• 12/05/2007 (9:23:05 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Hey Georgie,

I just thought I would drop you a line and let you know how things went this past Saturday night at the UWF show in South Boston. All I can say is thank you to yourself and the staff at wrestlingfigs and Hermie Sadler and crew for making it possible. We had an awesome time. We got there a little early so we could see what was going on and check out the merchandise for sale. Well while we were waiting in line, my buddy lost his ticket. He had bought his own V.I.P. ticket the night before so he was freaking out looking for it. Well he went to the ticket desk and told them about what happened and they gave him another V.I.P. ticket free of charge! I thought that was incredibly classy act.

We go inside and they have the first group of wrestlers surrounding the ring for the autograph session. Everyone was friendly and signed anything you gave them. They took time to take pictures and talk with everyone. So as soon as everyone was done they sent in the second group of wrestlers. Again, everyone was friendly and took time to talk with people, pose for pictures, etc.

The event started on time and I have to say, it was one of the most fun times I have ever had at a wrestling event. The action was great, the crowd was really into it, the wrestlers got the fans involved, and it was just fun! There was really a family vibe going on throughout the night and I thought that was really cool. I would have taken more pictures but we were so into the action I didn't want to miss anything lol. I have to say though the best part was watching my girlfriend's son have fun. He really enjoyed himself and that made it that much better for me.

Highspots was there selling merchandise and pictures and they had some really good deals. The pictures were only $2 or 3 for $5. They were very helpful as were the staff of UWF. They even let the kids who wanted to to play in the ring during the autograph signing! Man, I wished I was a kid again lol.

Again, I want to thank Georgie and Wrestlingfigs and the UWF for making this possible. You have given us memories that will last a lifetime. THANK YOU!!!

FROM:  Tony Blackstock

P.S. I have attatched some pictures.

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