• 04/10/2008 (2:58:57 am)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


Last night I went to the WWE house show in Trenton, NJ to promote my upcoming Fan Slam Wrestling Fan Festival 15th Anniversary Convention on June 21st in Totowa, NJ. After passing out a ton of flyers (and thank you goes out to Tiger Mulligan and Dr. Juan for helping me out), we went inside to check out the show. I have to say I enjoyed myself. It's been the first time in a few years that I went to a house show. I'd say it was about only 75 percent filled, as the entire upper tier was empty.
William Regal opened the show putting over what the fans were going to see during the show. Nice touch for an opener. Having the general manager open up the house show gave it that "special feel" to it. The kids in attendance (and the majority of them where) thought they were going to see something special.
The show opened up with Carlito working against Brian Kendrick. Good opener. The match started out with Carlito as the heel but midway through he was working like a babyface. By the end of the match Kendrick was babyface again and went over clean. Nice opener. Carlito worked the crowd really well, including going into the crowd a few times.
Paul Burchill was up next against DH Smith. There was nothing wrong with the work in this match, but both guys didn't interact with the crowd at all. That's the problem with Burchill. While he might be a great ring general, he doesn't know how to work the crowd what so ever. Neither did. They went through the motions. The fans didn't care at all about this match. They called DH Smith the Canadian Bulldog. Why not just call him the new British Bulldog? They dropped the ball on this kid. They should build him up and showed old video packages of his father. Whatever.
Charlie Haas was up next against Ron Killings. Killings came out to some really bad music. I hope they don't keep him with it. I can't see them doing so. Killings was over with the crowd, which is a good thing. I think he will get over with the audience once he debuts on TV. Haas is a great worker. He knew how to work the crowd very well and everything he did looked good. Too bad WWE can't seem to find something for him to do. Killings went over and it appeared he hurt his shoulder. The referee put up the X symbol and they brought out a stretcher for him. Killings walked back to the locker room though.
Snitsky was up next against Val Venis. No matter how bad they jobbed out Venis through out the years, he's still over with the audience. I still think they can do something with him in a mid-card storyline with someone. Nothing special. The entire crowd started chanting "brush your teeth" at Snitsky. At least the fans knew the current storylines. Snitsky over.
Next up was a Diva's tag team match that saw Marie and Mickie James against Beth Phoenix and Katie Burchill. Fans were into Marie and Mickie BIG TIME. Decent match for what it was, with the babyfaces over clean.
They then had an intermission.  They announced they will be back in Trenton on December 27th. The new Thank You Ric shirts were there for sale. They are going to be a hot seller.
Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes took on Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Good match. Murdoch looks great and lost a ton of weight. Cade and Murdoch were great working the audience, especially Murdoch. Fans were into this match. Babyfaces got the win and Cade and Murdoch teased the break up again. Cade left Murdoch.
Santino Marella was up next and cut a great promo that had the audience in stitches. He's so entertaining. He talked for a few minutes and Umaga came out to a BIG POP. He squashed Santino. If they were testing Umaga as a babyface at this house show, it went over big time. I think Umaga can be over huge as a babyface. They need the right storyline though to get him over. He was also so over as a babyface because Santino did an AWESOME job getting him over. Santino was the most entertaining part of the show.
The main event had Randy Orton defending the title against Triple H. Very good match. These two guys work great with each other and this match was no different. It was a real good old school match. Regal interfered for the DQ. Triple H gave Regal the pedigree afterwards. Triple H then gave Orton the pedigree as well to send the fans home happy.
With there not really being any big names on the show, I thought the crowd really enjoyed the show and it was pretty good. Was it loaded up with big stars? No! Was there dream matches you couldn't wait to see? No! But it was an entertaining show promoted on a Tuesday night in New Jersey featuring some of the superstars of Monday Night Raw. Did the fans leave happy? Yes! In a small town like that, that's all that matters.
Fan Slam Wrestling Fan Festival 15th Anniversary Convention takes place on June 21st at the Holiday Inn in Totowa, NJ from 8:30 AM to 5 P.M. Appearing live at this event include TOMKO, AL SNOW, NICK DINSMORE (Formerly Eugene), SCOTT TAYLOR (Formerly Scotty 2 Hotty), JOHN CENA SR., DAIVARI, VITO, BILL DEMOTT (Formerly Hugh Morrus), J.J. DILLON, and KEVIN KELLY. There will also be a ton of different activities at Fan Slam, including the first ever PRO WRESTLING TRICKY TRAY! Some of the items in the tricky tray that you can win include autographed Bruno Sammartino robe, autographed Jake Roberts tights, autographed "Rowdy" Roddy Piper kilt, autographed Rey Mysterio mask, autographed Iron Sheik head dress, and so much more. There will also be a very special door prize for anyone that plays the tricky tray--an AUTOGRAPHED PAIR OF YELLOW TRUNKS SIGNED BY HULK HOGAN! That's right, someone will be leaving Fan Slam with a free pair of signed trunks by the Hulkster. There will also be The John Cena Sr. Show hosted by John Cena Sr. with special guests Scott Taylor, Nick Dinsmore, Vito, and Daivari. There will be a live Shoot Interview with Tomko. There will also be a "Developmental Debate" with Al Snow and Bill Demott, a worm contest with Scott Taylor, So You Think You Can Book contest, Prom Night with Vito, and so much more. Cauliflower Alley Club and Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame will also be in attendance. Missy Hyatt will be there as a vendor guest. Head over now to FanSlamWrestling.com for all the deatils on the 15th Anniversary Convention for Fan Slam The Wrestling Fan Festival. Any further questions you can E-mail us at: [email protected]
Next Trenton show was announced for December 27th.

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