• 05/05/2008 (10:26:12 pm)
  • Georgiann Makropoulos


This week on William Hatfield's The Wrestling Hotseat we are joined by one of the most energetic and exciting personalities in professional wrestling. In this entertaining interview, we are joined by XPW's G.Q. Money, WSX's Fabian Kaelin, and Ryan Katz, now you might wonder, "how did you get three guys on the show at once?" The answer: They're all the same person.  This unique interview provides us with insight into the world's of XPW, WSX, and reality television and how one performer has survived and thrived in all three.

 He is indeed The Greatest Hype Man in the Industry and I encourage you to listen to see why. His passion for wrestling and his excitement for the upcoming XPW: Cold Day In Hell show on May 24th, are more than apparent, his enthusiasm is infectious and his stories are not just fun to hear, but also informative for those wondering "what happened?" with two burgeoning forces in professional wrestling.

 Topics Discussed Include:

 XPW returning on May 24th

why risk it all to go back in the ring?

why XPW didn't work out as well as it could have

If being associated with XPW hurt his ability to work elsewhere

 what hurts the most in the wrestling

 the attraction to such a violent sport

the most mentally tough part of being a wrestler

the emergence of Fabian Kaelin, The World's Greatest Hype Man and Most Hated Announcer

MTV dropping the ball when it came to Wrestling Society X

What He enjoyed most about WSX

If XPW gets the credit it deserves

The Lizzie Borden home invasion

looking forward to this XPW Cold Day in Hell show on May 24th

A great three part question for each of the personalities

Reconciling the stage performer with the day to day

The Future for all three of his personalities, and so much more!





You can download the interview or listen online at

www.myvirtualbc.com  and while you're there check out the other interviews with stars of the WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, and the National Wrestling Alliance, like Doug Basham,Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Vyper,   Amy Vitale, "Ironman" Rob Conway, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Handsome Jimmy Valiant, "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, Bill DeMott, "Southern Justice" Jude Justice, "Tradition" Chris Draven, "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, "Stone Cold" Shark Boy, "The Damaja" Danny Basham, "The ECW Zombie" Tim Arson, and more!


You can also take the show with you on Itunes at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=275126496  


Direct Download Link Direct Download Link: http://www.myvirtualbc.com/gqmoney.mp3


Also available on Myspace at www.myspace.com/thewrestlinghotseat


and Google Video, Imeem, & You Tube, just search for The Wrestling Hotseat!


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