• 05/14/2008 (12:36:04 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


 "You know, a lot has come to a boil this week in my life, concerning me, and a certain TNA situation.  Well, I'd like to make this all clear to anyone and everyone.... 
As far as I am concerned, I never "screwed up" any possible opportunities with TNA, mainly because there was NEVER anything on the table..  All I had ever heard was,  there was an internet rumor amongst newsletter writers about 2 months ago that I was being thought about by the TNA Creative team for a high-profile role..  Now, as far as I'm concerned, when it comes to internet rumors, and newsletter writers ( no offense, Dave) that's all it is-  a rumor.  Never once did I bet the farm on these rumors, or even give it a second thought.
You all have to realize, that after 18 LONG YEARS in this wacko business, you never believe anything until you have in on paper, with your attorney's signature, and money in your hand.  If you believe anything before that, you are greener than the spring's grown grass.
Anyway.......  I never, and still don't think anything of it, because, not yet, ever, have I received any type of phone call, e-mail, text message, carrier pigeon letter, etc.. ( ok, now I sound like Jim Cornette-- ugh, he was my mentor, so what do you expect??)  stating the fact that I might have an opportunity to work for TNA Wrestling.    So, in that case, how exactly did I screw anything up???
The statement goes------" one or two TNA wrestlers gave a negative report on her from a recent appearance". 
OK--    all I know is I have done nothing but  put on the best performance possible at all and any appearances, shows, etc.   If anyone states otherwise, they are BRUTALLY wrong....my work ethic is always 100 %   and the fans know I am there for THEM,  not the payday.... as most in this industry are.   I have learned over 18 years of service that if it wasn't for the fans, we would all be nowhere.
So, the only deduction that I can make is that someone that works for TNA has some kind of personal problem--or, "heat" that we call it-- in order to make accusations in a negative manner about me to the TNA office..  Now, keep in mind, I find it terribly silly to even respond or  rebut to something that I have only heard rumors about, but I have tried too damn hard to straighten out my life and reputation - not to mention overcome impossible boundaries--  to let some a-hole who doesn't know me  to slander me in any way, shape, or form.  
So, In conclusion, I dare the ass who "supposedley" badmouthed me to the TNA office,  that decided that they know me best to come forward, and say what you have to say to my face...... I don't think you have the guts........... because you know I'm right.
My deductions have come down to 2 people-- and I think you know who you are.... one of you I will see on June 21st....so we will see how big a set you actually have when I see you.......
Sincerely, Yours in Wrestling,

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