• 11/12/2007 (12:20:37 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Hi Georgie,
I would like to share some thoughts on this past Saturday Ringside Fest. It was our first RF so we didn't know what to expect. What we got was absolutely one of the most organized conventions I have been to. We got down to Carolines at eight am and got on line which had roughly thirty people in front of us. The doors opened at nine thirty and by then the line was a mile long and looped around the block. I had ordered two gold VIP passes and a bunch of extra auto tickets but needed one more auto ticket for Bret Hart as I wanted to get his book autographed .The ticket line went pretty fast and after I made my purchase we made our way into the main signing room. At the signing room door the security guy asked what passes we had and were told we were up front which was great. VIP passes were the first three rows of seats and GA was setup behind the vip seats. Before we knew it the Hart Foundation was introduced and the auto session began going row by row. Our row was called and we made our way to the Hart Foundation. Before getting to the Harts there were two ladies who collected your tickets and counted your items which worked out very well and again was very organized. As you approached the Foundation there were two gentleman who helped with getting items signed and made sure the line moved. Jim The Anvil was seated first at the signing table with Jimmy Hart second then Bret third. All three were a pleasure to meet and in good spirits. Anvil was a bit tired and asked me after signing my items if the signatures were ok and I responded yes as they were. Jimmy Hart loved this new WWF book I just started getting sigs in which was published in 1992. Bret as he always has been to us was a true gentleman and we chatted with him a bit. We then took our photo with the Harts and after a little more chit chat we got ready for session two. Before auto session two began we had a bit of a wait due to the hi volume of attendees and chatted with some fans in the waiting area. When we were called in for the Q+A session to be seated the Foundation was still signing autographs and after about twenty minutes the session began. The Q+A session went well and many questions were asked. My daughter Taylor came up with a question for the Harts which made me proud. She asked who came up with the idea of the Hart Foundation to which all three of them answered. Q+A lasted a good forty five minutes and it ended with a standing ovation for the Hart Foundation. Session two began and it was announced that the Sid Q+A  was canceled due to Sid having to catch a flight. The session two signers were introduced with Davari first Sunny second and Sid third. The room had cleared out a bunch and was at half capacity now with many less fans in attendance for session two. Before we knew it our row was called and we were next for autographs. Sunny was first in the auto block and she looked stunning as ever and was very nice to us. Sid was next and he seemed pretty pissed off and didn't say a word to us as he signed our items. Davari was busy talking to Sid and never looked at us as he signed our photos. Session two went very quickly and was over. As we made our way down Broadway we had a chance to reflect on what a fun day we just had.  In closing I want to thank everyone at Ringside Fest for putting together this well organized event. We had a great time and am looking forward to the next one.  
Also want to thank The Hart Foundation for reuniting one more time and taking time to go that extra mile and showing everyone what class people they are.
Ray and Taylor Dutczak of Yonkers NY


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