• 03/12/2008 (2:49:34 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Updated on 3/12

March 10, 2008 - Monday


The Seventh Cryptic Blog UPDATED 3/12

For the first time ever, I'm gonna break this cryptic blog down into different parts. I want each one of you to try and break my cryptic code and translate what I'm saying when you comment on it.

A-The song I'm starting with on iTunes is The Sweetest Girl. For me, the future holds nothing but opportunity-no issues, no baggage, no heat.. nothing. Thanks for your patience. The moment will be here before you know it. I will only accept one position in the future. And it's up to me to get me there and I'm more than up to the challenge. Sh*t happens in life-it's how you react and recover that makes you great or that makes you eventually fizzle out.

B-In life, there's not always good and bad. sometimes you interject yourself into situation were you shouldn't be. If if it feels right on the surface, think it through. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand. The choices you make in life might not be morally wrong, but they may put you in a position of conflict which leads to you be persecuted and judged. And often times you're looked at as the bad guy. Avoid these situations if you can-especially if you're low on the totem pole.

C-I know two people of different genders who are in a dilemma at this time. One of these individuals I am extremely close with-the other one I used to be. The thing that worries me is that they're both playing around in the deep water and can't swim. I can swim. Ironically, Eulogy by Tool just came up on random.

D-I appreciate the fact that someone sees the potential within, as opposed to ignorantly overlooking it. I truly appreciate that-it shows maturity. Look deeper into your possibilities and be realistic.

E-Get negativity the F*CK outta your life. I absolutely have. You'll thank me for it later.

F-Sometimes things just feel right. Sometimes things might feel right-but in the real world, there's always a possibility that too many outside issues and previous decisions have been made for it too ACTUALLY be right.

G-I know it's coming.. I'm just waiting on Corduroy to blast from the device.

H-When you are placed inside a system that you voluntarily put yourself in, roll with the punches. If you're gonna put yourself there, navigate yourself to the vanguard. Don't play the rebel if you signed up to be the employee. Be the rebel in your own world on your own clock. Cover Me by Candlebox is blaring.

I-Don't throw away your past with someone if you don't have to-especially if it contained several highspots. Learn how to adapt to the current realistic relationship you have-it's SO important to salvage the people you really bond with at some point. If you don't, you're just cheating yourself. Summer Of 69, Bryan Adams.

J-I am the Angelic Diablo in all the good ways. I will make my spawn work even though it's in limbo.

K-Secret surgery? You're damn skippy! For a year I lived every day in pain but just sucked it up and decided to GO! GO! GO!

L-Always, always take the optimistic approach. Being negative and pessimistic gets you nowhere-except for the city limits of misery and underachievement. Yes, Strawberry Wine by Deanna Carter.

M-I truly don't mean to offend anyone with this statement, but, lazy people annoy the F*CK outta me. I'm not lazy, never have been, never will be. YOU decide your fate, happiness, and disposition more than you realize. Hustling and discipline can make such a difference. Buckcherry is at bat with Sorry-I really like this song.

N-I was told this today-and at the risk of sounding overconfident-that I was a born leader. I am probably more valuable as a coach than a player.

O-Sometimes I step back and can't believe my life-but I f*cking busted my ass to get here. So I feel like I've earned every consolation aspect I've obtained. I Wanna Sex You Up by Color Me Bad just came on. That actually correlates with my cryptic thoughts, HAHA!

P-You can't go wrong with telling the truth. Neither can I.

Q-I wanted a grand for every time I blog, but that didn't happen last time. So to hell with it-I'll blog for less!

R-Said individual is fine. I don't want my thoughts exaggerated or misconstrued at this delicate time. I was at one past time concerned. I am not currently concerned. People will never stop being human. And great people will never stop being great people. Even with surmountable speedbumps in their path--whether they're forced to involuntarily cross them or even if they accidentally built them. Timing can be either fantastic or disastrous. Sometimes timing ends up correctly or incorrectly defining an individual, regardless of if it's right or wrong.


A translation to help you all translate.. Here's what I truly meant when I posted article Q..

Q-Every time i post a blog now, it's my personal goal to have a thousand comments posted about it. It makes me feel like I'm getting the interest I want out of my blogs. I considered giving my last blog, which had around 950 comments, a couple more days to accumalte 50 more comments. I was ready to write this last blog, so i did. And in reality, the number of comments doesn't determine how good or bad a blog is-or how inspiration, thought-provoking, or motivational it is.

Quote of the day - "I wanna feel the change consume me, feel the outside turning in" - Tool, Forty Six & 2

Matt Hardy


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