• 10/24/2007 (5:02:44 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Hey Georgie!

Sorry that I'm late but just wanted to let you know I
had a good time at Signamania the other week. I got
there later than I wanted to (I'm not trusting mapquest
again lol), but it was still cool though. Everyone
there was friendly and helpful, and stress free.
Afterwards I wound up going out to lunch with Amy
Lee,Francine and others so I had a good time that day
overall :) Thanks again for the free ga pass!

I've read about the bad stuff that happened in
California over the weekend and feel bad for all the
fans and talent who got screwed there.  I actually
found that Chris Salisbury's wrestlefanfest myspace
page in case if you'd want to post that myspace link,
since I noticed he cowarded by deleting the
wrestlefanfest webpage and message board:

After hearing about how the show in CA went,
Signamania was sure alot better! Anyway- Have a great
day :)

From:  Mark B

* * * * * * * * * *

Mark, not everyone is BAD!!!  Although right now it just seems that way, with three bad events in three months.  You won't believe this, but JUST today I received an email from a reader who still hasn't received his refund for Jesse Ventura, which was promised to him.

George Collectibles has always been a class act, and I am sure is now appreciated more than ever.

Georgie  [email protected]


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