• 03/17/2007 (3:03:02 pm)
  • Rios Granillo


Thanks to IYH fan Rios Granillo for the recap

This past week on In Your Head with Jack and Oneinchbiceps, the crew was visited by former NWA US and Tag Team champion, the great Magnum TA. This was Magnum’s second appearance on IYH and he was there to promote Keith Crockett’s Pro Wrestling Mid Atlantic's Magnum TA Tribute Show & Magnum TA Inaugural Pro Wrestling Tournament This Saturday March 17th. (For more information please go to Aside from the show this Saturday, Magnum was here to talk about his legendary career, Dusty Rhodes, NWA, Mid South, Ernie Ladd, the business today, WWE and so much more. Be sure to listen to the actual interview located at In Your Head can be heard every Wednesday at 6:00 PM EST and be sure to also check out past interviews in the archive section and sign up in the IYH message board were you can post questions to future guests.

Jack kicks off the show, bringing up the Magnum TA Tribute Tournament in Chesapeake, West Virginia. Magnum says it’s the first year they are doing the tournament and when he first heard about it, he was flabbergasted. Magnum says that Barbarian, Bob Caudle, Kamala, Ronny Garvin, Bill Apter and Baby Doll will all be at the show, and he is really looking forward to seeing some of his old friends.

Jacks takes a call from Jason and he asks about his match steel cage I quit match with Tully Blanchard and whether he thought it would be in as high regards as it is nowadays? He says he always thought it very anti-climactic and that he had done so many angles with Tully that looking back, it seems like it all happened in a blink of an eye. He said he never thought it would be as remembered as much as it is now.

Jason asks if he keeps in touch with anybody? Magnum says he doesn’t really keep in touch with anybody, but he says that he rides motorcycles with Ronny Garvin regularly because they live in the same home town.

ElTNAfan calls in and asks about his opinion of the Crockett family? Magnum says that they really took care of him over the years and that he thought they had a better product then the WWF at the time and that it was a real sad ending for them.

ElTNAfan asks for his opinions on Dusty Rhodes? Magnum says that he is a best friend for life and he says that Dusty was misunderstood by so many, but he is a real special guy and definitely the most charismatic wrestler of all time.

Jack asks a question from Santo Loco, he asks about his opinions on the late Ernie Ladd? Magnum says he has great memories and he says that Ernie was the booker for Bill Watts back in the day, and if it wasn’t for Ernie Ladd, he would have never worked with Bill Watts and the Magnum TA character would have never existed. He went on to say that he is going to be sorely missed and he really left a mark on his career as well as the thousands that have watched him over the years.

Incher asks a question from Golgo, what he thinks of Ric Flair still wrestling? He says his hats off to him, he says he is amazed and a little nervous while watching him wrestle now.

Incher asks a question from Nightrider, what was it like working with Wahoo McDaniel’s? Magnum said that one of the biggest events in his life was the day that Wahoo passed down the United States Championship to him and that he was really honored to have worked with him while he still could, because he caught Wahoo at the tail end of his career. Magnum also said that one chop from Wahoo McDaniel’s could rock your very existence.

Jack asks if would ever take a job as a booker nowadays? He said he didn’t know if he could go back full time to living the lifestyle that anybody in this business does.

Incher asks a question from Headcheese, saying that Magnum would beat a man with one belly-to-belly suplex and nowadays people do 3-10 German suplexes in a match and he just wants to know his opinions on the matter. He says that the crazier things you do in the ring the better, he says that a majority of wrestling fans aren’t traditional fans and that if something doesn’t grab their eye, they’ll change the channel, that’s just the way the business has evolved since his day.

Incher asks if Mr. Wrestling II had a had in making him a star? Magnum says that he definitely had a huge hand and thanks to Bill Dundee who booked them into a feud with some great new ideas and Magnum said that it was perfect and a great angle and that MR. Wrestling II really taught him a lot.

In Magnum’s closing time for the show he just wants to thank the fans that have stuck with him through out his career, and that even though they aren’t finding cure for cancer or anything, they just go out there and wrestle for all the fans in attendance.

Jack plugs the Tournament promote Keith Crockett’s Pro Wrestling Mid Atlantic's Magnum TA Tribute Show & Magnum TA Inaugural Pro Wrestling Tournament This Saturday March 17th at Khedive Temple
645 Woodlake Drive Chesapeake Virginia 23320, the doors open at 6:00 PM and the Bell time starts at 8:00 PM. For more information go to

You can check out the entire Magnum TA interview at and then check out past interviews in the archive section and sign up for the message board and ask all future IYH guests your personal questions or if you want you can always call into the show and ask the superstars yourself.

---“The Machiavellian Messiah” Rios Granillo

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