• 09/10/2007 (8:16:49 am)
  • Media: NY Post

Thanks to Jeff Sheridan for sending us this link:
After clicking this link:

scroll down till you see:

"It might've taken 20 years too long for Congress to finally ask hard
questions about the obvious - excessively muscled pro wrestlers regularly
dropping dead - but it's happening.

And WWE boss Vince McMahon, who has long dictated pro wrestling's terms and
was himself an admitted (and obvious) steroid user, is doing some major
damage control. Last week, he suddenly suspended 10 wrestlers for failure to
comply with his whatever-suits-his-needs drug policy.

While McMahon used to insist that his organization had no drug problem,
here's hoping that Congress asks some important questions of some of
McMahon's longtime, top-shelf business confederates and pals, sophisticates
such as NBC Sports boss Dick Ebersol and know-it-all Donald Trump.

How, after all, do they continue to lend their names and businesses to
McMahon while his fabulously conditioned performers keep turning up dead?
Did they ask no questions? Or did they already know the answers?

How, Congress should ask, do such powerful, in-the-know men serve as
McMahon's enablers?"

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