• 12/13/2007 (2:00:42 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Let us hear from you.

As a loyalist to WWE since 1982, I was thoroughly pleased with Monday's presentation
as I have been a loyal viewer each week consistently since RAW's inception in 1993.
I was very pleased and proud to see all the returning talents and seeing them all combine
together on one telecast with today's present roster was certainly an experience I am not
soon to forget.
At the start of the broadcast, I covered up the clock on the cable box, as I did not want
to see the time, nor know "how much of the three hours we had left" to go.... I was certain
that there was an exceptional number of talents to appear, and that this was an occasion
which would not soon be repeated--- so I went the entire show not knowing what time it
was or when the last segment was nearing.
Monday's broadcast stands out as one of the higher chapters of RAW's prestigious tenure..
It was asif for one night, all the placements and "chance encounters" made sense.
Lita finding Kane, Jericho finding Bischoff, Orton finding Edge, DiBiase finding IRS,
and Austin finding Vince (yet again!)--- all completing storyline loops previously left open.
(and only those whom watched the show weekly would know the significance of each).
Here's to 25 more years of loyal viewership!
Congratulations Vince and WWE on your broadcasting achievement.
From:  Carlos, Westchester NY
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Hey Georgiann, I saw the post on the front page of WF and thought I'd throw out some stuff.

I'd like to start by saying that I strongly disliked Raw last night.  Now, I agree with the supporters that it was cool to see all of those superstars from the past, from Sunny to the Bastian Booger.  I also thought RVD returning was awesome, albeit for one night.  However, the overall product was ridiculously bad.  Even though Raw is generally a terrible show, this one really stood out for me.  The opening scene involved Triple H coming out and making fun of Vince and his sexual pursuits.  First, his little jokes about how he's married to Stephanie were horrible and uncomfortable, and second, the whole sex with men thing was just stupid.  Later, the Hogan thing really made me mad.  Every time he comes out, he does the same exact thing.  Except that this time, he plugged the American Gladiators in the middle of what was supposed to be a "heartfelt" speech to the WWE fans.  Shawn Michaels' interview was also terrible.  At the end, seeing Austin was great, but his speech was subpar to say the least.  For nostalgia sake, I guess it was a cool show.  However, as a show overall, this was just plain bad.

PS to you, Georgiann, thanks for all your work, you really add a lot to the site.

From - Jake G.
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Hey Georgie,
This was the best RAW in a long time with all the old stars and Abe Knuckleball Schwartz!!!  I was busting a gut. 
The battle royal had a great many surprise entries.  I would've loved to see the Rock and Brett Hart, but I guess that will never happen? 
I could've done without Captain 420 (RVD) and loved it when Jillian got chopped by Trish and Lita.  
Eric got popped by Jericho and so much more. 
The Hardy/Carlito Ladder Match was good and Evolution whipping RKO rocked!!! 
Overall a very GREAT night with the HHH one liners really zinging Vince, but when is HHH gonna tell Vince, he screwed with the DNA testing and that Hornswoggle isn't a McMahon?  I see Hogan vs. Kahli at WM24.
Take care my friend,
GateMaster "Tiny Tim" Savage a.k.a. Timothy Knerr
Current LVW Bellringer/Timekeeper 2007
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I wish WWE would have more RAW's like they did for the recent 3 hour Anniversary special. It was VERY entertaining throughout the entire show. Though, I must say that I'm a little disappointed in the matches. I figured they would have big matches since it was the 15th Anniversary, but other than that I thought it went really well. From beginning with the McMahon's to the finish with the Beer Bash. Seeing Evolution together again brought back some good times, as well as seeing Rated RKO team up again. IDK how to explain it, I loved the show. I hope to see more like this in the near future.

From:  Nick
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