• 03/02/2008 (2:29:58 pm)
  • Jeff Sheridan


Jeff Sheridan sent us this link, he wanted us to read the part about wrestling:
Rep. Bobby Rush (D.-Ill.), the chair of last week's committee that quizzed America's sports authorities on drug policies, seems to be among the very few to realize that while pro wrestling is fake, its performers die real deaths - while the business escapes accountability.

Rush said he was "exceptionally and extremely disappointed" that Vince McMahon was the only one invited who declined to appear. "Steroid abuse in pro wrestling," said Rush, "is probably worse than in any professional sport or amateur sport. The number of deaths in the professional ranks is startling, to say the least."

Worse, McMahon's no-show surely deprived some Congressmen and their staffs important autograph and picture-posing time.

But if McMahon's day before Congress comes, we'd hope that Rep. Rush asks him to explain the medical condition he suffered from that caused his own steroid use. And next, why the WWE's (then the WWF) favorite physician, Dr. George Zahorian, wound up in a federal prison. And that's just for starters.


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