• 03/20/2008 (7:44:20 pm)
  • Jim Ross

What match closes the show at Wrestlemania?

Filed under: Personal, Wrestling — on

What a helluva travel day for yours truly Tuesday getting back to Norman, Oklahoma from Lafayette, LA after Monday Night Raw in the Cajundome. Tuesday morning started with a 4 a.m. wake up call for a 6 a.m. flight to Dallas-Ft. Worth and after arriving at DFW on time, Mother Nature started kicking ass and taking names with some Texas sized thunderstorms. I could have played the part of the charismatic Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel and stood out in the rain and lightning and filed a first person report on the airport-closing weather, but I forgot to pack my rain slicker and baseball cap. Nonetheless, after finally obtaining a rental car, I drove from Dallas to Oklahoma City, where I had left my truck Sunday when I began this travel odyssey. All in all, a 14 hour, door to door travel day in the glamorous world of sports entertainment.

Wrestlemania 24 is upon us and with the card finalized, as best I know, what will the line-up be for the WWE’s biggest event of the year? The big question, or is it, is what bout will close the show this year?

Theoretically, 4 matches would seem to be candidates to go on last, but one has to surmise that only two bouts, the WWE Title Bout or the World’s Heavyweight Title Bout, has any viable shot at occupying the all important show closing spot at WM24. (more…)



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