• 12/24/2008 (9:02:30 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


December 25, 2008 - Thursday


Merry Christmas everybody!

First and foremost, Merry Christmas my friends! I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season and getting to spend some quality time with the people who mean the most to them. It's Christmas Eve-and in just a few hours Santa will be cranking up the old sleigh-in preparation to give out presents to all the little boys and girls who've been good this year. Hope that counts whoever is reading this right now, HAHA! But in all seriousness, I hope everyone has an outstanding Christmas experience.

It's fortunately been quite a good year for me, although I planned for that going into 2008. I've had my most successful year career-wise that I've ever had on all levels. I started out the year recovering from an appen..omy and elbow surgery. I ended up returning with a bang at Wrestlemania, winning the U.S. Title, and then capturing the ECW Heavyweight Championship. I've held gold (or platinum) pretty much the entire year. And with Jeff closing out the year by winning the WWE Title, the Hardys have had a helluva year. The Hardy Renaissance is upon us! Not too bad for a couple of little kids who used to bounce around on a trampoline with big dreams that became realities. I wanna thank all my supporters who have always believed in me and stuck with me through thick and thin.

As 2008 closes, I have much bigger and better and more focused goals for 2009-professionally and personally. I wanna continue to move up in the ranks of the WWE, I want be the best ECW Champ that I can be, and I also have two other major titles I'd like to add to my resume. Although unbeknownst to most people, I was very physically banged up the last couple of months which made staying in shape tough. Now that I'm getting healthier, it's my goal to get in tip-top shape once again. I'm planning on making training, cardio, dieting, and sleeping better a lifestyle for 2009. I also want to take the Hardy Show to the next level in 2009. The Hardy Show has came so far over the last couple of years, which makes me very proud, as it's one of my babies. And I can't go without letting each and everyone know about the great deal we have going on right now where you get the entire Hardy Show Empire..

THE HARDY SHOW EMPIRE COMBO.. Save $54.94 for a limited time only!

By the way, we had a little Matt Hardy Big Ass Christmas Bash last Friday (that's an oxymoron if there's ever been one).. All I can say is.. WOW!! There was tons of people, tons of food, tons of adult beverages, karaoke, face-paint (some voluntary, some involuntary), hot-tubbing, shenanigans, stories, a minimal amount of blood, and then there was ME.. I have to be honest, I over-tuned a bit, HA! Good times were had by all, I unfortunately can't quite remember all of them. The MHBACB is certainly becoming legendary-Bash 6 is gonna make a helluva Hardy Show episode!

Merry Christmas once again, enjoy the holiday season, and I hope Santa is good to all you guys and gals!

Quote of the day - "I am myself, like you somehow" - Pearl Jam, Release



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