• 12/20/2008 (10:05:44 pm)
  • Press Release


The Holiday Season of The Wrestling Hotseat on www.myvirtualbc.com  keeps rolling along with a very special Christmas surprise for all of our listeners! I have three HUGE guest this week! Each with their own unique perspectives and stories.
First up I'll be speaking with Jay Gueder, a long time professional wrestling fan, better known as the YouTube sensation Chilipalmer14 . Jay has taken his love of wrestling to a new level as he has created the Top 250 Stars of the 70s, 80s, & 90s. This awesome list is obviously open to interpretation and Jay admits that it's according to his bias, but all fans will appreciate the time and effort he put into making these amazing video tributes. With in ring action, amazing voice over work, and a killer rock and roll soundtrack, if you've never seen or heard of these videos before, you'll gladly join the thousands of wrestling fans who anxiously await the latest installment. We're currently at number 38, so you've got time to jump on board! You can check out his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/chilipalmer14
 Next up I have an awesome guest that many of us remember from both the WWF & WCW. Dusty Wolfe is highly regarded as one of the best when management was looking to create stars. Dusty is the author of a new book titled "Journal of a Journeyman" and he joins me to speak about his career, wrestling then and now, and the process of creating the book. Dusty's a great guy and he offers perspectives on the wrestling business that none of the other books can offer. You can pick up your copy at www.rronews.com
 And then to cap it off we have a man who's accomplished more in his short career that most ever have. At the age of 22 he's already defeated Hall of Famers, won tag team titles and fought with and against the most powerful people in the business. Of course I'm speaking of Kenn Doane. The former Kenny Dykstra and leader of The Spirit Squad joins me to talk about his early career, including a great story about working in NWA Wildside, his relationship with Bill Behrens, aspects of being in OVW and WWE, and what he plans for the future. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Kenn Doane is a fantastic guy and I really enjoyed speaking with him and I'm sure you'll love the interview.
 You can listen to all three interviews consecutively on the streaming flash player at www.myvirtualbc.com
Or if you'd like to download the interviews or stream them on your media player of choice you can click on these MP3 links..
I hope you enjoy our guests this week, I encourage everyone to visit their sites. Also if you haven't check out my interview with Mickey Grant of World Class Championship Wrestling then you're missing out on a great look at WCCW and one of it's biggest stars "Gentleman" Chris Adams. You can watch Mickey's new documentary title "Gentleman's Choice: The Chris Adams Story" online or you can buy the DVD at www.eyesoda.com It's well worth it.
Again, Happy Holidays to everyone and remember to think of those less fortunate than you this holiday season.
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