RAW REPORT 7/25/05
  • 07/26/2005 (12:15:21 am)
  • Jimmy

Jimmy reviews RAW for 7/25

RAW opening, with clips of last weeks main event.

We are live in Cleveland, Ohio, with our hosts Jim Ross, Jonathan Coachman, and Jerry Lawler.

We are joined immediatley by Kurt Angle for another Angle Challange thing. Christy comes out. Kurt makes sexual comments about wrestling her, but it turns out she's just introducing Kurt's opponent, Eugene. Kurt says Eugene isn't from Cleveland, but Eugene rebutts. They finally begin. Kurt dominates for the 2 minutes. Eugene fights back with 40 seconds left. He goes for the Stunner, but Angle blocks, and gets the Angle Slam. He goes to the Ankle Lock, but Eugene sends him out, and wins as the clock runs out. No rating, but it was entertaining enough.

Backstage we see Viscera walking with an African-American midget. Oh boy.

Backstage, Cena interacts with Bischoff.

Heart Throbs and mini friend vs. Viscera and Colocus
Heart Throbs midgets gets no name. Heart Throbs dominate Colocus, hot tag Viscera. He cleans house, and Colocus splashes Romeo for the Viscera pin. Like I care. DUD

We see our announcers are at ringside tonight.

We get a video for Lord Alfred Hayes. RIP Alfie.

Backstage, Shelton wants Carlito, but Bischoff gives him Snitsky and Masters in a Handicap match.

Backstage, Maria interview Chris Jericho. We get it, she's dumb.

Battle of the Bands is next. Cena does "Bad, Bad Man", and gets a big pop. Jericho refuses to perform, claiming the fans are biased. Okay then.

Backstage, Carlito and Bischoff talk, and say that if Carlito beats Cena tonight, he gets Cena for the Title next week. Oh, and Jericho's referee for tonight.

Shawn Michaels joins us and yaps on again, like last week. He claims he's shooting, which I disagree with. He basically just bashes Hogan.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Snitsky and Chris Masters
Shelton dominates them to start, getting a psecado on both of them. Back in, Masters goes to the front face lock. Shelton breaks free, but Snitsky comes in and cheap shots him. Masters puts on the MasterLock, and Shelton lasts a while before he passes out. This sure sucked, Shelton deserves better. 1/4*

Diva Search. One of them gets voted off. They eat hot dogs, one of them wins. This was thankfully short.

Kane vs. Edge
Kane attacks before the bell. They go the outside where Kane hammers him around with the steps and such. He goes to the stretcher, but can't get Edge over the line. We go to commercial as Kane throws the stretcher down the ramp. We return with Edge in control. He goes for the Education, but it's blocked, and Kane gets the Flying Clothesline. Edge gets a spear and stalls. They fight on the apron, and Lita hits Kane with a kendo stick. Edge gets it, and nails Kane with it. Edge tries to neck Pillmanize Kane, but Kane gets up. Kane chokeslams Edge on the stretcher, breaking it. He drags it up the ramp, and no-sells a Lita briefcase shot. He tries to chokeslam her, but Edge nails him with the briefcase and puts him on the stretcher. They drag him over, he sits up, another briefcase shot finishes though. Kane attacks afterwards, and tombstones Lita. Matt attacks Edge afterwards, and is lead out. Meh. *1/2

We get a Hogan Video.

Carlito vs. John Cena with Chris Jericho as Special Guest Referee
Carlito dominates to start. Cena gets a quick clothesline for 2. DDT gets 2 for Carlito. Suplex gets 2 for Carlito. Flapjack gets the same. He goes to the chinlock, and Cena fights back. Dropkick gets 2 for Carlito though. Neckbreaker for Carlito gets the same. Cena reverses a suplex. Carlito gets an elevated downward spiral for 2. Elbow gets a 1 count. Cena Warriors up. Hiptoss. Protoplex. 5-Knuckle Shuffle. He goes for the FU, but Jericho lowblows him. Bulldog and Lionsault on Cena, and Jericho puts Carlito on top for the pin. Bischoff is happy. **

Overall Thoughts: Another mediocre RAW in a recent string of them. I miss the good wrestling from a few months ago.

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