• 12/15/2006 (12:38:34 pm)
  • Larry Goodman


Deep South Wrestling Television Report
Airing December 10, 2006 on Comcast Sports South
Taped November 16, 2006 in McDonough, Ga at the Deep South Arena By Larry Goodman

The return to a full hour of Deep South Wrestling opened with Vito leaving his position in the broadcast booth to stop David Heath from doing further damage to Heath Miller.

Cut to the standup with the DSW announce team of Nigel Sherrod and Bill DeMott. Sherrod said Vito would meet Heath in a singles match on this week’s show.

Cut to action from last week’s main event, Mike Knox & Bradley Jay versus Derrick Neikirk & Ryan O’Reilly. Knox was doing some major house cleaning when his partner, the reigning DSW Heavyweight Champion, scooped up the belt and abandoned ship. Neikirk capitalized on the distraction.

Sherrod said Knox was able to overcome adversity to win the match. DeMott mentioned the unending tag team turmoil between the Gymini, Urban Assault and the Majors Brothers. Sherrod said they were going to air the footage that Bradley Jay didn’t want the viewers to see.

The finish of Jay vs. Micah Taylor aired (a non-title non-televised match from 11/9/06). Ron Simmons was virtually unintelligible on commentary. Jay charged. Taylor jumped to a sitting position on the middle rope. Jay ate the turnbuckle. Taylor rolled Jay up for the upset win.

The introduction of Theodore R. Long, the General Manager of Smackdown, received a rousing ovation. Long joined Sherrod and DeMott on commentary for the opening match.

Luscious was backstage with Vito. Vito said that last week he was upset at by seeing a veteran like Heath taking liberties with a youngster just trying to make it in the business. Vito said Heath was a bully and he was going to kick Heath’s face in. Vito said Heath was going to be humiliated by the toughest man to ever wear a dress.

Vito entered the ring. The crowd was into him.

Rebecca DiPietro was backstage with Heath. DiPietro said it looked like Vito got what he wanted. Heath told DiPietro that she didn’t belong in the business and she should be home washing his sheets. DiPietro ran off. Heath called Vito “the Uncle Festus wannabe.” Heath said he was going to wrap the dress around Vito’s throat, throw him over the top rope and choke him out until the lights went out in his head. “I despise you and I’m gonna destroy you, because you make me sick, you freak. Stay outta my business.”

(1) Vito pinned David Heath at 5:43. Crowd chanted Vito’s name. Long said Heath was an old school veteran with a storied past. Vito shook his dress at Heath, who ducked under the ropes. Vito pulled the dress down to expose his chest. Heath backed off with a look of disgust. But when Vito turned his head, Heath was all over him. Heath tried to make good on his vow to choke Vito out. The big problem for Heath was that reacted to the sight of Vito’s thong, like a vampire reacts to sunlight, so he wouldn’t go for covers unless he first covered Vito up. Heath dropped Vito’s throat across the top rope. Heath hit a sweet corkscrew elbow drop for a near fall. Heath Vito fought out of Heath’s facelock. They traded. Vito rattled Heath’s cranium with rapid fire forearms and sprung off the ropes with a flying lariat. Vito was lighting Heath up. Vito did a little dance and hit a legdrop for a two count. Heath stopped Vito in his tracks with a thumb to the eye. Heath hit a southpaw short arm clothesline for a near fall. Vito fired back. Vito mounted the ropes and started to rain down punches. Heath hoisted Vito into the air. Vito responded by putting the dress over Heath’s head and smothering him for the three count.

Cut to the office of DSW GM Krissy Vaine. Vaine apologized for the behavior of Angel Williams on last week’s show. Vaine claimed that she had done everything in he power to help Williams’ sagging career, adding “And that’s not all that’s sagging.” Vaine said Williams losing streak wasn’t her fault and until Williams regained her sanity, she was ordered to stay out Vaine’s presence.

Luscious stopped Dan Rodimer on his way to the ring with the ultra hot Brooke Adams. Luscious wanted to know Rodimer’s thoughts on his match. Rodimer was only interested in what Luscious thought about him. Rodimer asked Luscious if she wanted to touch “The Big Deal.” (Adams appeared to enjoy doing just that). Luscious terminated the interview.

(2) Dan Rodimer (with Brooke Adams) pinned Johnny Curtis at 3:03 with the Dealmaker. Rodimer stalked his nervous prey. Rodimer blocked a single leg and pounded Curtis on the back. Rodimer unleashed a barrage of kicks and strangled Curtis in the corner. Curtis missed bigtime on a twisting crossbody splash, a lame spot because the timing was so off. Rodimer dropped an elbow to the chest. Rodimer strangled Curtis with his own arms. The commentary focused on the problems between Vaine and Williams. Curtis reversed the hold but Rodimer rammed his back into the turnbuckles. Rodimer landed an elbow drop to the upper back. Rodimer applied a full nelson to soften Curtis up for his finisher. Rodimer hit the full nelson drop for the three count.

Rebecca DiPietro asked Mike Knox about what happened last week. Knox said he never trusted Jay, so his cowardice came as no surprise, but a true friend wouldn’t do what Ryan O’Reilly did. Knox said he couldn’t accept it. He vowed that before it was all over, all of them would be sorry they double crossed Mike Knox.

Luscious caught up with Urban Assault on their way to the ring. It was a tough night for Luscious. UA intimidated the hell out of her and she ran off. Cocky Siaki said Gymini made the biggest mistake of their lives by sticking their nose in UA’s business. Last week, UA cost Gymini the tag titles, this week, they would cost them their careers. “En otra palabra, it’s a wrap. You guys are done son,” said Perez.

DiPietro was backstage with the “judge, jury and executioners,” the Gymini. Jesse said the DSW tag titles were their destiny.

(3) Urban Assault (Sonny Siaki & Eric Perez with G-Rilla) defeated The Gymini (with Angel Williams) in 7:27. Gymini hit the ring in attack mode. The match morphed into a round robin of heat spots with neither team able to sustain the advantage for an extended period of time. The Bag Lady showed up to yell at G-Rilla again. Jake hit a swinging neckbreaker to set up double tags. Jesse showed babyface fire. Jesse hit a full nelson legsweep on Perez but Siaki broke up the pin. Siaki superkicked Jesse and Jake made the save. Williams jumped up on the apron and called Siaki over. When he got within range, Williams slapped him across the face. G-Rilla grabbed Williams. Jake confronted G-Rilla, who gave Wiliams what amounted to a backdrop onto the floor. Extremely rude. Jake started brawling with G-Rilla. Referee Rob Russo was out of position and had to turn his back so as not to see Perez clocking Jesse with a chain. Siaki covered Jesse for the three count.

A replay aired of Taylor pinning Jay in the non-title match.

Backstage, DiPietro asked Jay about his recent loss to Taylor. Jay said it was an irrelevant match because he still had the title, and the outcome would be the same after tonight. Jay said he was getting an injunction to prevent the footage from being shown again.

(4) Bradley Jay beat Micah Taylor (with Tracy Taylor) to retain the DSW Heavyweight Title in 10:26 . The crowd had the hots for Taylor at the start. Sherrod suggested that Jay was not at 100% after the beating he absorbed from O’Reilly and Neikirk last week. Jay took Taylor down with a top wristlock and got bigtime pressure on the elbow. Taylor scored with a single leg and got a stepover toehold, but Jay was able to kick him off. Clean break, an exchange of two-hand shoves, and Taylor got a waistlock takedown. Jay went for an escape that sent both men tumbling out to the floor. Jay rammed Taylor’s back into the ring apron. Back inside the ring, Taylor clutched at his back. Jay was all boots and elbows. Jay hit a backbreaker for a near fall. Taylor fired back with solid right hands. Jay cut Taylor off and dropped him with an elbow to the base of the skull. Jay continued to pound away on Taylor. Jay rammed Taylor’s head into two sets of turnbuckle pads. Taylor blocked number three and bounced Jay’s head off the buckle. Taylor staggered Jay with a trio of right hands. Taylor stomped Jay’s foot and dropped him with another right. Taylor hit a big Biel throw. Taylor was hulking up, but Jay reversed a whip and caught him in a sleeper. Taylor ran Jay’s back into the turnbuckles. Jay wouldn’t release the hold and took Taylor down. DeMott said Taylor was going to la la land. Twice, Taylor’s arm dropped to the mat. Taylor miraculously came to life. Taylor hit a back suplex. Taylor hit his patented leg lariat and cradled Jay for the three count. Jay barely got his foot under the ropes before the three. Referee John Cone saw Jay’s foot around the rope and waved off the pin. Taylor was a man on a mission. He hammered Jay with a lefts and rights. Taylor hit a corner lariat. Taylor worked over Jay’s gut. Taylor mounted the ropes for the 10 punches. At five, Jay took Taylor down by the trunks and pinned him with feet on the ropes.

Closing Thoughts: DSW is keeping it interesting with multi-faceted stories surrounding both of the titles, and the 60 minutes program give mores time for things to sink in and to develop undercard stuff. The crowd was as revved for Vito/Heath. It was an entertaining match for what it was, and way better than the two dark matches I had seen at DSW involving Heath, whose facial expressions were pretty awesome here. I thoroughly enjoyed his promo, especially when he went off on DiPietro…If the rumors are true, Rodimer isn’t long for Deep South. No doubt the physique is phenomenal. Yes, he’s got charisma, and he’s got the potential to develop into an interesting heel character, but HE’S NOT READY…How many times is WWE going to make the same mistake?…Gymini/UA was all a finish that established the Gymini as the babyfaces in the feud. Williams took a wicked looking bump from G-Rilla…Taylor and Jay had a good brawl. The fans reacted to Taylor like he had a legit shot at dethroning Jay, and seemed deflated when he got screwed in the end, so the non-title win was effective. Sherrod was working hard to get Jay across as a serious challenger…The shots from the handheld camera showing a sparsely populated section of bleachers in the background need to go…This was the second hour of a double taping. The first hour was scheduled to air on 11/27 but some type of snafu resulted in a rerun instead. Other results from the first hour were Gymini (with Angel Williams) beating Major Brothers via DQ when Urban Assault interfered and Ray Geezy over Big Bully Douglas.


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