• 08/20/2008 (3:37:06 pm)
  • Press Release

My question, how come ROH never had problems like this, all the times they were there…

This is a letter from Ticketmaster apologizing about the problems with TNA Manhattan Center tickets:
Dear Valued Customer,

Due to an unexpected problem regarding the sale of tickets for the TNA Wrestling event at the Hammerstein Ballroom on September 6, your initial purchase of tickets to this event were likely lost from the system if purchased before August 9th. Yet, upon your receipt of a voicemail from Ticketmaster to this effect on August 10th, we trust that you were immediately able to repurchase the tickets that you needed on or after August 11th. But, we regret any inconvenience that this additional and unanticipated step may have caused you.

While reiterating our apology for any inconvenience that you may have experienced, please be advised that any tickets to this event that you may have received as a result of your initial purchase (before August 9th) obviously cannot be honored. But, be assured that that any new replacement tickets that you may have subsequently purchased will most certainly be accepted. And while we are making every effort to ensure that you retain the same seats that you may have booked before August 9th, we regret that we are unable to guarantee that you will do so. But, we are confident that you will have comparable seating.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and we wish you an enjoyable evening.
* * * * * * *
Although I have a few friends who said they received a confirmation from Ticketmaster, that their first tickets are fine, and they will have no problems.  I guess time will tell.

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