• 01/30/2008 (1:52:12 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


   This past Saturday in Rhode Island CM Punk did an autograph signing... all I have to say is WOW.  My buddy and I grabbed some coffee early on and headed down there to wait and see him.  We got figures earlier on in the week for him to sign so we brought those.. and was hoping to get an 8X10 if they had any but that didn't happen.  We arrive there and they have a HUGE inflatable standup of a "Best Buy employee" holding a sign that is advertising that CM is siging there... i immedaielty thought the place was gonan be packed.  We got there an hour before he was supposed to be there and we werent that far back.. maybe a hundred or so people.  We made friends with the people in front of us and did what we all do at these things.. start sharing stories of who we've met... who's awesome... who's not.. and what not.    The line begins to grow... CM arrives pretty much right on time and the place goes nuts and people start chanting his name... and we can't even see him yet. 
            At this point we are told he will sign one thing... and no posed photography.   Kind of dissapointing to hear but that's that..  we get up to where we can see him and the same guy who told us no posed photographs.. is taking peoples cameras and people are standing with CM for pics!  Go figure that out...    We make our way up to him and it was very laid back type of deal...  my buddy and I walked up to him and talked to him for a couple minutes then had our pic taken with him and he was beyond awesome.  We talked to him about Ring of Honor.. and how we have followed him for a few years.  He seemed impressed that we knew of him for so long and he shook our hands and thanked us for all of our support. He signed our figures and he was very down to earth and the experience was awesome. 
            So we get outside after the signing... there are literally 500+ people wrapped around the building to meet him.  It was awesome to see!!  Hope i can meet him again...  any other fans that were there or wanna share other stories  email me at [email protected]


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