• 03/05/2007 (8:19:24 am)
  • Press Release


As the legendary New York Yankee Phil Rizzuto used to say, "Holy Cow"! Those were the exact words promoters, fans and wrestlers were all saying at Saturday, March 3rd's National Wrestling Superstars event in Point Pleasant at the Elks Lodge. With so much interest in this event (as well as all NWS events), promoters informed the media that as of early last week, the entire event was sold out. Despite the release, people lined up for hours before the show with the hopes of getting tickets in case someone "no showed" or "canceled" at the last minute. Guess what? It didn't happen and dozens of fans were turned away (although they were given the opportunity to purchase tickets to next Saturday's event in nearly Neptune at a substantially discounted price).
And what a show it was with TV legends and upcoming stars coming together to make this a night to remember.
Match 1
Grudge Match. JD Smooth vs Mikey Pacifica
Smooth, embarrassed by his loss to Pacifica in Edison on February 17th (Pacifica's first singles  win by the way), guaranteed victory. To do this, he asked veteran King Kaluha to join him at ringside to "watch his back". Then, Smooth told NWS officials he had a special request.  He said he was "tired of incompetent officiating" and demanded that he be allowed to use his own referee and he introduced the wrestling ref Sgt. Jimmy Storm.  NWS officials told Smooth to choose, either Kaluha or Storm and after much discussion, Smooth decided to keep Storm in the ring to call the action.  Bad call for Pacifica as every he got an advantage, Storm told him to "break the hold" and every time Smooth did something "questionable", Storm turned his back.  With the help of Storm, Smooth came away with a victory and Storm became perhaps the most hated referee in NWS history (even surpassing head NWS official Kenny Edwards)
Before the start of the 2nd match, Sal Sincere and King Kaluha made their way to ringside and told NWS commissioner Gino Moore that they scouted everyone in the building and no one was in their caliber and they said they would take the night off.  They then proceeded to berate Moore (even stealing his prized Philadelphia Pretzels) until WrestleMania legend King Kong Bundy stormed through the door and told the two to "shut up" and challenged them to a handicap match. Sincere and Kaluha laughed and told Bundy "stop believing all your own hype. You are going down tonight!".
Match 2
Antonio Malave vs Resin
With order restored, Malave entered the ring to a chorus of "boo" and "go home". Then Resin came to the ring and fans didn't know what to make of this strange grappler, with a bag of what looked like cherry syrup (blood) hanging from his mouth. When the match started, Malave kept running away from Resin and complained to some Latin wrestling fans that "he stinks" (thanks to the fans in the front row for translating). Malave caught Resin off guard and spent the first few minutes of the match working on Resin's legs. Resin, showing no reaction tried to fight back, but Malave kept working on the leg. When Malave went to the ropes to talk to the Latino fans, Resin rolled him up for a surprise win.
Match 3
Return Grudge Match. Non-title match
Ali, the Dark Patriot vs Nicky "Raw Racist" Benz
Special Guest Referee Mike "Quick Count" Dillon
This was a match that was signed in Brick when Benz and his partner Mr. Motion Shane Taylor attacked Dillon after the match. Ali made the save and NWS officials were quick to sign the bout. Benz spent at least 5 minutes putting down Ali and Dillon (sorry, get the tape to hear his diatribe) before Ali came rushing through the curtains and viciously attacked Benz. Nicky, not one to take things lightly fought back and several fans were heard saying "this looks real" and "they must not like one another". After nearly 12 minutes, Ali had Benz set for the win before Kaluha, Sincere and Sgt. Jimmy Storm came to the ring. While Benz, Kaluha and Sincere were working on Ali, Storm used a metal tray to hit Dillon, knocking him out and Storm hit the 3 count, giving Benz the win. As the 3 on 1 beat down continued on Ali, King Kong Bundy and the Patriot made the save, sending the heals back to the locker room area.
As usual, fans were invited to have their pictures taken in the ring with King Kong Bundy and the Patriot. But before the start of intermission, NWS promoter Joe Panzarino asked the fans for one brief minute, that there was an important announcement he had to make.
When NWS returns to Brick on May 5, there would be a special guest and fans would be able to get their tickets and guarantee prime seating for the event during intermission.  The announcement was that NWS and Double Play Tixx were bringing in a special legend for this event and that it would be "one night only".  With the fans on the edges of their seats wondering who, Panzarino announced that on May 5th at the Brick Elks Lodge, the former WWE tag team known as the Heart Throbs would be headlining the main event. In addition, there would be a special guest enforcer for the evening. That enforcer was former World Wide Wrestling Federation Champion Bruno Sammartino! While the younger fans applauded politely, "over 35" fans cheered loudly and made their way to the entrance way to buy tickets (note: at the end of the night, there were over 100 tickets sold for this event).
After intermission, the action got back underway.
Match 4
Six man tag team match
The Inbred Hillbilly's & AC Kewel vs Chris Steele, Slayer and Ice Fire Steve Zapf.
Someone told these guys to put their wrestling shoes and fans were thoroughly entertained (especially when Slayer tore the tights of one of the Hillbilly's and started singing "Blue Moon" because of the blue pants he had under his tights). All 6 wrestlers worked and tried to score a win. After nearly 12 minutes, Slayer caught Cletus in a swinging neck-breaker off the ropes for the pin. While this was going on, Zapf and Steele were fighting Cooter and Kewel outside the ring and Slayer was attacked by the nearly 7 foot tall Kaibutzi (also known as the Japanese Sandman).  NWS officials promised Slayer a match in the future.
Jersey Shore Title Match
Nicky Oceans (champion) vs the Point's Travis Blake (challenger)
Match of the night as both Oceans and Blake showed that they didn't have to be a legend to be a star as both Oceans an Blake put on a great match. Oceans taunted Blake (telling him he had 9 fans in the building) and said "if you want this title, come and try to take it".  And try he did as he caught Oceans by surprise and almost walked away with the title in the first 6 minutes of the match. When Blake tried a somersault on Oceans, he missed and Oceans took over, using a series of moves to attack the stomach (even catching Blake in a bear-hug, something rarely seen in lightweights). At the 14:30 mark, Blake caught Oceans in a Boston Crab and nearly had Oceans submitting, but the champion held on and the match was declared a draw. NWS officials were quick to sign a rematch for May 5th in Brick, much to the delight of the fans.
Match 6
Main Event. Handicap match
Sal Sincere and King Kaluha vs King Kong Bundy.
Sincere said he wanted to sing for the fans and did his own version of Sweet Caroline (Sweet Salvatore) before Bundy came to the ring to "shut him up". It was two on one for much of the match with Kaluha distracting the referee allowing Sincere to choke Bundy with his whistle.  After nearly 10 minutes, Bundy hit a big splash on Kaluha, even instructing the referee to make it a "5" count.
At the end of the evening, people were still talking about the big announcement about Bruno.

For tickets to this and all NWS events call 732-888-1704.

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