• 12/19/2007 (1:38:53 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Finally Survivor is done !!…

The latest Blog from WWE Ashley:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Done with Survivor....finally

So I officially finished Survivor on Sunday, that was a long season eh? I guess it feels that way since I got voted off early on. Man, ya win some ya lose some. I can't win it all but I'll keep trying thats for sure. I had a cold and my ear wouldnt pop the whole way home on my flt yest, so so annoying. I cant believe Todd won a mill, I mean I can kinda cuz was the shistiest but I mean wow. I wouldnt have been able to just sit there through the show I woulda been running around and screaming. Kinda like I did when I won the diva search. I have a problem containing myself, Im guessing some of yall know that already. Now for the end of this saga with Survivor. Adieu, to all the people who have so much to say about every one of the contestants who go out there, screw you guys, go try it yourself and youll see its a hell of a lot different than you imagine. I've accomplished so many wonderful things in my life against so many obstacles that one experience in which I did not come out on top and someone else who was more deserving did, does not phase me. Congratulations goes out to Todd, James- one the cooolest people I know, wish you won man, AND Denise- I'm so happy for you girl. Good luck, I'm out.

Oh my gosh I had the worst nightmare last night, all night long, even when I'd wake up I'd fall back aslee and it would continue. It was about these wolves, that had rabies or something, and they were attacking my neighborhood and family I kept trying to save these children and put them in closets and hide from the wolves inthese houses but they kept smelling us out and tru=ying to brek through the door, it wasterrifying, woulda made a rad movie. I have so many whack nightmares I should start writing some screenplays.
The song on my profile now , Find a Way. I listened to that probably close to 100k times in China. I only had a small IPod and On the way there and back I lsteded to that song over and over again.
I had a playlist it went something like this...
1. Smother Me
2. Gorgeous
3. Best of Me
4. Punk Rock Princess
5. My Alien
6. I love you
7. From Yesterday
8. Stripsearch
9. This town aint big enough for the both of us.

I may as well telly ou guys some funny stories from China since I' am closing htis chapter in my life...
I started a journal on my way to Survivor. I started reading the Secret and All these self help books that are supposed to change your destiny. HA! I believed it for a sec. I made this journal and it was so corny and poetic and cheesy, Deear Jornal, I am about to embark on the greatest journey of my entire life....blah blah blah.
I do this for the week they keep us in China before sending us out to the camp then I leave and enter in m,y journal and write about how I am about to win a million dollars and how I'm going to sharwe it with people who are less fortunate and I even drew a picture of a check made out to me How ridiculous!!!!! But it says to do that in the Secret, ok stop making fun now. Then after I get voted of thenext entry in my journal after all that poetic trash was F% THESE PEOPLE AND F$@ THIS PLACE I HATE IT HERE THIS WAS ALL B$ SHT!!!! HAHAH What a dork. IT;s actually pretty funny to see in person. Maybe I'll auction it on WWE. It has a bunch of poems Iw rote and some other crap, I dont know.

Anyway, then anotherfunny part prob the only one I ould funny while out there int hat disgusting rainy shithole, was when Sherea and Jamie were trying to tech me to walk it out. HAHA PAul hates when I do it, he said I should never try it again HAHAHAH HE cracks me up when he says that. I triully am one of the worlds worst dancers. Johnny Ace knows that and he put us divas ina dance contest on a house show once and plkayed my music for like 5 mins out there just to see me squirm.. Mean rib, hahah
Alright darlingss, enough babble. I'll check in later. Thanks for all the comments. You guys are awesome. Hopefully see yall soon!


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