• 01/14/2008 (8:55:48 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


More J.R. Q and A..

Filed under: Wrestling — on

Here’s hoping everyone is well and enjoying life. Thanks for all the comments and we are getting to them as best we can. Our store is staying busy as well and I hope you will check out our special Valentine’s Day offer which features some new shirt and delicious, homemade Peanut Brittle which I have to say is REALLY good. We have other special offers that make great gifts or just to do something good for you.

It’s BBQ’ed Feedback Time!!

Hi J.R.,

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but in Powerslam magazine that came out here in England today, there’s an interview with Brock Lesnar that is really in depth. Anyway he is blaming Johnny Ace and YOU for his botched Wrestlemania shooting star press. Apparently he hadn’t done it for over a year and wasn’t comfortable doing it and yet you said the match needs a “Wrestlemania moment” and so he did it. I would like to hear your side of the story, as there’s always two sides. Thank you. – Dreamboy3000

I don’t think I have ever read Powerslam Magazine, but nonetheless I have no idea what Lesnar is talking about. That assertion is just plain stupid.  Even when I was in charge of talent relations I never got involved in match structure. The WWE provided Lesnar a wonderful opportunity to earn a great living for many years and Brock chose to leave. He chose to leave, no one forced him out. I have no idea where his “Wrestlemania Moment” story came from but I could truly care less what history Lesnar cares to rewrite. I know I personally treated Brock Lesnar fairly and honestly and went far above the call of duty with him on more than one occasion no matter the “poor me” B.S. one sometimes hears. However, I do wish Brock well in his MMA career. but for some reason one could surmise that controversy may well follow the talented athlete there as well.    

Hey Jr,

Maybe it wouldn’t matter to today’s generation, but I wish Carlito would stop spitting apples, tell the world his last name and tell the world that he’s not there to screw around, but to continue on his family’s legacy of wrestling. There’s a lot more mileage in the son of Carlos Colon coming to the WWE to show the world what the Colons can do than a kid wise-acreing and spitting apples. Maybe his dad should show up on Raw and remind him who he is. Then again maybe I’m booking in my head for the 5 people who care that Colon held the Universal Belt for 400000 years. Would that get people interested in Carlito or fall flat? Inside he has charisma, he just doesn’t seem into playing Coach with an apple (no slight to Coach, I love him on WWE and my local sports programing in NYC) - Team Marshbanks

Today’s audience largely cares about “what have you done for me lately?”. I have no issue about the Colon aspect of your concept. but it still boils down to bell to bell and Carlito has the ability to be really good from bell to bell, as we have all seen.  

What’s up J.R.?

Let me start by getting your opinion on my city’s venue and main event for Wrestlemania 25. You have eluded to this, and I think it’s a great idea, to have WM25 in Dallas at Texas Stadium. My main event is John Cena vs. Undertaker, to fit 100,000 in that baby! I am as big a Cena fan as you’ll meet, but I am a bigger wrestling fan. Therefore, I think it would only be right at this point to have Undertaker win, and solidify his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. – Jordan

I like the new Texas Stadium hosting Wrestlemania someday. I have discussed that very thing on this site a few times. Dallas is a great city and Jerry Jonesland will be a world class facility. And with the Cowboys moving to their new stadium in a few years, the older Texas Stadium would love to have WrestleMania, I’m sure. Heck, they hosted many World Class events there in the past. And a lot of them are on the new World Class 2-disc DVD set, including Kerry versus Ric Flair and Fritz’ retirement match against Bundy.  

Hey J.R.,

What is the 411 on Ron Killings will he come back to the WWE if so I wanna see him and John Cena go at it. The WWE in my mind should use Killings to the fullest of his potential unlike last time when he was K-Kwik. What do you think? – Aero

I think too many people are asking “Ron Killings questions” when I have NO ANSWERS. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.  

Hey J.R.,

What? WWE has no love for Oklahoma anymore?? It’s been a year and a half for both Tulsa and OKC - are we on the two year cycle now?? I say an Oklahoma WrestleMania is in order - Raw brand in OKC and SmackDown brand in Tulsa! _MadOkie

I won’t hold my breath on an Oklahoma Wrestlemania, but Raw and Smackdown will definitely be returning now that the Hornets are back in New Orleans. and the fact that Tulsa has a new, bigger arena. Now, don’t be a hater, Dawg, because there is plenty of love to go around.  

Hey J.R.,

I have listened to your wrestling commentary all my life and can’t imagine wrestling without your announcing. Do you have any plans to retire or to take a break anytime in the near future? Whenever you do retire, who do you think would be a better replacement for you on the RAW broadcasts, Michael Cole or Joey Styles? Also, JBL has confirmed that he is returning in two weeks. Do you think that is a smart decision, considering that JBL has not wrestled for over a year and is out of shape at best (maybe due to his wall st. job)? – Sandeep

I have no plans to retire anytime soon so hopefully my ringside seat won’t be available for a while. I think JBL should come back and finish his career if he is healthy and he apparently is healthy enough to compete. I sure hope so. Athletes want to play in every “game” they can and there is no doubt that JBL still has some gas left in the tank and he is not an old guy. Old school jocks want to go out on their terms and JBL fits that mold. I think JBL will do well and will add a spark to Raw. I am also sure I will hear my share of Oklahoma jokes from the native Texan turned Manhattanite.   

Hey Mr. Ross,

Who are you supporting for the 2008 Presidential Election. I know it’s early but the selection process has begun. Additionally, do you think the WWE is less risky now than in the Attitude era because huge parts of the entertainment industry are controlled by big corporations. An early example of this would be AOL Time Warner not allowing WCW to cross very strict and unfair boundaries. – Ron

“It Doesn’t Matter!” who I am supporting. I don’t really like most professional politicians in today’s world. So that takes a bunch of folks out of the hunt.

I think wrestlers are taking less stupid chances than they did at times in the past, when everyone seemingly was trying to out-sensationalize the other and basic wrestling and mat psychology became a dying art. I don’t think fewer of these “I have to go through 6 tables to get a rise out of the audience” moves have anything to do with the corporate world though.  

JR, while watching a ring of honor DVD from 2004 this past week, I noticed they had a “pure title” which I’m not for sure if you’re aware of, but the rules for a pure title match are different in that you are only allowed 3 rope breaks a match and no closed fist punches. If you punch someone with a closed fist, it counts as a rope break. Once you use them up, grabbing the ropes cannot save you from a submission move. What’s your thoughts on a “pure title” match? – Chris

If it works for ROH, then that is good for them and makes their title bouts different. I am an old schooler and this would not be something I would encourage, if I were the lead dog. It sounds like a pinball machine. That’s akin to having a 6 sided ring… I would not endorse that either, if you are keeping score at home.    

Hi JR,

Thanks for addressing my Chyna questions, JR. I really appreciate your feedback and respect it. I have one more question. Do you think Beth Phoniex could match up against Chyna? – Donnie

Donnie, I sense that you have a “thing” for Chyna. Perhaps you two would make a dandy couple, but for some reason I am troubled about this matter. Nonetheless, without fail, The Glamazon would fare well against your dream girl.  

Hey JR

Hope all is well. My question is as follows:

Would you have liked to have seen The King as a WWE champion? Why was he never pushed to hold a WWF/E title? - Paul Francis

I am positive that at some point in his career, Jerry Lawler would have been an awesome WWE champ. The 80’s thru the early 90’s might have been the best period of time for a King WWE Title reign, but I can tell you that the travel involved would not have suited Memphis’ favorite wrestling son. By the way, King and HBK have become addicted to our Beef Jerky.  

Hello JR,

I just purchased and watched “The New and Improved DX” dvd and i absolutely love it. As I was watching it, i noticed something interesting. Every time there is a “speech” or “promo” in the ring, there is a black box that looks like a subwoofer in the corner of the ring. What is that box for? Adam H

That would be a speaker, so that the talents in the ring can better hear what is being said.  

Hey JR,

I just got WWE 24/7 and am really enjoying it right now, finally got to see the roundtable for the first time on legit Tough Guys, and I only wish I could see the rest of them now. Sometimes I feel as though there should be more content, but I guess that’s only natural. Can you give us an idea of when you might be back to tape a few more and any idea what future subjects might be? – Bryan H

We are due to record more of the Roundtables after the first of the year, but I don’t know the details. When they call and schedule me, I show up and enjoy the process a great deal. We are left to be freer flowing, which is a departure from Cable or PPV. 

Hi JR.

Love reading the blog every week. I’m really enjoying WWE TV at the moment, and with most of the top guys healthy, there is plenty of talent around to keep things fresh. The thing that makes me laugh every week is the Great Khali’s translator Ranjan (or is it Ranjit) Singh! I am one of the few who can actually understand what the big man is saying and when Ranjan translates it back, it is never anywhere near what Khali says! A translator who does a very bad job! - Johnny Lever

Let’s turn Singh, if that is his real name, over to the translator police. I have trouble enough with English, much less Farsi. Seriously, getting all the roster healthy is a good thing for everyone, especially fans.  

J.R., when they put the Raw announce table near the entrance earlier in the decade, did they ever give you or anyone else a reason for it? – Jeremy

I never heard a viable reason for the location change, but it sucked to sit next to the pyro and so far away from ringside. I think it was to differentiate the announce teams, as Smackdown stayed at ringside and Raw got moved to the back of the room. It also might have had something to do with Bischoff as the Raw G.M. and the fact that WCW oftentimes had their announcers out in left field… so to speak.   

What are the chances of Mick Foley vs The Undertaker in a legends match at Wrestlemania?

Team Marshbanks

I guess it is possible, but you are the first I have heard suggest it. Who would the fans boo, by the way? When matches take place where the fans don’t want either person to lose, sometimes the crowd emotionally checks out early.  


I wanted your opinion on something. I often hear people criticize Jerry “The King” Lawler’s wrestling style when he is allowed to wrestle on RAW or even at some of the indy shows he does. However, I seldom hear people criticize Flair or Hogan. I don’t hear many people say they are too old. Personally I think Lawler moves around the ring better than Flair or Hogan at this stage in the game, and which the WWE would use him more (I would love to see him tag with Flair). What are your thoughts?

- Katina

Many young wrestlers in the WWE would be well served to wrestle the King as often as they could. Lawler is still a better performer than the majority of wrestlers who are active today. King has stayed relatively healthy over the years, which enabled him to wrestle much more efficiently than some of his contemporaries.  

JR - I am a huge fan of the Undertaker and wondered if there is/will be a book in the works about his life and career. Also, I remember his stint as ‘Mean Mark Callous’ in WCW. Did you interact much with him in WCW and, if so, what did you think of him back then?


I have a great relationship with the Undertaker and his story may be told one day. but it would not surprise me whatsoever if The Undertaker never writes his autobiography. Taker’s legacy in the WWE will be every much as significant as Andre the Giant’s when all is said and done.  I was very high on Taker in WCW, but if my memory serves me correctly Ole Anderson wasn’t and he was the boss at that particular time. Taker is a WCCW alumni. like Steve Austin, who made the journey from Dallas to Atlanta to the WWE.  

Hey Jr,

I would be grateful if you could answer or give an opinion on -

Do you think Sid Vicious could make an impact in WWE today? I know that he wants to return and i have heard rumors of him returning and I would love to see him back in WWE. I hope it has nothing to do with Flair and Anderson. Lastly I would just like to say i wish WWE released WCW footage, Bob Sapp is money, I cannot wait to see my favourtie preformer JBL return to the ring and fued with superlative speakers he along with Edge are the best heels in the company.

Shaun Dean

I do not know Sid’s physical well being or how he would physically hold up wrestling a full time schedule. However, on the surface one could surmise that Sid would help the WWE at least for the short term with a little good fortune. It essentially comes back to how well Sid is and who he would be competing against? Some have speculated that Bob Sapp might not be committed to a pro wrestling career. I really don’t know, but Bob does have “presence” without fail. It would be interesting to see how well Sapp would do if he was really committed to becoming a great in ring performer. 

Hi J.R.,

I want to wish Bobby Heenan a speedy and full recovery as well. Growing up with the WWE in the late 80s and early 90s, Heenan was “my boy,” as the hip kids say. JR, now that JBL has left the announcing table, I’m excited to hear that Tazz will be reuniting with Michael Cole. I always found their chemistry to be top-notch. Although I will miss JBL putting down Cole like only JBL can.

PS- Jordan, I agree with you — to this day I too still laugh whenever I think about Bobby Heenan’s April Fools Day joke at the Hall of Fame! I’m going to be a teacher one day, and plan to pull that on my students. God Bless you, Bobby!


I am sure that Tazz will take right up where JBL left off, as far as insulting Cole. but hopefully Cole will retaliate occasionally as he was starting to do with JBL.  Play by play guys should not be verbal punching bags without an occasional counter or two. However it looks as if Jonathan Coachman is going to be Cole’s sidekick, and not Tazz. Best of luck, Michael.  

hey J.R.

Nice to talk to you. I have a question, have u ever been to a Tim Horton’s coffee shop in Canada? Just curious - lol.. thanks.

Steven A

Oh, hell yeah, and I even bought a donut! (Or two.) Tim Horton’s would be better served, however if they stocked J.R.’s Bar-B-Q Sauce on their shelves.  

Hey, JR,

I have some questions for you concerning WWE in general. Seeing Jeff Hardy get a shot at the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble makes me wonder this: If Hardy beats Randy Orton and wins the WWE title, does he have to vacate the IC title or can he be considered a double champion and if he has to vacate the IC title what do you think will happen so that a new champion is crowned, a Beat the Clock Sprint or a Tournament? Here’s my second question: Some friends of mine that watch Raw have told me that with Beth Phoenix as the Women’s Champion that she is, and I quote, “like a blonde-haired Chyna as far as in-ring skills go” and I honestly don’t think that quote does Chyna any justice as far as how she dominated the Divas like “The Glamazon” is doing now. What do you think of this rather unfair comparison that? Last question, this time concerning Championships: Since there are some talented Divas outside of Raw, like Victoria and some talented Cruiserweight wrestlers that fit the weight limit or are close to it, like ECW’s John Morrison (formerly Johnny Nitro), it makes me wonder if Vince McMahon or whoever’s in charge of the Championship angles will do something about it to make them more interesting? I suggest making the Women’s and Cruiserweight Championships rotate between Raw, SmackDown and ECW to ensure that wrestlers outside of the brands the titles are currently in get a fair shot at the titles. Maybe we could see Victoria hold the title on SmackDown and lose it on ECW or we could see a Raw Cruiserweight Champion or ECW for that matter. I just hope that you understand my logic behind these two under-the-radar titles, since the WWE Tag Team titles are now owned by ECW Superstars Morrison and Mike “The Miz” Mizanin. The only titles that shouldn’t rotate are the World status titles and Raw’s IC and World Tag Team titles, but Smackdown and ECW could fight over the US and WWE Tag Team titles, in my most humble and insignificant opinion. I just hope that if you can respond to this that you could mention it to those in authority in WWE and that this could make the SmackDown/ECW agreement more interesting, along with making Raw less of an “island” compared to the other two brands.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and may God Almighty bless those who cannot be with their loved ones, like our brave men and women stationed overseas. A big BOOMER SOONER to you!

James R 

One would assume that if Jeff Hardy wins the WWE Title that the IC Title would be vacated, but we all know what happens when one assumes. As far as the various titles on the three brands, as you suggest, others have suggested similar ideas and who knows, perhaps someday the lay of the land will change.    

hey there jim,
just wanted to say that i thoroughly enjoyed the latest shawn michaels dvd. having already read shawn’s autobiography there was nothing really new to me on the first disc, but the unseen matches were superb. i particularly enjoyed watching the april 23 2007 raw match of hbk vs cena again… that match, in my opinion, should be match of the year.
anyways, take care jim. - Jess Hutchy From Down Under

 I would like to see more matches put in the time on Raw like the HBK vs. Cena match did back in April. Again, I don’t know who short matches really help.  

Hey JR! Longtime reader, first time responder…I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to visit Harrisonburg, Virginia in recent years (I know back in the 80’s, shows came through at the local high school), but if you have, have you ever been to the Bar B. Q. Ranch on US 11? It’s a local institution, and I’m curious if you’ve had the pleasure of their BBQ.  - Vincent

I’ve never tried it, but I may have driven by another ranch out in Nevada many, many years ago, but then again my memory isn’t so good these days at times. 

Also, what “finishing move” do you think gets the biggest crowd reaction?

These days it seems like the Swanton Bomb or Sweet Chin Music. It’s not necessarily the move, but the mood getting to the move that creates the biggest crowd reaction.  

hi JR.

My question is since Jeff will be wrestling randy at the rumble I was wondering when was the last time at the rumble we had a champion wrestling a champion?

Someone will answer this one for you or you can do a Google search. Probably more recently than you think though.  

Hi Jr
Good announcing as per usual, In all your years of announcing, what has been your favourite period for wrestling? = TonyB

The Monday Night Wars were fun, but so were periods in the 80’s.  I really liked Mid South and the UWF too.  


is shawn michaels going crosseyed? – old fan

I don’t think so. I don’t “see” what you mean? You are kidding, right?

Thanks again for all your comments and I hope you will keep them coming and remember to keep your questions and comments succinct.




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