• 11/27/2007 (1:42:30 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Here is the latest WWE Ashley Blog on myspace:

Sunday, November 25, 2007


So much to catch up on....

First off, I'd like to say, sorry for being away so long. I wish I could explain from top to bottom whats going on and what has been going since around when I first got sick, but I can't. I will someday I promise just not right now. I'm sure you guys understand You always have, and you've always put up with my crazy mood swings and my up and down weird blogs so heres another. hehe, sorry.
I cut all my hair and took my lip rings out for now. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH haha Theyll be back tho, they always are, just a lil diff. ;o) Gotta keep yall guessin ya know. :op
I like it though, you can kinda tell in that pic I took of me last night thats on my default. I just got the computer yest and hooked it up asap. Then I was like wow, it's been along time since I've said hi to my myspace punks.
Ok, moving onward, so much has changed....
I have moved...again. Austin, and I LOVE IT. I love where I am now. I feel so much more at home than I did before. I still miss NY very much and can't wait to go there again soon. But just for a trip not to live ;o)
So lets tell yall some of the latest with out getting too far in depth as to not bore you haha. Ok so Paul and I got puppies, :o) Theres a pic of them in my pics section. Pekinese. 3 of them, 2 boys are his and I got one girl, although I sort of adopted one of the boys as my own now too. My girls name is Peanut Zartana Magnifico. His boys are Xomat and Tomax. I love Tomax, hes my homie. Xomat, Paul's, is def the alpha male. He's a little bossy, and bullyish. Bettter for Paul, but I still love all 3 They all came from the same litter, we couldn't decide on 1 so we got all 3. :o) They've really been brightening things up over here. It's amazing what animals can do for you when you're down.
Ok, entire computer crashed along with over 5000 songs in my music library and about 4000 pictures. Personal and work portfolio pics. So disheartening. I'm shocked that this could happen. They are gone forever. Then I had something to do for WWE last week and left my iphone in the limo!!!! So I was pretty much cut off from society completely. I have no ones phone number memorized and my old sidekick deleted all my contacts. So, I've just been winging it. If anybody has any of my personal pics saved that I've posted up here and deleted, and wanted to email them to me that would be awesome, I'm going to make a new email address and post it up here next blog. I haven't talked to anyone in so long, not even Tam, or Kyle or anyone. I miss everyone, and I'm sorry I've been so MIA. Been having some ridiculous crazy stuff going on, that really put a damper on things, I didn't think I was gonna kick out this time I felt like the world was caving in but I'm alive, and I'm fighting. One day you'll understand what I'm talking about I promise.
I think I have the Survivor Finale in LA coming up soon. I need to call them and find out. They sent me an email but my email address shut down so I gotta call them somehow. Theres a contest WWE is having to send someone to the finale with me as part of Survivor Series, did someone win that already, is that contest over or still going on? I hope its still going on, I'd love it if one of yall got to come with me, that would be rad! I may bring my new pups :o) Theyll prob hang back in the hotel though, they dpnt like all the press hahahha. Theyre very private dogs. Peanut says if shes to be shown n the Survivor finale theyll have to call her agent, she doesn't get out of bed for less than 50 k.
WOW, I've totally turned into that girl havent I. The one whose obsessed with her animals. Oh man, please disregard those comments, esp the lame joke at the end. Never thought I would be like that with my dogs, ha they make ya smile. If any of you guys have a pic with your animal of any kind post it up here on this blog I'd LOVE to see it.
When I was a kid I had all kinds of animals, 3 iguanas, all named Iggy. WHAT I was a kid, sorry for my lack of creativity! A green snake that got loose in the house and we never found him. A Chinchilla. 3 Floppy earred rabbits. I had 2 white mice that multiplied even though the dude at the pet store told me they were both boys and they ended up having 20 babies so there was a grand total of 22 at one time. My mom made me get rid of them. :o( Sundance my golden retriever, Sargent my black lab both in heaven. Oh my gosh I almost forgot about TOBEY! Thanks for the reminder! Salsa, Snickers and Tigger, my cats. Harvey the dwarf Hamster. I even had homing pigeons in a cage in the back yard. We let it go cuz they were homing pigeons which means they are supposed to come home after you let them out each day...only, he never came back. HA. We waited a long time. Paulie the turtle, that one was named after PAul last year, we have subsequently let him go free in a pond because thats where we found him when he was a baby in the beginning of the year and now hes a grown up turtle! I bet my bros gonna read this blog and laugh cuz I don't think weve even thought about these animals in FOREVER.
Anyway, how the hell did I end up listing my animals, weird.
So Beth Phoenix....damn. That girl is bad ass. Shes got my respect as an athlete for damn sure. I've been watching matches of hers for the passed week...studying her moves. We'll talk more about all that in another blog.
Well, I'm glad I got to drop in and say hi. I think this site needs to be re vamped what do you guys think? A total facelift. I'm going to get myself a new camera and start shooting like mad to add all new pics and I need some help with a new background and layout and all that. I got an idea, lets have a contest to see whose got the best skills on myspace or the best taste I should say. Whose got some good ideas. If someone can show me some tests, i'll choose one and make a winner of Ash's Myspace re-vamp. I'll send a box of autographed goodies from myself and a couple other Superstars. I'll make it a fun little package you'll be competing for let the games begin. I'll post the details and rules of the contest on the next blog. I love when we do stuff like this :o) And my myspace will look all new and shiny thanks to "your name here" Where are those web designers at!!!!
Love you guys we'll chat again soon, thanks for sticking by me during this rough patch. It means alot.
dirty diva
post song- this town aint big enough for the both of us- the sparks

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Here are two photo's the NEW Ashley and the old Ashley........



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