THE WAY I SEE IT 12/22/07
  • 12/22/2007 (12:13:35 pm)
  • Afa The Wild Samoan



Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone has a great holiday season and that 2008 brings good health and happiness.


There is so much to talk about but I will do my best to keep my column brief. When I was down in Tampa a few weeks ago making an appearance at the WWE developmental camp and wrestling show, I had a great visit with some good kids who I am proud to have helped with gaining experience and exposure through my WXW Wrestling when they were just starting out in their careers. They are Beth Phoenix and The All Knighters. These kids would travel every weekend from Canada to Pennsylvania and other states to work on any shows that they could so they could live the dream.


Being an old school wrestler, I felt for these kids. I opened my heart to them and my home as well. They were all a class act and deserved to get a break and I am so proud to turn my TV on every Monday night to watch the WWE women's champion on Raw. Beth and the boys had so much dedication and drive and I remember them saying that they work 80 hours each week so they can have the weekends off to make shows. More often then not, they worked for little to no money and traveled thousands of miles, so to see Beth at the top is a testimony of what hard work can do. I am proud to see her living the dream but what I am even more proud of is that when my wife and I were with Beth and the boys, they were exactly as grounded and down to earth as they were when they would come to look for work.


I also spent time with my "daughter" in wrestling, Luna Vachon, who is doing well and we laughed and shared stories of the many years that we have know each other. I also spent time with my former student Kidman, who is currently assisting in training at the camp. Finally, John Cena was also there and he too is a class act. Very respectful and soft spoken and he went out of his way to say hello to me and my wife.

I also want to wish my son Afa Jr the best of luck & success as he makes his debut this month (1/11/08/ on Monday Night Raw from Jacksonville Fl. As a father I'm proud of my son .


These are the stories that I like to share with the wrestling fans and not the tragic and negative news that we too often read.


Finally, I wish to thank my dear friend Georgiann for recommending me as a trainer for the upcoming movie "The Wrestler". The rumors are true, I did train with Nick Cage and I am now training the star of the movie Mickey Rourke, along with the assistance of my two best trainers Tommy Suede former WWE developemental contractor and Jon Trosky a/k/a Supreme Lee Great. My youngest daughter Tovale also has a role in the film.  


I have been asked what my New Years resolution is and I have to say it is to live each and ever day to its fullest.  


Until next month.


God Bless & always remember GOD IS GOOD !!


Afa "The Wild Samoan"


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