• 10/12/2008 (1:17:01 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


I had the opportunity this past weekend to attend a horror convention called Rock and Shock.  It happens every year in Boston and they always get horror movie actors and actresses to come out and sign for the entire event.  This year they got the one and only Hot Rod!  We got there pretty early and a line had already started and me and my friends were 4th and 5th in line.  Roddy took his time with people, listened to them and actually treated us with the utmost respect . I had my 2 Exclusive figures signed and he was very intrigued by my 1 of 1800 Ringside Fest 2004 figure.  He said that he has never seen that one with the plaid kilt before and he said "Son, I think you have something very special right here".  He also said that he never sees his own figures until fans bring them to him and that he is always the last one to know when a figure of him is made.   He had some great pictures from They Live there also.  He was beyond amazing.  He seemed in good spirits and seemed like he was just as excited in meeting all of us as we were in meeting him.  An incredible experience and everything I hoped it would be. 




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