• 06/23/2008 (4:17:59 pm)
  • Press Release



During the past few days there have been highly publicized (and articulated) threats towards The Ultimate Warrior during his return on June 25th in Barcelona, Spain. There have been creative video's posted on YouTube along with detailed blog postings on what may occur the day of the match. All of these threats at this point are being taken serious, as they should be. Furthermore, we have received thousands of emails asking if this is some type of a work generated by Ultimate Warrior TV to create hype and continued subscriptions for the Pay-Per-View. This is unequivocally false. It would not only be childish but deceptive. A simple Google search of the individuals name (which he has offered numerous times) who is behind this effort will prove he is a real person that does indeed exist. Warrior will be providing a response to the public on this matter late evening tonight.
Bernie J. Gernay
Agent For The Ultimate Warrior

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