• 03/11/2008 (3:37:21 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Hello There.
   I thought I'd share a couple of meet & greets with the WWE here in Bakersfield, CA back in November, 07.  A local car dealership advertised for weeks to come meet Rey Mysterio at 11:00am on a Monday.  So about a 100 or so fans pull their kids out of school early and head to the Auto Mall.  About 10:30am they announce the Rey canceled and Kane was taking his place and was on his way.  So a couple hundred kids wearing Rey Mysterio Masks and holding Rey's action figures are let down and their parents were pretty angry about pulling them out of school so about half the crowd leaves.  So I jump on my cell phone and have my wife bring my WWE Programs, Cards & Kane figures.  I give about 10 kids a Kane card to have signed cause nobody has any Kane stuff with them.  So Kane shows up to about 75 people and signs everything you put in front of him and shakes your hand and thanks you for coming out and you can take as many pictures as you want.  Needless to say Im a huge Kane Fan now...
   Then at 5:00 pm that same evening Batista is doing a Book Signing at the local Bookstore and to get an autograph you have to get a colored wristband for every book you buy.  I buy 2 books and spend a lot in the process.  I go back to the bookstore at 4:00 and theres about 5 different colored wristbands and everybodys standing everywhere but in a line.  They start forming a line around 4:30 and nobody is sure what colored wristbands go first or last or somewhere in between.  Batista shows up on time and they rush him to a table to start signing. I notice that the line is moving very fast and within 20 minutes were almost at Batista's table. We hear the lady telling everyone "No Cameras and Batista will not sign anything but the Book"  So I dont attempt to bring out one of my 3 Batista figures I brought cause he wasnt signing them anyways.  But Im set on getting me a close up picture so I keep my camera ready.  The lady tells my "No pictures."  But I insist.  I tell her I just spent $70 bucks on his books and Im going to take a picture since I waited and hour to see him.  She tells her coworkers that I wont listen to her and to help her out with me.  She takes my books and tries to give them to Batista while I hold back from the table.  So I go around her and tell Batista that my wife and I are huge fans.  He was very cool with us.  I ask him if he is cool with me taking a picture of him?  He says "Sure" with a smile. So Batista and my wife are posing for the pic and the lady is saying "Sir, Sir, Your holding up the line Sir, No photos!"  In the end I got my autograph books and 2 awesome photos and Batista had nothing to do with their rude and unprofessional behavior. 
Check out photos..
  Peace Out...   Rob

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