THQ Superstar Challenge and Smackdown vs Raw 2007
  • 04/14/2006 (3:46:54 pm)
  • Mike Regan -

Chicago, IL THQ Superstar Challenge and Smackdown vs Raw 2007

Chicago, IL THQ Superstar Challenge and Smackdown vs Raw 2007

By Mike Regan Webmaster
Chicago is an amazing city. I am here for the THQ event where they announced Smackdown vs Raw 2007 which is now going to be released for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP and Playstation 2. For those of you who know me, yes its really me. Yes I am really in Chicago and yes I did have a chance to see and talk with THQ reps after their presentation. For those of you who dont know me or a little site called then I am sure someone will fill you in. Just know that GR is coming back and we will have everything we captured here ready for you when it does.

The differences will be mostly graphical from what I understand. Obviously the PS2 and PSP cant put out the level of graphics that the PS3 and Xbox 360 can. Thats not to say the PS2 title wont look damn good. I tried to get more information on the differences between the 4 titles and without giving specifics he did say that there will be small differences. So that could mean anything really. Perhaps a different unlockable wrestler for each console or perhaps a different unlockable arena like last years wrestlemania 10 arena. He did say you could expect arenas like the wrestlemania 10 arena in this years game

First I have to say that the game looks phenominal. The extra polygons really make a difference and one of the cooler aspects is the various stages of sweat. Very cool effect while for those of you who are playing the Xbox 360 on HI Fi you will definiately notice that. I asked about the analog control of the moves that was discussed during the presentation and I have to say that this feature definately will add some spice to the gameplay. Some different examples they gave were the suplex where you can control how long you will hold your opponent in the air. The Airplane spin where you actually control the spin while rotating the analog stick. Think Mario swinging Bowser in Supermario 64. The military press where you can continueously press your opponent in the air. The body slam, etc etc. They said there will be about 40 different moves you will be able perform with this. One thing I didnt see mention and to be honest I have not really been looking at IGN or Gamespot coverage of the game since I am in Chicago at the moment is the fact that there is through out the arena there are several hot spots where you can interact with the enviroment in different ways. Such as for example the ring post where you can slam your opponent into the ring post from the outside. But did you also know that you will be able to decide exactly how much damage you will do to your opponent. Much like the analog move control I mentioned you will be able to do the same. And of course your opponent will be able to reverse these moves and perform some damage of his/her own. Other examples he mentioned was the crotch shot to the ring post where your opponent pulls you into the post and the move that Shawn does when he gets slammed on the ropes and rides the ropes. And these can all be controlled by the player. Again its still early but thats the idea there running with when it comes to new gameplay enhancements.

Online play will be a huge improvement this year with close to 50 match types playable on line as well as the newly added voice chat. Look for achievements to be in the xbox 360 as well.In a first in the series there will be unlockable characters and 10 legends. While they didnt give specifics on how you would unlock the characters they mentioned it all would be gameplay based. The game will feature 60 WWE Superstars, divas and legends and a current roster of superstars. There will just be 2 backstage areas this year with the Parking lot brawl coming back as well as the bar brawl. Look for completely different enviroments from last year. The season mode this year will be more based on Smackdown 5 season mode where you will have story based on the belt based on contending for the belt and based on a generic story line. They didnt give many specifics but mentioned that gamers will be able to play multiple years and still see unique story lines. It will be open ended and it will be set up in the same type of format as Smackdown 5. So you will have to make choices in the story mode which effects of course how the rest will play out.

When ever THQ announces the games for the very first time. They are deliberately not very specific towards a number of things. Mostly because the game is still early and that with a holiday release date a lot of things may change between now and then. There really only 6 months in development of the game with about 7 or 8 months left to go to finish.
The CAS mode will be greatly improved obviously with the improved graphics but THQ and Yukes are adding 250 parts for the CAS. And that the clothing and items wont look like their painted on which was a problem for some people with last years CAS.All of this is covered in detail in the 2 interviews I did.Oh one more thing before I leave. Can we say completely revamped table and ladder gameplay mechanics. Huge....

The THQ Superstar Challenge was great. I had a chance to interview John Cena, MNM (Melina is absolutely smoking), Shelton Benjamin, Carlito and Chris Masters. Great stuff. I wrote this and submitted this to Pwinsider hopefully someof you caught it.

For the past 4 years THQ has invited the video game media and myself to cover their annual THQ Superstar Challenge event. The event is usually chaotic with anywhere from 30 to 50 people trying to score interviews with the WWE superstars before the event. This year THQ set everyone in 5 rooms where they could herd the superstars through one by one for the interviews. Very much improved over the past few years process of everyone in a single room trying to get the attention of a superstar for a interview. The first interview I conducted was with the 3 time THQ Superstar Challenge Champion Shelton Benjamin. Very nice guy and down to earth, I aske d him how his momma was doing and he replied that she was recovering from a real life hernia operation so she should be back soon.
Next up was the unusual combination of Rob Van Dam and Trish Stratus. Those 2 are absolute jokers. I will have the video of the interview up shortly because words simply do not do it justice. Rob when asked about his match in the money in the bank match remarked that this was his chance to break through the glass ceiling.

Next up was Carlito, asking him about his match at Mania he replied that he would have to carry the big oaf Chris Masters to a victory. At which point Chris Masters came up next to him and Carlitos tune quickly changed. Those 2 are going to have a great feud after Wrestlemania.

Next up was John Cena. Without a doubt one of the most nicest and down to earth guys there. I asked him about his match on Sunday and he knew that he was in for a war. He said that he was been training and work out for this match since he first learned he was taking on HHH a few months ago. He definitely looks ready to take on the Game this Sunday.

As for the actual THQ Superstar Challenge, the Coach and Teddy Long had some cool interactions with each other and I think it was obvious from the outset that Shelton Benjamin was going to win the trophy and the 2000 Giftcard for the 4th time in a row. Shelton is a machine when it comes to Smackdown vs Raw.



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