  recovering from a neck and bac
k injury late in  2005.
     "Since you came back, how many shows have I been on," said Miles  to  a
prone Idol.  "I've beaten everyone put in front of me,  Chris Taylor,  Devin
Devine, Dash Bennett, Eisen Drache.why  aren't I on shows Justin?"
     Miles may have a point, as  he does have an impressive resume for a
rookie  in PWX.  However,  veterans in the lockerroom do not think that Miles
has done  that  smart thing by attacking his mentor.
    "I do not understand  this at  all," said Three Rivers Champion Eric
Extasy, a friend  of Idol.  "Justin has  done a ton for Miles in his career,
as  far as giving him advice, getting him  experience in the ring for
different  promoters. I just don't understand why  he is biting the hand that
feeds  him."  Extasy also suggested that Miles  maybe look in the mirror  if he
has any questions about why he has been left  off of a  few cards.
    "PWX is a tough place to wrestle.  No one here  is  just going to hand you
something over night.  Rookies in  PWX get  opportunities many young wrestlers
do not get other  places, and sometimes  that can lead to frustration.  Dan
just  needs to deal with  it."
     The Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy  is currently looking for  individuals
interested in becoming  professional wrestling competitor for a  new class of
students  forming on March 1, 2006!!!  All skill levels will be  considered,
from  semi-experienced to novices looking to learn the ropes -  this  dojo is
the place where a career in professional wrestling can  begin!
    Officially sanctioned and operated by NWA Pro  Wrestling Express,  the
Pittsburgh Wrestling Academy has trained  athletes who have appeared on  cards
for all of the major promotions  in the United States, as well as  the
independent circuit, Europe,  and Asia!  The Pittsburgh Wrestling academy  is
looking for  people of all shapes and sizes interested in training to  become
a  professional wrestler, or looking to polish their current  skills.
     And, as part of a spring special, the Pittsburgh Wrestling  Academy  will
be waiving it's tryout fee!  For more information on the  training program
and dojo class beginning on March 1st, contact  the academy  at
[email protected].
For  more information, visit the official  website of NWA Pro Wrestling
Express  at
Show Business, Inc.
PO Box 941787
Atlanta, GA 31141

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