• 10/06/2006 (10:02:19 pm)
  • Jeff Sheridan


Thanks to Jeff Sheridan for sending this to us:
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Former WWE Wrestler Chris Kanyon Visits. 10/06/06. 9:00am
After the commercials Howard took a phone call from a guy who said that people listening to regular radio are missing out on the great Sybian rides and stuff like that. Howard said that the stuff that he used to do on radio isn't even allowed on regular radio now. He talked about how they're celebrating the first anniversary of his channel going live on SIRIUS. The first sounds were farts and only farts.

The caller asked Artie if he gets the urge to do some sit ups and push ups when he sees hot chicks like the ones who were just in there. Artie said he does get that feeling.

Another caller told Artie he knew who sang this song that he was talking about yesterday. It was Dr. John Valby. Howard said they had actually found that and played some of the song.

Howard had the guys bring in Chris Kanyon who claims he was kicked out of the WWE because he's gay. Artie pointed out that he was wearing a Mets jersey when he came in so he was obviously gay. Howard talked to Chris about this WWE thing and Chris was saying that Vince McMahon does a lot of gay stuff like having guys kiss his ass on camera.

Chris said that Vince saw that eh had talent and even gave him two titles for a little while. He wrestled for about 3 years and then started telling people that he was gay and that led to him literally coming out of a closet on TV while he was dressed up as Boy George. He said he went along with that because if he hadn't, he would have been fired.

Howard read that Chris used to have sex with women in public places so people would see him and think that he was straight. Chris said he did do that to keep people from finding out he was gay. He thinks that the fans would accept him as a gay man though so he's not sure why Vince fired him. He said he thought that Vince was a genius but the XFL proved that's not the case. He also pointed out that Howard thought it would be successful. Howard said he suggested that Vince make that a reality TV show and that would have made it successful.

Artie was busting Chris' balls by making jokes about him being gay so Chris said that he's the biggest homophobe around. Artie claims he's not but Chris doesn't believe it. Chris brought him some gifts and gave him some packets of heroin and some other stuff. He must be a big fan because he knew a lot of inside jokes about the guys and gave Fred an Alien doll as a gift. He also gave Gary a toothbrush.

Howard asked Chris who he's attracted to. He said he likes Will Murray and another kid in the back by the name of Greg. Not Greg from Howard TV but another Greg. Greg from Howard TV came in so Chris told him he was okay but not the Greg he was talking about. Chris said that he was able to make love to women no problem because it does feel good. He said it is a lot wetter down there with a woman.

Chris said that he has tried taking a man in the ass but it was brutal so he doesn't do that anymore. He said it's like taking a big shit. Howard read that Chris had tried to kill himself one time so he asked him about that. Chris said that he was depressed and that's what it led to.

Chris said that in his best year of wrestling he made $370,000. That was before he got into the WWE. He said that when Vince bought out the WCW he went from making $240,000 a year to about $100,000. He said that Vince is evil and is screwing everyone over. Howard said he doesn't have a problem with Vince, he's been on the show and he was very nice to them, so he didn't want to call him like Chris wanted him to.

Chris said that when they made him go out and sing like Boy George, they told him to go out and ''sing like a faggot.'' Howard wanted him to sing for them so Artie told him to ''sing like a faggot'' and Chris said he wanted to jump over the divider and beat the shit out of him. Artie said eh was just joking around though. Chris did sing the song doing a baby voice and said that he should have told Vince to go fuck himself at that point.

Howard gave Chris some plugs for his web site and his Myspace account which is at

Chris said that a lot of people were surprised when he came out. He said his parents and brother were very surprised. He said his first experience was with a 21 year old when he was only 16 years old. He said it took place in a park right across the street from his parents house. He said he was worried about being discovered so eh would threaten to kill a kid who he was messing around with if he came up to him when he was hanging out with his friends.

Howard asked Chris about using steroids and found out that he did use them. Chris said he got an infection from using them one time and ended up in the hospital. He lost 32 pounds within 6 days. Howard said he heard that he wanted to do some gay stuff with Sal and Richard. Chris said his gaydar is great and those two guys are very gay.

Sal and Richard came in and said they wanted to play Gay Paintball. That's where they run around in circles while Chris tries to tag their balls with paint. Sal was messing with him and both of them had 'Fag' and 'Homo' on their backs. Chris was pissed off by that and said he was going to play because of that. Sal and Richard said that the loser of this game has to get tea bagged by the winner.

Howard told the two of them that they are gay and it's about time that they stop denying it. Howard had the guys play their gay game. Chris had to stay within a box that was outlined on the studio floor. They were still trying to work out the details but Artie suggested that the two of them just get out of there.

Richard ended up getting his balls grabbed by Chris and screamed out ''Uncle, Uncle, Uncle!'' to try and get him to let go. Howard said Chris smacked him around and wiped the word 'Homo' off his back. Richard said that Chris pulled down on his balls like a rubber band. Sal didn't get yanked on so he loved the game. Chris said he gave Richard an open handed chop and it shouldn't have hurt. Richard said it did hurt though. Chris said he took it easy on him and didn't do it that hard.

Chris wanted to do the same thing to Sal but Sal asked him to take it easy on him. Chris gave him the chop as well and Sal went down. Artie was laughing his ass off at that point. Sal said that he had the air knocked out of him and couldn't believe how much it hurt. Howard said he did a body slam on Sal after the slap. He left a hand print on him from the slap. Sal said it felt like a car had landed on him because he didn't expect it. Howard told Chris to fuck Sal in the ass but Sal told him that Howard was just kidding.

Chris was acting up a little bit and told Howard it's a good thing Ronnie the Limo Driver didn't come in because he was so intimidated by him. He was being sarcastic though. Ronnie wouldn't have been able to do anything to stop him from beating the shit out of anyone in there.

Howard took a call from a guy who asked Chris if he had any of the female wrestlers while he was at the WWE. Chris said he never did because they go for only the higher up guys. He joked that he did suck Chynna's cock while he was there. He also said that he knows for a fact that there are some closeted homosexuals still in the WWE but he's not going to out any of them.

Chris wanted to give Vince McMahon a call on the air and he even had the phone number. Howard had Gary give him a call to find out if he wanted to come on the air. Will came in and told Howard that Gary was on hold at the WWE waiting to speak to Vince.

Chris asked Howard if he remembers how he came up with the King of All Media name. Howard said that he noticed that Michael Jackson called himself the King of Pop and that stuck so he decided to make up a name for himself and called him the King of Media and then added the All and called himself the King of All Media. It was also at the time that the Rolling Stones were calling themselves the greatest rock band ever.

Gary said that Vince wasn't available to talk. He said that there were notes on the piece of paper that Chris gave him and he wanted to talk about a bunch of stuff. He knows the show very well and had notes about a ton of stuff. There was one note that said 'Baba Booey HIV' but it turns out he just wanted to ask about his brother who passed away from that. It wasn't a revelation but Gary doesn't talk about it a lot on the show.

Chris wanted to make a bet with Artie between the Mets and Yankees. He wanted the two of them to have to make out with Blue Iris if their team makes it and wins the World Series. If the Mets win the series, Artie has to make out with Blue Iris. If the Yanks win, then Chris has to make out with her. Artie agreed to that. Howard went to break a short time later.

The Mike Walker Gossip Game. 10/06/06. 9:45am
During the commercials Howard said that he saw the replay of Sal getting slammed on the back by Chris Kanyon and it was pretty intense. He and the guys talked about how hard he got hit and how his eyes bugged out of his head when he got hit.


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