• 12/03/2007 (10:28:25 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

just put up…..


Monday, December 03, 2007


Happy Horus Day?

The wait is over. The blog is here. Get to reading.

Quick question for you- who has had more World Championships (not title reigns) than any other wrestler in history? Someone get back to me on that. I was trying to put two and two together and want to see what you come up with.

I'll be doing an interview you can catch live this week, on Friday at World Talk LIVE! - BlogTalkRadio - live, talk, world, sports, WWE, wrestling, and even ask me a question on the air, or just remind me how cool I am if you wish. This isn't an invite for interview requests; it's just one that I agreed to- hoping RVD TV would be ready to push. It's taking longer than we expected, but we should be there very soon. Hopefully you can be enjoying it for all it's worth before Christmas- which is rapidly approaching, isn't it?  In the mean time, I'm going to hook you up with a new trailer on my site to show you what we're doing with the concept. I'm waiting for the web site to be finished that will contain RVD TV and then I'll be waiting for your feedback.

Fans in the Los Angeles area- put "photo taken with RVD" on your Christmas list and make it happen on Saturday, December 8th at Frank and Sons . Get there early enough and be one of the first to get the new kick as RVD t-shirt!

I'll also have that new shirt in the 5 Star Comics store in a few days so keep that in mind and check out  eBay Store - RVD 5STAR STORE: RVD's 5Star Home  over the next couple of weeks. We'll have some one of a kind items up at RVD's Secret Stash for you to check out, too.

Grab the Maxim Magazine on the shelves right now to read the latest published story on Chris Benoit. They really put you in the moment, which I found quite eerie. I learned a couple things I wasn't aware of, as well. Thanks to the fan that wrote in and told me about the issue. In fact, everyone who wrote in to tell me that they closed their eyes to try to feel the energy around them- awesome! Everyone requesting my workouts- it's coming. As for the Ghost Rider movie- for taking 20 years worth of the dark, hellish, spiritual story and turning it into 90 minutes of fun for all ages, they did a good job and made a fun movie. Oh, and the waiter that doesn't think Roxxy is hot - gay!  And I'm sorry that wrestling sucks but what makes you think I could save it? Why do you think I don't want to be there? Also, thanks for the birthday wishes. Unlike many of my fallen brothers, I'm happy to make it another year.

If you hear rumors about RVD planning on making an appearance at Booker T's one year anniversary show for his Texas based promotion at the end of December- it's true. I've been telling interested wanna-be wrestlers that Book has the best school I know of for a long time, and now with my personal, physical endorsement, you can all assume that Book must be a pretty good friend to get me to come to Texas!!! More info when I get it.

A long time friend of mine has to pay his bills so check out  and see if his creative book is something you can use. Good luck, Larry. If you make so much money that you want to buy me a Christmas gift, just send cash , dude.

Have you guys seen Boondocks? I recommend it, if you are not easily offended by rough language. I watched season one on DVD, uncut, and I think it's brilliant! Knowing that I live in a country where a shock jock can get fired for calling the wrong people  "nappy headed hos", I warn you that if you watch the cartoon Boondocks uncut you will hear some adult, or as I like to call it, real language. Censorship has always been strange to me. Today, I heard Offspring calling someone a "dick" in the "get a job" song. It made me wonder why I got bleeped for saying "penis" on the Mancow Show. Strange.

Are you ready for a brain stimulating movie that aims to open up even the tightest of minds?

Dude, watch  Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007 . If you can't sit in front of the computer for that long, you can watch it on you tube in 13 parts. They cover three different subjects of controversy that are sooooo worth talking about. It took awhile to get around to watching this after it was recommended but it was so good I watched it again to show someone. Have you heard of the B.C. deities Horus, Attis, Mithra, or Dionysus? They were from different cultures but had a lot in common. For instance, all were born on Dec 25 to a virgin, and were resurrected 3 days after their demise. See if this quote from the web site doesn't grab you…

"They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."

I know- pretty awesome, huh?

The number one fan comment I receive is "When are you coming back?" My answer is everywhere, but no one wants to hear it. That's cool. I'll probably cash in on that return run, maybe, some day. Right now, I'm getting to know me in a way that I couldn't while someone else owned me.  My growing inner connection is invaluable, and it makes me stronger every day. Scrambling through hectic, stressful days will distance you from your true self. Get to know that person. That is your spiritual self, underneath the layers of environmental influence.  Look at what self qualities you are truly proud of. One of the qualities I take the most pride in is being genuine. In fact, I can get quite offended when I'm accused of the opposite. I guess that's because I believe we are all trying to figure life out, and today is tomorrow's history. You want to fuck up history forever?  I want everyone to know what I live by, and exactly what the fuck I die from. I don't say anything behind anyone's back that I wouldn't say to their face. That's genuine.

Guys who lie to the ladies so they can use them, for instance, are not genuine. They should know that. We all know people that appear fake or ingenuine and they are comfortable being that way. They just aren't genuine people. I guess they admire other qualities about themselves. 

Do you ever wonder where good morals come from? I used to think that it was something you were born with, that bad people resisted. Is it just what family and society gives you? We all have a general understanding of what's right and what's wrong, don't we? Actually, there's quite a range of opinions. Here's a scenario for you- I'd like to think that if I lived pre-civil war, I would know that slavery was wrong. Would I know? What if everyone else that I ever met, including my family, taught me that slavery was fine? What if I grew up, owning a slave? Bull shit. How the hell could I not know that it's uncompassionate to have a human being chained up to the dog house? I think that I would have to know how wrong it was, regardless of what society taught me. Actually, since you read my blogs, you know that I am not a conformist so I would never let society think for me. But what if I never had the option of free thinking because society was such? We're still individuals, whether they try to take that away or not. In fact, that's probably why human slavery still exists today in the U.S., Thailand, and other places where compassion seems to be absent. I'm just using that as an example. My topic here is good morals. If you are indeed born with your own set of morals, can they be taken away from you? Maybe replaced with whatever the standards are? If Mom and Dad are bad, does that mean you have to be bad? Would you have to witness good to know the difference? Personally, I don't think I do anything if I feel like it's wrong. My bible quoting friend disagrees with me, but I trust my own judgment. I may be aware of others who will not approve of my actions, but if they aren't God, Chances are-they're wrong. That's because I don't think I approve of things that God disapproves of. I do not live with that conflict. That must be what smoking cigarettes and wanting to quit feels like. I don't know. Well, okay, one questionable thing comes to mind. I do eat murdered animals because society has taught me that nothing beats a delicious, tender filet mignon. MMMMMM…steak!

We process a lot of info in life, and some of it sticks. Pay attention to what you are attracted to- to what gives you energy. Those are hints of your intended path and it feels so right to be on that path. It's the most reassuring feeling you can have; that you're living life as you are supposed to. Everybody needs this security, but they don't all get it and they don't all know they need it. The more you are able to be connected, the more you realize when you are not connected. It's what's on the other side of that connection- the Universe, Life, God, that energy-whatever you want to call it- that has all the answers.

We're just the cast- a- ways of Lost, stuck on an island and we know we're being watched and tested, but we just blindly follow instructions left for us by our predecessors and wait for night to come. That's not good enough for me. I say we live in the magic of life!

Either way- happy shopping for the holidays everyone. Cough. Cough. Pegan parties.  Pardon me.




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