• 10/17/2006 (5:46:14 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


RAW Results - 10/16/06
Los Angeles, California
Report By: Richard Trionfo of

WWE RAW Opener:

Lillian Garcia is interrupted by Degeneration X, but it is not Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Instead it is Triple Edge and the RKO Kid. The RKO has hurt his back as he dances around on the stage while Triple Edge chokes on the water as he tries for the GameFountain. Triple Edge and the RKO Kid collapse in the ring. Edge takes the mic from Lillian. Edge asks everyone if they are ready. He says that if that is what it takes to get people ready and to hold up their signs and buy the DX merchandise, then they don’t want any piece of that crap. Edge says that they are the two most talented men in this industry. He says that they don’t need to make other people look like asses to further their careers. The only people who get off at this humor are twelve year olds and a the idiots in the crowd. Orton says that because of the fans, DX thinks that they can run around and do whatever they want. They think they can get away with whatever they want. From now on, he and Edge are going to put an end to that. They are going to kill the legend of DX. For all of the people who applaud DX and wear their merchandise, they have two words for them . . . You Suck!

Degeneration X’s music plays again and the real Triple H and Shawn Michaels come out and go to the ring. Shawn and Hunter have mics and Shawn asks Hunter if he really looks like that much of an idiot when he comes out. Hunter says that he is not going to lie to Shawn, but he asks Randy and Edge why they are doing this. He tells Randy and Edge that they are two of the biggest superstars in the WWE. Randy Orton is the Legend Killer and the youngest world champion. Edge is the Rated R Superstar and a two time champion. Hunter asks everyone if they think Edge and Orton are jokes. Hunter says that despite the fans reaction, they do not think they are jokes. Hunter and Shawn mention the ‘Live Sex Show’ and how that segment did high ratings, even if he couldn’t rise to the occasion. Hunter says that he got half aroused, but then Shawn whispers in Hunter’s ear and he comments that the photo was of Edge fully aroused.

Hunter says that Randy is one of the biggest superstars in the WWE. He is an icon. Hunter tells everyone that Randy Orton is the number one downloaded superstar on the internet . . . within the gay community. They show a photo of Randy coming out of the shower covered by a towel. Hunter then shows a photo of Shawn Michaels from Playgirl and Shawn freaks out. Orton stops Hunter and says that the jokes are over. Orton says that he wants Hunter tonight, but Hunter makes it sound like a sexual proposition. Shawn says that cooler heads should prevail. Orton says that Hunter is jealous of him and he wants Hunter to show if he has the guts to prove it in the ring. Hunter accepts the challenge. Shawn says that if they think they are going to kill the legend that is DX, they have two words. Before Shawn can say anything else, Edge and Orton punch Hunter and Shawn, but Edge and Orton retreat for higher ground.

Non Title Match
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

Cryme Tyme vs. The Spirit Squad (c)

Aaron and Nick Carter are shown in the front row before we see the Spirit Squad come to the ring.

The start:

JTG and Mikey start things off and Johnny with a shoulder tackle. JTG with a hip toss and drop kick. Shad with a shoulder tackle and then JTG tags in and he hits a leap frog splash onto Johnny’s arm. Mikey with a blind tag and he hits a bulldog for a two count. Mikey with crossfaces to JTG. Johnny tags in and they hit a double suplex on JTG for a two count. Johnny with a rear chin lock and then he tags in Mikey as they try for a double suplex, but JTG lands on his feet and he hits a double neck breaker.

The Finish:

Shad with punches and clotheslines followed by a back body drop and flap jack. Shad with a big boot to Mikey but Johnny makes the save. Shad with a double clothesline and then JTG knocks a member of the Spirit Squad off the top turnbuckle. Cryme Tyme hit a Samoan Drop and neck breaker combination for the three count. We go to commercial.

Winners - Cryme Tyme

During the break:

We are back and we see footage during the break of Kenny attacking fellow members of the Spirit Squad. Kenny leaves the ring and he goes to the back.


Todd Grisham is with Melina and Johnny Nitro in the interview area. Todd says that there are rumors that we will see one of Nitro and Melina’s celebrity friends. Melina says that the rumors are true and their guest will shock the world. They will reveal the guest when the time is right. They will let everyone know when they want them to know.


King Booker and Queen Sharmell are in the McOffice with Coach. Coach says that Vince McMahon wanted to make sure that all three champions were present for a major announcement. Coach tells Booker to relax in the office until he is needed. Booker thanks the squire for his hospitality. Cryme Tyme enters and they take some of the food. They shake hands with Coach and they say that Queen Sharmell is the bomb. Cryme Tyme wants to show some love to King Booker. Cryme Tyme leave and Coach wants to know if Booker understood what Cryme Tyme said and Booker says that he does not speak Ebonics. Booker wants to know what type of operation Coach is running. Booker looks for his wallet and he thinks that Cryme Tyme stole his wallet.


Jeff Hardy is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Fatal Four Way
Referee: Jack Doan

Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy (c)

The start:

All four men square off in the center and Benjamin goes after Super Crazy while Master punches Hardy. Crazy with a satellite head scissors to Benjamin and Benjamin goes outside the ring. Hardy kicks Masters and then hits a flying clothesline. Benjamin slams Crazy’s head into the ringside barrier and Crazy returns the favor. Masters with a running clothesline into the corner and he chokes Hardy.

Mid-match notes:

Masters with a suplex to Hardy for a two count. Benjamin and Crazy still fight outside the ring and Benjamin with a head butt to Crazy. Masters with shoulders to Hardy in the corner. Hardy moves out of the way of a clothesline and Hardy with kicks and punches of ten. Crazy punches Benjamin and Crazy tosses Hardy to the floor. Crazy goes up top but Benjamin jumps to the top rope and he sets for a superplex. Masters grabs Benjamin and he power bombs Benjamin while Benjamin hits a superplex on Crazy. Masters with a series of two counts and we go to commercial.

Masters executed a standing vertical suplex out of the break. Shelton tried to follow up with a powerbomb, but Hardy slipped out into a sunset flip pin attempt. Hardy tried to catch Masters with the Twist of Fate, but Masters shoved Hardy aside. Hardy ran into a side kick to the head then Masters press slammed Hardy over the top rope to the floor. Ross did the "Hardy has no shot to win" routine, which is exactly what JBL did in the triple threat main event on Smackdown when Batista was cleared from the outside before he made a comeback, and all this means Hardy is winning the match.

The Finish:

Shelton hit a springboard Blockbuster on Masters. Hardy re-entered the ring and cleaned house. He hit the Whisper in the Wind on Hardy then made a cover for a nearfall. Hardy flipped Shelton then Crazy to the outside. He hit the Twist of Fate on Masters then went up for the Swanton Bomb. He made the cover for the win.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy


Backstage, Booker and Sharmell screamed at police officers about the theft. They asked Booker to describe the men. Booker said they have cornrows and they all look alike to him. The fans groaned and oohed in the arena. Big Show then walked in with a ridiculous Hawaiian shirt. Booker said he would reign champion of champions at the PPV. Coach interrupted then Vince McMahon walked in. He asked where Cena is. McMahon said he came here to make his announcement but Cena isn't here. He told Coach to go find him now.

In the arena:

Melina and Nitro walked out to the ring. Nitro said they have a very special guest. An "ac-tor," a rapper, and a very close personal friend of himself and Melina. He introduced Kevin Federline. He walked out as the camera found plenty of fans booing him. Federline thanked them for bringing him out. He said it's good to be here then he corrected himself and said it's not so good to be here. Federline said the fans need to stop booing Melina and Nitro and treat them with respect. Nitro said the people are ignorant. He said the same people booing him are the same people that are buying magazines with his face on it every week. Federline called the crowd superficial posers. Melina said that was so profound. He told Federline to debut a new song off his album. The fans booed in protest. He asked the crowd if they want to hear him rap. The fans screamed, "No." He then said the fans can wait until October 31 to hear him rap. Lawler was so distraught. Nitro said it was time to leave. John Cena's music then hit. Cena came out with the title belt over his shoulder. He said Federline can't promise a hip-hop performance and then walk out. He said the fans shouldn't be cheated. Cena said it might be time for him to bring back a rap since he doesn't one in a while. Cena did a rap about Federline being a scumbag and having Cena street cred (self-deprecation) and less talent than Paris Hilton. So tired. Cena said he's a marine while Federline hangs around with seamen. He said if K-Fed wasn't around, he'd be spearing Britney. Nitro held back Federline then he took off his fur coat. Cena decked Nitro then cleared him to the outside. Melina and Federline bailed.

Big Show walked out. King Booker followed out with Sharmell. Vince McMahon then walked out. He strutted to the ring and paused to soak up the boos from the ringside fans. McMahon said they would determine the champions of champion at Cyber Sunday. He said something beside pride will be at stake. He said one of them would be defending his championship that night. McMahon said he could easily decide which one, but in the interest of making the PPV interactive, everyone in the arena can help make that decision. He said fans vote which one of the belts will be on the line. McMahon abruptly left. Booker and Show left while Cena stood in the ring. McMahon's music stopped and Cena remained in the ring with no expression on his face. The fans chanted, "Cena, Cena" then Cena turned his attention to Federline, who was still on the outside. He told Federline to get in the ring. Cena asked Federline to cast the first vote for Cyber Sunday. He said he wants to see Cena's belt defended at the PPV because he wants to see Cena get his ass kicked up and down the ring. Cena paused and took a deep breath. He feigned a handshake then picked up Federline for the FU. He dropped him on his back then Lawler screamed the company would be sued by Federline. Referees ran to the ring to check on Federline, who sold it as if he were in a crime scene sprawled on the concrete. Cena left the ring and did the Marine salute.

In the arena:

We are back and Steve-O is in the front row.

Referee: Chad Patton
Carlito vs. Rob Conway

Conway attacks Carlito when Carlito enters the ring and he punches Carlito in the corner. Carlito punches and chops Conway. Carlito with a drop kick to Conway and then he punches Conway and hits a springboard back elbow. Carlito with a knee lift and clothesline to Conway. Carlito misses a charge into the corner and Conway with a rollup for a two count. Carlito with a lungblower for the three count.

Winner - Carlito

The Aftermath:

After the match, Carlito gets his apple and he spits it in Conway’s face.


Vince McMahon is walking in the back and he sees Edge and Lita. Edge talks about the announcement at Cyber Sunday. Edge has another idea about DX. Vince says that he has an idea for Cyber Sunday. Randy Orton and Edge would face Degeneration X. Edge says that he suggests the guest referee for the match. Edge says that the man needs to wield a lot of power, like Coach, Eric Bischoff, or Vince McMahon since no one commands more respect. Vince says that he will think about it. He tells Edge that he has a future in the business. We go to commercial.

This Week in Wrestling History:

We are back with the WWE 24/7 This Week In History Moment: We take a look back at Jimmy Snuka versus the Magnificent Muraco from 1983 and Snuka’s subsequent splash from the top of the cage after the match.

In the arena:

Todd Grisham is in the ring and he talks about the celebrities in the crowd. Todd says that two of his favorite movie stars are in the front row. He brings Steve-O and Chris Pontius into the ring. Steve-O says that they came here for two things, Kick some ass and whoop some butt. Chris says that someone is going to hell a little early. Todd asks them who their favorite superstars are. They are interrupted by Armando Alejandro Estrada who comes to the ring. He says that he heard that Steve-O and Chris like to do some crazy things and that it is just an act. He does not think they are that crazy. Steve-O says they will do anything. Estrada asks them if they will do anything, and Steve-O says that they will do anything. Armando says that he has a friend for them to meet. His name is Umaga. Umaga comes to the ring and Steve-O and Chris stretch. Steve-O does a back flip from the top turnbuckle. Umaga catches Steve-O and hits a spinebuster. Umaga with a clothesline and Samoan drop to Chris. Umaga with a kick to Steve-O’s chest. Umaga sees Steve-O laughing at Chris and then Umaga chops Steve-O and then he goes up top and hits a splash on Steve-O. Umaga chops and punches Steve-O and then he slams Steve-O to the mat.


Maria is in the back and she is bouncing around as she gets ready for her match and she walks into commercial.

In the arena:

We are back and Three 6 Mafia are in the crowd.

Women's Championship Tournament
Final First Round Match
Second Chance All or Nothing Bra and Panties Invitational
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

Maria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Victoria

Candice goes after Maria while Victoria goes after Torrie. Candice takes off Maria’s top. Torrie with a satellite head scissors to Victoria but Victoria with a merry go round side slam to Torrie and Torrie loses her top. Candice and Victoria are in the ring and Candice with an arm drag and Torrie takes off Victoria’s pants. Maria with a rollup and she pulls off Torrie’s pants while Candice spins in the ring.

Winner - Maria

The Aftermath:

After the match, Maria celebrates in the ring while her opponents leave the ring.

Semi Finals:

Mickie James will face Melina while Lita will face Maria in the semi-finals.

Referee: Michael Chioda
Triple H vs. Randy Orton

The start:

Orton attacks Hunter when Hunter focuses on Edge outside the ring. Orton with an Irish whip but Hunter with clotheslines. Hunter with an Irish whip but Orton with a back elbow. Hunter throws Orton out of the ring and Orton holds his knee as we go to commercial. We are back and Hunter punches Orton and Orton goes down as he appears to favor his knee. Hunter with a suplex and then he hits a knee drop across Orton’s forehead for a two count.

Mid-match notes:

Hunter punches Orton in the corner and Lita walks to the ring. Orton with a kick to Hunter and then he sends Hunter over the top rope to the floor. While the referee checks on Orton, Edge hits a DDT on Hunter. Michaels checks on Hunter and the referee sends him back to the corner. Orton rolls Hunter back into the ring. Orton with a knee drop to Hunter and a neck vice. Orton with a neck breaker to Hunter for a two count. Hunter punches Orton but Orton punches back. Orton with a power slam for a two count. Orton punches Hunter in the corner followed by kicks and more punches. Hunter punches Orton but Orton punches back. They exchange punches with Hunter getting the advantage and Orton goes down to the mat. Hunter with a high knee to Orton. Hunter kicks Orton in the corner, but Orton with a thumb to the eye. Hunter with a facebuster and then he sets up for the Pedigree but Edge gets on the apron to distract Hunter.

The Finish:

Orton with a back breaker and both men are down. Orton waits for the RKO but Hunter pushes him off. Hunter with a spinebuster and Lita gets on the apron. Edge with a low blow while the referee was not looking. Shawn Michaels sends Edge into the ring post. Orton with a chair but Michaels with a low blow. Hunter hits Orton with the chair while Lita distracts the referee. Hunter gets the three count.

Winner - Triple H

The Aftermath:

After the match, Edge helps Orton to the back and we go to credits.

WWE RAW - Quick Match Results

- Non Title: Cryme Tyme def. The Spirit Squad
- IC Title: Jeff Hardy def. Chris Masters, Super Crazy and Shelton Benjamin
- Carlito def. Rob Conway
- Women's Title Tourney: Maria def. Victoria, Candice and Torrie [Bra and Panties]
- Triple H def. Randy Orton


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