• 10/12/2006 (12:46:00 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


El Mexicano Online (Article is in Spanish)
Psicosis (Dionicio Castellanos Torres) was arrested on Monday at 10:25 PM after allegedly stealing a car from 23 year old Alexander Valencia Ramirez of Rosarito, Baja California, according to a report in the Mexican newspaper El Mexicano.
Finally someone other than Joanie Laurer is called a Train Wreck in column.  Call the Fashion Police on Brooke, according to article.
Our friend Jeff Sheridan ask that we list this for him:
"I'm looking for anyone that has a Walmart near where they live, that carries the 4 [NOT 3 BUT 4] DVD Hulk Hogan Anthology set & I'm willing to either pay or trade for it. Please email me at [email protected] if you're willing to help me".
Jim Ross's website Blog:
This was sent in by Mike Informer:    Ex-wrestler who killed 16-year-old girl ineligible for parole for 15 years 
Mick Foley to be Falcons Special Guest on October 21st
"The Marine" star and WWE wrestling champ has faith in his future
Wrestling Pedigree - ROTUNDA chooses gridiron instead of squared circle   Visalia Times Delta - www.visaliatimesdelta.com -
Congratulations to Simon Diamond on his marriage to fiance' Candice last weekend.  Wedding took place in New Jersey.  Much happiness to you both my friend.
Also spoke to Crowbar (Chris Ford) and he informed me he started his own Office now.  He also told me he and Sean Waltman had a great match in NJ.
Jeff Sheridan found this for us:
After clicking this link:  www.marksfriggin.com
Scroll down till you see this:
"WWE Wrestler John Cena Visits Howard Stern. 10/11/06. 8:40 am
After the break Howard wished Artie another Happy Birthday. He didn't get him any gifts for his birthday but he wanted to pay for the hero he was eating. Artie said that everything there was from Howard so that was enough for him.
Howard moved on to WWE wrestler John Cena who was huge. He asked John if he fears any men out on the street. John said he really doesn't. Robin said that he's massive but he's not out of proportion. John said he started working out when he was 12 years old because he was getting beat up every day. He said it was like a comic book story come true. He said he started seeing results right away and he's stuck with it ever since. Howard said that he works out but he doesn't see many results at all. He's still skinny and has a belly. Howard told John that he used to get beat up all the time in school but he turned to drugs instead of working out.

Howard brought up this new movie that John is in called ''The Marine'' (TheMarineMovie.com) and wondered if he's going to leave wrestling if the movie does well. John said he doesn't want to leave wrestling like The Rock did. He said that The Rock may be trying to be taken much more seriously so that may be why he left. He has no problem with that but he has no plans on doing that himself.

Howard asked John if Vince McMahon has a cut of this movie. John said he does but he also has no problem with that because Vince is the one who made him what he is today. He said that Vince owns the name John Cena and Vince owns the intellectual property rights to that name. It's his real name too so it's a very strange concept. John said that when he does leave wrestling, he'll have to find another identity.

Howard asked John how many chicks he's banged at once. John said there was one time when there were six other girls but he couldn't handle them all at one time. Howard asked him about his best sex experience. John said he was in a ratty strip club in Kentucky and two women went home with him. He said the girls just knew what to do and it was very entertaining for him. He said he doesn't go in the back door on women but they did every possible position he wanted. He said they may have been faking it but they were enjoying it.

John said that he will bang a lot of chicks and they don't have to be skinny. He said he banged a chick who was about 280 pounds. He said it was actually a challenge put out to him from the other guys. He said that the guys were busting his chops so he went for it and had a great night. He said the lights were on and it was a great experience. Howard asked if he had to pull up the flaps of skin to get in there. John said you do have to know your way around with someone like that. He said he would even fuck Star Jones if he had the chance.

Howard asked John if this is a good life for him. John said that it really is and he doesn't have a family that he has to go home to. He just goes home to his own house about once or twice a month. Howard asked him about Chris Kanyon and what he thinks about his comments about Vince possibly being a homophobe. John said that Chris didn't come out until after he left the WWE and he just wasn't very good. John said you have to be able to entertain the people and Chris just wasn't good at it. John said he doesn't care if Chris is gay or not, he just didn't think he was a good entertainer.

John said he's very happy where he is now. He said he'd love to be able to do this stuff forever. Howard asked him what it is that makes him a good entertainer. John said he's no afraid to make an ass out of himself like some guys are. He's willing to do some degrading things and he once had to eat soap. He also had to go on the Howard Stern Show and admit he sleeps with fat chicks. Howard asked John if he went down on the fat chick. John said he didn't but it wasn't that he didn't want to, it just didn't come up while they were doing it.

Howard got in another plug for The Marine and asked John about the movie. John told Howard what the movie is about and said that the woman who plays his wife,Kelly Carlson, is really hot. Howard asked him if he banged her. John said that someone else got to her before he did so he didn't get her.

Howard asked if there was any nudity in the movie. John said that it's PG-13 so there is no nudity. Kelly does appear in a wet t-shirt but that's it and it's at the end of the movie. John said he's hoping for number one at the box office but they're up against a lot of big movies. Artie told him that there's also a movie out where a guy drinks horse jizz... that would be Jackass 2.

Howard took some phone calls for John. One woman said that her heart was pounding because she got to speak to John. She said she met John about a year or two ago at a mall and he was so awesome. She said that he seems to be sincere in a world of false entertainers. She works with kids and they all love this guy.

Eric the Midget called in so Howard goofed on him a little bit before putting him on. He asked Eric what he wanted to say to the man of his dreams. Eric wasn't saying much so Howard figured he was speechless like a girl. He told him to go ahead and try to seduce him. Eric didn't have much to say to John. Then his phone was ringing so he had to handle that. Eric then said he had a question for him but the guys didn't let him get it out. Eric asked John a question about a wrestling match he saw last night and wondered if there were really some nude wrestlers on the show he saw last night. It was during an ECW match. John said he didn't get to see it so he's not sure.

Howard went into his Eric impression and goofed on him some more. Fred was doing his impression as well. Eric met John at the movie premiere recently and John said he was a nice guy. Eric asked John to stand up to them for him but John said that Eric had to stand up for himself.

Howard let Eric go (by hanging up on him) and started to wrap up with John. John told Howard he met a nice girl by the name of Tiffany at a strip club he was at last night. Howard took a call from Joey Boots who said that this guy can't claim that he's not juicing now and he's sure that in 10 years they'll be playing clips of him denying it when he's really been doing it. John said that he has been drug free through his whole career and he isn't allowed to use steroids in the WWE. He said that it's almost a compliment when someone claims that he's on the juice when he's really not.

Joey said that no one gets to be the size of this guy without steroids. Fred said he thinks that he has used the stuff. Artie said he was going to go along with whatever John says, he doesn't want to get his ass kicked. Howard said he kind of thinks he looks like he has juiced up but he'll go along with whatever he says. John claims he has never used the stuff at all. Howard wrapped up with John after giving him some more plugs for his movie ''The Marine.'' He went to commercial break after that."

Below is various mentions of Cena, ECW &
Brooke Hogan:

"Eric The Midget's Lack Of Interviewing Skills. 10/11/06. 9:25am
Howard came back from break and gave Artie another birthday wish while Fred was playing Joe Walsh's cover of Desperado from when they were at K-Rock.
Howard took another call from Eric the Midget who said that Howard caught him off guard during the John Cena interview. He said he wasn't thinking straight because Howard had introduced him as a female caller. Howard said he's a horrible caller and he had nothing to say. He said he was trying to entertain millions and he can't do the show just for him.

Howard said that the question he did ask was very inside and even John didn't think it was a good question. Eric said that he's also not gay but Howard told him he is gay for these wrestlers. Howard said they all know he's straight but he doesn't seem to have a sense for how the show works and slowed the show down with that call of his.

Howard asked Eric what his follow up question was going to be for John. Eric said he was hoping to tell John he wanted to meet one of John's friends and pass along a DVD of his appearance on the red carpet at the premiere so John could have it.

Howard had Ralph on the line so he could try and explain this to Eric. Ralph asked Eric if he has any sense of humor and if he gets the show at all. It doesn't seem like he gets the show at all. He wondered what he hears when he listens. Eric said that he has a sense of humor and laughs at the other shit on the show but he's not going to laugh at the stuff they do about him.

Eric said that he likes the jokes that pertain to the other people on the show. Ralph asked him if he understands that he's just as goofable as everyone else. Eric said he guesses that's the way it is but he still didn't seem to get it. Ralph said his questions have to be interesting to the fans who are listening, not just to Eric.

Eric said that he hasn't been able to ask John about anything at any other time so that's why he asked that question. Fred asked him why he would bring something up that had nothing to do with John Cena when he did have the chance to talk to him. Eric said he was going to ask other questions but the guys all told him he should have gotten to his best question for John right off the bat. Eric said that one of his questions was answered before he got on the air. He said he was going to ask him if he had a crush on Kelly Carlson but he had already answered that. Howard and Ralph told him he should have moved on if that question was already answered.

Howard had a rap song that John Cena put out. He didn't play it while he was in there though so he played it for Eric. Eric already knew about it and said he's got a whole album out. Howard told him he should have brought that up when he called in.

Eric said that the two people who got naked during the ECW thing last night were two women who were at his movie premiere. Captain Janks called in and said that they need a translator for Eric and we should never hear his voice on the air again. It should be Will asking the questions. Ralph said that's not right, he wants to hear him on the air.

Kevin Lofton [ www.KevinA.tv ) called in and asked Eric to write his own Eric the Midget cartoon so he can animate it. He said he would do anything he wants. Eric said he could possibly think of something. Everyone else came up with ideas for the cartoon but Eric wasn't coming up with anything. They were suggesting that they have Eric banging all of the American Idol chicks. Artie suggested that they have John Cena eat Eric and shit him out. Howard said they could also have John shove Eric up his ass as a Ben Wah ball. Howard thinks that he could get John to play himself in that cartoon as well.

Eric didn't like any of those ideas. Kevin told him he'd do anything he wanted him to. Howard told Kevin and Eric that the cartoon that Kevin created that aired on Howard TV is the most viewed episode on the service at this point. It's in the 9/27 daily episode at the end of the show.

Howard said he wants Kevin to do a cartoon where Eric is used as a human dildo and they end up giving someone a Dirty Sanchez. Eric didn't like any of those ideas. Ralph asked Eric where his video of the interview with John Cena is. Eric said he sent the audio to Will, Jason and Richard as an MP3 file but Gary said none of them got that file.

Gary said that he spoke to a guy who was on the red carpet with Eric and they were all asking him if he had batteries in his tape recorder. Eric insisted that it was working but other people could see that it wasn't working and eventually got it fixed for him. Howard came up with some more ideas for Kevin to animate. He wanted Eric to play a 13 year old boy who was enticing guys to come over to have sex with him for Dateline but the guys don't get caught, they just attack Eric and shove him up their ass.

Howard told Eric that he has to be prepared when he calls in from now on. Eric said he's okay with that. He also wanted to know if Kevin Lofton is related to Kenny Lofton. Ralph laughed and asked him if he has heard a word they've said over the past half hour. Eric asked when Brooke Hogan was coming in because he wants to ask her some questions. Gary said she's coming in sometime in the next two weeks.

Eric said that he wanted to ask her something when she comes in so Howard had him ask the question he wanted to ask. He wanted to ask her about some appearance she made or something so the guys all told him he's got to do better than that. Ralph tried to help him by having him ask her about her sex life or something like that. Surprisingly, Eric played along for a short time and tried to ask some questions. Then he said he should be able to come up with something in the next two weeks.

Howard had Ralph play the part of Eric so they could give him an example of how to do this whole thing. Ralph paused for a few seconds and did his impression of Eric asking her questions. His impression was even bad and his question was just as boring as the questions the real Eric was asking. Howard asked Eric if he understood what they were talking about now. Eric grunted and said he got it and would try to come up with something.

Howard gave Eric a quick F, Marry, Kill game. He gave him Brooke Hogan, Kelly Clarkson and John Cena. Eric said that he would have to kill John Cena since he's not gay. He would then F-Kelly Clarkson and marry Brook.

Ralph told Eric that he should come up with some questions and run them by Howard before Brooke comes in. Ralph did his impression again and asked Robin what kind of gas she puts in her car. Eric had a real question and asked when the DVDs of the Hogan Knows Best seasons one and two are coming out. Everyone laughed since that was another boring question. Ralph was laughing hysterically as Howard let Eric go. Ralph got off the phone a short time after that."
Tito Ortiz-Ken Shamrock III Draws Knockout Ratings For Spike TV
More Men 18-34 Watch Than MLB Playoffs On FOX
Over 4 Million Tune In To UFC Fight - Most Watched UFC Fight In History
NEW YORK, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- The final chapter in the long-running feud between UFC legend Ken "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Shamrock and Tito "The Huntington Beach Bad Boy" Ortiz achieved record ratings for Spike TV and the Ultimate Fighting Championship(R). The two hour live UFC fight card on Tuesday, October 10 (8:00-10:00pm ET/PT) from the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla. drew 4.2 million viewers, topping out at 5.7 million from 9:30pm-9:45pm. The two-hour event drew an impressive 500,000 more Men 18-34 head-to-head against the MLB playoffs on FOX (1.6 million - 1.1 million). Ortiz won the main event with a first-round knockout over Shamrock.
Overall, the fight card drew a 3.1 household rating (2.8 million homes), 4.46 M18-49 (2.4 million), and a 6.0 M18-34 (1.6 million).
"The fact that more young guys have chosen to watch this huge UFC fight over the baseball playoffs speaks volumes on the rising popularity of the UFC and mixed martial arts in America," says Kevin Kay, General Manager, Spike TV.
"Last night was a turning point for the UFC. This will further drive the evolution of mixed martial arts into a mainstream sport," said Dana White, President, Ultimate Fighting Championship.
Photo: NewsCom: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060322/NYW096LOGO 
AP Archive:
PRN Photo Desk,
[email protected] Source: Spike TV

Thanks to Mike Informer sending in this article:  I had this article about a month ago, it is now in Slam! Sports:  SLAM! Sports - Wrestling - A heartbreaking visit with Luis Martinez

Bob Sapp is now looking for bookings. His agent, Michael Connette can be reached at [email protected]

Hoosier Pro Wrestling Debuts in Indianapolis, IN on Sunday October 15th at Park Tudor High School doing Fundraiser Show for The TimmyFoundation.Org
HPW Wrestling
Park Tudor High School - 7200 N College Ave, Indianapolis, IN
Belltime 2:45 PM Doors Open 2:15 PM
Tickets $10 Family Ticket $25 up to 4 people
Special Appearance by WWE Hall Famer
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
Diceman Ronnie Vegas, TVZ, Bobby Black, Donny Idol, Mr. Smiley
Pastor Pain, The Bouncer, Cousin Cooter, and much more
Plus 2 matches involving the Timmy Foundation Superstars
taking on the Doctors!!!!
We invite all Indianapolis Wrestling Fans to come and help us make this a success for a great of Superstars The Children of the TimmyFoundation.ORG
For info
[email protected]

These results were taken from parts of Blair's Russel's review:


The Heartbreak Express (w/ Amy Vitale) came out for an interview. They said that Black Market wasn't there due to "food poisoning", so thus they were upset that they weren't in the main event anymore.

1. Craig Classic (or maybe it was Classic Craig; blame it on the ring announcers) defeated Nooie Lee. Chris is the former Dragon Warrior, who just recently returned from another tour of Big Japan Pro Wrestling. This appeared to be a first-time-ever matchup, and it was fine, mind you, but to me it seemed like when it really got going, it suddenly ended; oh well, the next time they face off they might end up doing even better. It should be noted that Chris did a Curbstomp (it's odd that I haven't seen any other local indy wrestlers use moves like these) and then from there rolled up Nooie, while hooking the tights too. At least the crowd enjoyed yelling at Craig for his heelish ways.

2. Alex Pourteau defeated Romeo Valentino. Just like Craig, Alex cheated to win. Funnily enough, though, for most of the way Alex and Romeo were all handshakes and respect. I heard Romeo's name on the show beforehand, and I was wondering who that guy was, as the name sounded somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place it. Finally, I was told that he used to be in Maryland, but recently moved down here, and looking online confirms that for years he used to wrestle in Maryland, so he's no spring chicken himself. At least he got props from me for using a live version of KISS's "Heaven's on Fire". This was another fine match that was certainly old-school in nature (i.e. what the bucolic crowd liked; believe me, this was an FIP type audience, as I saw some funny looking people! There were a few rat tails and mullets too, but again, they made for a nice crowd). We saw such things as the monkey flip, the test of strength, and the sunset flip, to give examples of what type of match it was. Those two were appropriate for each other, trust me.

3. Hack Meyers defeated Daron Smythe. Daron come out to a different version of "Fame", and I'm talking about the David Bowie tune, not the theme to that movie! The crowd immediately hated his cocky ways and his purple outfit. It proved to be quite the contrast to Hack and his good old boy disposition. The crowd was happy to bark along with Hack, must to Smythe's dismay. This was a good bout; nothing was exactly complex, but the crowd loved it and most importantly, it wasn't boring or dull. Hack spent the opening minutes working Daron's left arm, only for he to take advantage with eye rakes, which he did a few times to keep control. However, Hack won it in the end with a bulldog headlock. Afterwards Hack thanked the crowd for supporting him.

Intermission time; this lasted around 15 or so minutes.

4. The Heartbreak Express (w/ Amy Vitale) defeated Scott Commodity-David Mercury. Scott and David were originally going to wrestle each other, but with Black Market not there, they instead teamed. Luckily enough, they had matching gear, and they worked well as a team. Both have spent a lot of time teaming with other people (David with Sam Stash, Scott with Preston James) so I wasn't surprised that they would end up being a good team. The good guys started off the match with the advantage, targeting various bodyparts, and even at one point, taunting Sean Davis, who was on the apron, thus twice preventing Phil from tagging his partner in. The crowd enjoy that; they sure as heck hated Sean, Phil, and Amy. Regrettably, the kids in the front row ended up being real shitheads... as usual for society today, the parents thought that at a public event, other people should babysit their kids rather than them having to do it themselves. Thus, it took a few people to yell at those brats to stop physically touching Amy Vitale before they stopped harassing her in that manner. Anyhow, this match got quite a bit of time, but it was never boring; I thought it was quite good, as a matter of fact. One humorous moment was when Sean Davis dropped an elbow on Scott, and Scott launched a projectile of spit that went quite high up into the air; it reminded me of how at the MXPW Lords of the Ring show, you had quite a few instances of people expectorating bodily fluids, so to speak. The ending came when the good guys had the bout won, but the ref was distracted, so Amy came into the ring and just thwacked Scott Commodity with her purse, thus allowing the Express to get the pin.

5. Chaz defeated Scott Davis. The crowd seemed to remember that Chaz used to be Headbanger Mosh oh so many years ago. It didn't take a whole lot for the audience to hate Davis and his Karate Kid music-using self. He spent the opening minutes of the bout stalling on the outside, which only incited the crowd even more. This was a good bout; certainly better than Chaz's match with The Warlord back in April. Again, it wasn't revolutionary, but the crowd liked it, and again, it wasn't boring. Things went back and forth and suddenly, Chaz got the win by holding onto the tights. Later, he said "It's not cheating unless you get caught", which is a great life lesson to learn… I'm being facetious, don't worry. After the match, Scott was a poor sport, as he blindsided Chaz and a few guys had to come out of the lockerroom to separate the two. They set up a rematch for the next time MXPW is in town, which is schedule to be January 13th, and it will be a lumberjack match too.

6. Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Kahagas fought to a no contest after the Heartbreak Express interfered. You see, they were happy that they weren't in the main event… maybe those two will face off against Kahagas and Jake Roberts at the next show, but that wasn't made explicitly clear. The crowd actually liked both guys; I've noticed from my previous trips to this part of Florida that Kahagas is just over like Rover. It's not like he got cheered because he recently became number one on the heavyweight rankings of www.floridaindies.com : ) Admittedly, Jake did look quite a bit better here than he did when I saw him in April against Chris Kanyon. He was in better shape than in April, and he looked to be less "chemically influenced", although once again he came out to the psychedelic tune "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In); make your own jokes if you'd like. I'd say this was alright, since the crowd was into it, cheering on both guys, and there were even some cool moments, like initially Kahagas nailing Jake with some hard chops, but a minute later Jake blocked Kahagas's arm from delivering some more chops to his chest. As the match wore on Jake did run out of gas, but again it was a better match than what he had in April. The Heartbreak Express and Amy Vitale did a run in. The Heartbreaks ended up getting beaten by Kahagas and Jake, then Amy was laid out on the mat, so Jake whipped out his big snake and was going to stick it in a private area but then just draped it on her… of course, by "big snake" I'm referring to the giant yellow-colored snake that was in his bag; what else would you think I'm talking about?



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