• 01/13/2008 (5:02:54 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


January 10, 2008 - Thursday


The January 2008 Diary Blog UPDATED 1/13

1/13/08 2:40 a.m.
FINALLY...Matt has come Cameron! And I must admit, I love the quietness and mildness of temperature in Cameron SOO much. I got in safe and sound today, as I flew into the Fayetteville airport, which is different for me. Usually I travel in and out of Raleigh. Had some dinner at Boston Market that was off the grid after landing, Mmmm! I stopped at a grocery store in the middle of nowhere driving home to get some Zone Bars to snack on at the house. At said grocery store, it was total chaos and a near mob scene broke out-you gotta love the power of WWE television. Got home, took a power nap, so i wouldn't feel absolutely drained. I had a late dinner at Outback with Marty G. and Dale Frye, and then we made our way over to the bar to socialize and have a beer. Laid back and chill-just how I like it! I wanted to throw this in-I bought 6 badass T-Shirts at Express at the Mall of America in Minneapolis. I am SOO happy with my purchases, I love them all. You guys and gals will be seeing alot of them, HAHA! I'm just getting settled back into my humble abode, just picked Lucas up at the babysitters (Beth's), and wanted to hit you guys with a quick, updated entry. I'm gonna crash very shortly, I'm getting my eight to feel great tonight! Be well my peeps..

1/12/08 3:57 a.m.
Whoa dudes! We've had three hard days of celebrating this monumental marriage (a.k.a. partying, LOL), but now it's time to go home. Finally, I am back in my room after a really nice wedding tonight that capped off an extremely fun 3 days in Minnesota. I have to admit, I haven't ran this hard over the course of three days since my appendix ruptured. But-I held up just like the old self, actually better! It was great getting a chance to spend so much good, quality time with Shane, Ken, Jamie, Dara, and Hassan. It was almost like the old golden days, traveling on Smackdown with the CCB's! I'm exhausted from sleeping only a few hours a night and wearing those damn uncomfortable tuxedo shoes, HA! But, in all actuality-I did get alot of compliments on my very not-me tuxedo look-I'll have to post you guys and gals some pixs when I get a chance. If I crash now, I can sleep three and a half hours before I gotta get up and catch that flight back to NC-so I'm going for it. Good night to you all my peeps, I got nothin' but love for ya! And congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, may God bless you guys in your new journey in life!

1/10/08 5:08 a.m.
Hey yo guys and gals! I hope everyone is feeling, smelling, and looking like a billion bucks! I entitled this blog "The January 2008 Diary Blog"-I'm just gonna kinda constantly add to it little by little for the next couple of weeks, like a diary.

Since so many of you have now asked through comments and messages why I'm in Minnesota-here's the answer. The reason I am in Minneapolis is to attend-and actually be in-a wedding. One of my closest friends is tying the old proverbial knot and I couldn't miss it. We actually had a long and late get together at his place tonight-good times. And on the down-lo, I've got the notorious Shane Gregory Helms and his female counterpart with me, Shhhh!

On the health front, I'm feeling much better from my various injuries. Thanks for all the "Get Well" wishes as always. I'm starting to kick it back into high gear with my training, and plan on coming back better than ever. I certainly wouldn't wanna be named MVP or Randy Orton when Mattitude returns to run wild within the WWE. It's late gals and guys, I'm crashing-but I'll be checking in with ya very soon.


Ken Kennedy' real name is Ken Anderson


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