• 12/03/2006 (1:29:25 pm)
  • Press Release


This past week on In Your Head Jack, OneInchBiceps and Barbie Richards were there yet again to interview a great mind in the business, that being “The Last ‘Rassler” himself, George South. George was there to talk about his life on the road , wrestling against some of the best in the business Ric Flair and The Road Warriors, his wrestling school, how the business has changed and Paul Jones’ watch. This was an over 2 hour long interview, with George telling a lot of in depth stories and having just a great time talking about wrestling with the IYH crew. For more information on George South you can go to his website Be sure to listen to the actual interview located at In Your Head can be heard every Wednesday at 6:00 PM EST and be sure to also check out past interviews in the archive section and sign up in the IYH message board were you can post questions to future guests.

Jack, Incher and Barbie Richards greeted George South and George said it was really great to talk to them at that he stepped aside from his family to talk some wrestling.

Jack asks about his son, George South Jr. and how he is doing with his wrestling career? George said that he is doing really well and that he goes on the road with him. George said his son was always really keen to the business and about 5 years ago, George Sr. really started to train him.

A fan from the Message board calls in and asks about Paul Jones’ watch and the story behind it. George said that Paul Jones was his favorite wrestler as a youth and that at the time the Mid Atlantic Territory held on a contest to see who the fans voted as the best wrestler. Paul Jones won and was awarded a gold watch, 20 or so years later George South was talking about the watch with Paul Jones. Paul then goes into his cabinet and tossed the watch over to George, George says that is a moment he wont ever forget and that when Paul asked for the watch back, he was ready for a fight, of course Paul was only joking and now the watch remains in George’s possession.

When George talks about some of the young guys getting into the business, he says they don’t like to be told they are wrong and that back in the day it was an honor to be corrected by the veterans, but nowadays if you correct someone you could get sued or something.

Jack asks what is the biggest mistake the young guys do that he would like to correct? George says talking about the match before hand. He then tells a story about how he wrestled Great Muta in his first match for Jim Crockett and that they never even had a chance to talk about the match before hand and that it makes the wrestlers better workers in the ring.

George says that he doesn’t like the fact the a lot of the guys get into the wrestling business for the money but don’t realize that they need to learn how to work in the ring. Every one is so concerned about getting a contract that they don’t care about becoming a good worker.

George tells a story about eating lunch with a couple of WWE wrestlers, saying that if he could ever book the WWE that they would wrestle 3 shows a night in every high school gym in America. That’s what he use to do, but of course the WWE wrestlers didn’t really like that idea.

Jack asks who his favorite wrestlers to work with was? George says Brad Armstrong because they worked so good together.

George begins to talk about how a lot of the wrestlers in WWE have had broken necks, including the women and that its because they never learned to work the right way. He says that back in the day he would thank his opponent after the match in the locker room, but now when a wrestler goes into the back the first thing they say is “Are you ok?”…and there is something wrong with that.

Later on in the interview he begins to talk about the loss of his parents at a young age and the fact that he use to get into a lot of trouble as a kid, but the one thing that he never stopped caring about, was wrestling.

George South says that training is the most important thing a wrestler could do, if someone has to travel miles to find a decent training school then staying in a local school and not get proper training.

George says that veterans back in the day told him that when you finally walk away from wrestling business you have to give something back to the wrestling business. George says he tries to do that with his wrestling school and tries to pass his knowledge to the younger guys just starting the career.

In Georges final moments on the show he says that remembering about all the old wrestling days, it doesn’t really matter, cause as long as you have the Lord on your side you can do anything. If the fans remember him for his wrestling days, that’s great but if they look back when he’s gone and say that he followed the Lord that would be better.

To contact George South go to,

Be sure to check out the entire 2 Hour interview, it truly is a great interview filled with great stories and great anecdotes about the wrestling business. Also don’t forget to go to and check out past interview in the archive section and sign up for the message board and ask all future IYH guests your personal questions or if you want you can always call into the show and ask a superstars yourself.

---“IYH Rookie of the Year Candidate” Rios Granillo….Vote Rios

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