• 07/22/2005 (1:22:54 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos

Guess they haven’t heard the lastest about Hebner….

Thanks to Mike Informer for this article:

The Top Five

This week's Top Five: Our favorite famous Richmonders
Richmond.comSome are well known; some are almost famous; and some are just local pop culture references. Either way, here are our top five favorite famous Richmonders:

  • Robb Crocker, editor:

    Before running off to Santa Cruz, Calif. and starting '80s progressive rock band Camper Van Beethoven, Cracker front man David Lowery lived in Richmond. After CVB parted ways in the early '90s, Lowery formed Cracker and made Richmond the band's home base (at least for awhile). Lowery and the band paid homage to their roots on their "Gentleman's Blues" CD with a song named "James River."

    Steven "Flounder" Furst
    Although one of the main characters in the movie "Animal House" is originally from Norfolk, Flounder did attend Virginia Commonwealth University before moving on to the Delta house and allowing D-Day pimp his older brother's ride. And to be fair to Flounder, he continued to act, appearing in "Babylon 5" and "St. Elsewhere."

    Again, former VCU students who, until recently, were banned from playing in Richmond, which prompted the group to morph into a kinder, gentler version known as RAWG.

    Ben Wallace
    Former Virginia Union basketball star, NBA All-Star and a member of the 2003-2004 champion Detroit Pistons. Yet another great trade in Washington Wizards history (because the whole Kwame Brown experiment worked out great).

    Mike Maniscalco
    Afternoon drive host for Sports Radio 910 and columnist…Who am I kidding – I just ran out of names!

  • Mike Ward, staff writer:

    Jimmy Dean
    Chicago might claim Abe Froman as its sausage king, but Richmond has Dean. While this former singer and all-around entertainer even made it into the Bond flick "Diamonds are Forever," he stills bares the stigma of having all of his social get-togethers branded as "sausage parties."

    My former roommate Hog
    When I went to school at the University of Richmond, Chris "Hog" Haefner was an extra in a "Dawson's Creek" shoot on campus. He appears briefly in a crew boat on the lake. It was an exciting TV career that began and ended there – unless the cameras catch him in the sexy new HBO series "Cathouse."

    John Small
    Back in Potter's Pub heyday, Small was the late-night entertainment, singing everything from Jimmy Buffet to traditional Irish drinking songs. His play list was more predictable than the ending of "Titanic," but it was oodles more fun than counting the pieces of flare on the suspenders of the T.G.I. Fridays' bartenders. Small still floats around Richmond drinking holes with his guitar in tow to this day.

    Ted Linhart
    Car dealerships heads have always enjoyed mugging in front of the camera, but few have demonstrated true thespian chops like Dominion Auto Group's Ted Linhart. From Linhart's smug one-liners to "pa pa patch" references, we're all waiting with baited breath for his one-on-one with James Lipton.

    Earl Hebner
    As the WWE's senior referee for many moons, Hebner has done us all proud. He's watched over ladies wrestling in Jello. He's overseen coffin matches. He's taken many phantom blows into a turnbuckle. And he's done it all dressed like a Foot Locker employee.
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